Indexed Summaries of Minor Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-05

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INDEXED SUMMARIES OF MINOR RACING. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Seattle, Wash., June 26, 1906. Ninth day. Wealher cloudy; track fast. H. H. Egbert, presiding judge; Ed. Duke, starter. 111 First Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-JLXT year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 90 Ellerd 3 102 1 McBride 5 S0Tramway 5 111 2 Alarie 6 61575 Elba 4 107 3i Fountain 0 33 Temptation 3 100 4" E Hayes 20 107LIttle Joker 4 109 5V T Sullivan 7 36 Irish Jew 4 109 6 Loague 35 6S Swagger 3 99 7 L Nichols 60 61923 Kindler 6 111 S Earnshaw 7 61921 Mr. Budd 3 99 9 Callahan 60 60053 Ebenezer 4 109 10 Ezell 40 46 Wit 3 102 11 Graham 12 Time. 24. 4Si, 1:14. AViuner J. J. Ellerds b. c, by Hewild Tyna. Start fair. Won handily. Scratched Precious. 11" Second Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 250. JL X O 2-year-olds. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 44WaIter Eckles 106 in Lawrence 4 93Utica 112 22 F Kelly 6-5 93 Lucy C. 107 35 Alarie 15 102 Gold Heather 107 4 L Nichols 25 93 Culmar 103 f T Sullivan H-u Joe Harlan 107 Lcft.Loague 40 Time, 23J. 4S1, 55. Winner IS. Schreibers blk. c, by Salu Virgie D. Start good for all but Joe Harlan. Won driving. 11 i f ird Race One Mile. Purse ?250. 4-.1.0 year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockevs Odds 50 Itudabek 5 107 1 Graham 7 SI Byron Rose S 107 2U Goodchild 4 71Duelist S 107 3 Kcogh 10 GlS05Viona 5 105 41 Crossthwaite 15 59 Our Sallie 6 107 5" Fountain 12 61276Ripper G 107 6 McBride 13"5 55Pachuca 5 105 7 Palms 5 60 Driers 6 105 S Alarie 1 45Rockey 7 no 93 Callahan 12 51 Tomahawk 5 107 10 T Sullivan 20 Time, 25, 40J, 1:14, 1:41J. Winner J. D. Browns b. g, by Wagner Llnnie. Start poor. Won driving. Scratched Pay Me, Hersain. nrr Fourth Race 7-S Mile. Purse 50. 3-t year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 49Thc Huguenot 11 100 In McBride 11-5 70 Miss M. Bowdish 5 105 21?. Palms 20 52 Hagerdon 9 IOC 3U Graham . i-5 :ilUnira F. M. 6 101 4?. T Sullivan 2 49 Yellowstone- 7 109 5" Borel 10 4G Carrick 3 100 6 W Smith 100 60 Hot 7 106 7 Callahan 50 Time. 23. 4SJ, 1:145. 1:27. . Winner Sehubaili and Co.h 1i. g. by Knight ot Ellerslie Moss Rose. Start good. Won driving. Scratched Redwald, Cerro Santa, Fury. Fifth Race Ti 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. nQ O 4-year-olds and upward; To winner 50. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 69Funny Side 5 101 1 T Sullivan 9-5 S3Judge 5 112 2J R Davis 5 61SG9Peggy ONeal 4 101 3 Post 30 GlS7GThe Mist 4 102 V McBride 4-5 01G72 Sandstone 4 106 5l Alarie GO GlS68Epicure 6 112 G F Kelly 40 Time, 23. 48. 1:07. Winner George P. McNeils br. m, by Galore Merrlness. Start good. Won handily. 11Q Sixth Race 1 Mile aud 50 Yards. Purse JLXt 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 50. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 70 Dewey 7 105 l1 Lawrence 11-5 27 Dixie Lad 4 106 2J Stewart 15 94 Lucian 5 10S 3l Alarie 6 107Water Cure 9 109 4i W Smith 6-5 94 Harbor 5 103 5li KIrschbaum 5 60 Lone Wolf 4 104 6 Keogh 50 Time. 24J. 4SJ. 1:144, 1:40, 1:431. Winner B. Schreibers br. h. by Sain Sister to Uncle Bob. Start good. Won handily. DENVER, COLORADO. Denver, Col., June 27, 1906. Tenth day. Weather clear; track fast. First Race 1-2 Mile. Purse 00. 2- J year-olds. Maidens. To winner 50. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 51 Zellna 109J 1 Donovan 25 6103S Marie Esher 115 2 Johnson 9-5 S9Doric 115 3i Travers 3 S9Darian 118 4 L Wilson 10 51 Montauk Neil 10S 5 Gross . 20 S9 Lew Dockstader 108 6 VIckrey S S9 Canto Beach 10S 71 Singleton 5 Roxey B. 115 S Recce 20 Time, 231, 001. Winner George Dullns b. f, by Woolsthorpe Zelica. Start good. Won driving. I 91 Second Race 1 1-8 Miles. Handicap. JLlJ. Value. 00. 3-year-olds and upward. To winner 05. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 109Jack Little 5 90 1 Manders 10 93Los Angeleno 7 10S 25 L Wilson 25 61114 Corrigan 7 113 31 Travers 3-5 63Fred Hornbeck 4 99 4 Irwin 12 9SThe Southerner 5 105 5 Furman 12 Time. 20, 52, 1:171. 1:571. Winner J. T. Robblns b. g, by Figaro Guiltless. Start good. Won easily. IOO Third Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 96 The Roustabout 4 109 11 Singleton S-5 9GLlttle Gregg 6 99 2l Manders 2J 96Blumenthal 5 110 3 Travers 3 59252VassaIo 7 99 41 Donvitz 30 61 Kate Zitt 4 106 5 VIckrey 20 61347 Haven Run 5 9S 6l Liehe 20 61671 Mountebank 9 107 7 Butwell 20 Time. 24, 4S, 1:141. Winner Fred Krafts eh. g. by. George Kessler Beetle. Start good. Won handily. Scratched Mabel Bates, Castlcgregory, Dubar. 1OQ Fourtli Iiace C 1-2 Furongs. Purse 00. JO 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 50. Ind Howes AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 113T. Jo 4 109 1 L AVilson 4i 63 Sissenvine S 106 2 Liehe 3J 77 Miss Topsy 3 100 7l Singleton 5 55 Salem A 109 4 Johnson 20 100 Lady Thelma S 109 5 Spargur 30 87 Peter Parley 2 103 G Hullcoat 15 99 Byplay 4 112 71 Brown 9 GlHondoo 4 109 Si Gross 15 100Buckster Hodi 4 109 9 Vickrey 5 Gl Carnival 5 111 10 Stcirens v40 Time, 242, 481, 1:00. Winner J. Reeds b. g, by Isaac Murphy Amanda Powell. Start good. Won easily. It A Fifth itnceC 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. -Jtt 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 50. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 20 Master Prim 5 114 1 Barron 3 SSNellie May 7 104 25 Weinhold 6 S7My Order 4 109 31 Travers 5 56 El Paisano 4 991 4l L AVilson 7 SG Jillott 3 . 991 5 Barrett 11-5 100 Idogo 7, 111 Gi Stevens 15 113 Bluish 5 111 7 Johnson 15 75 Nettie C. a 104 S Manders 15 Time. 24 . 48, 1:003. Winner Mrs. S. R. Lawrences br. h. by Golden Dawn Miss Prim. Start good. Won easily. Scratched Almonte, My Surprise. - Sixth Race1 3-8 Mile. Purse 00. For XaJU beaten non-winners at this meeting. To winner 50. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 7 Unmasked 9 106 1 Johnson 41 IS Lord Nelson . 3 105 2l Sandy 5 97Redan 7 111 31 L Wilson 2 97 Valencia 3 93 4 Manders S 61 Ben Lear 6 111 5 Morlarity 5 73Queen Victoria S 112 6 Osborn 6 61 Swell Girl 3 103 7 Brown S Time. 23J. 47J, 1:01J. Winner Irvin Bros blk. g. by Douiiiro Merc Hill. Start good. Won easily. Scratched Mrs. Bob, Dick Slaughter, Aaron J. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Seattle, Wash., June 27, 1006. Tenth day. Weather cloudy; track fast. 1 Ofi First Race 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-XJyJ year-old. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 91 Tavora 103 1 McBride 11-5 106 Rosearo 105 2 Tullett 25 91 Cazazza 105 3J C Williams 10 105Monsie Moble 103 4l Lawrence 3J 79 Colonel Jewell 103 5U L Nichols 150 90 Wheatstone 100 61 R Davis 15 105 Seed Cake 103 7 J Clark 20 103 Miss Spokane 103 8 Earnshaw 50 33 SIcyon 103 Left.E. Sullivan 50 6SKumiss 103 Left.Crsthwaite 11-5 Time 24, 40, 1:15, 1:28. Winner II. Macks b. f, by Balgowan Nance ONeil. Start bad. Won easily. Scratched Slzz. rr Second Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 4-J It i year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odda 61744Linda Rosa 4 107 1 Callahan " 21 91 Enchanter 4 105 2 Alarie 5 101Bear Hunter 4 105 3" Keogh 13 90LlttIe Buttercup 4 103 41 J Clark 36 Willie Gregg 5 103 51 J Smith 10 91 Bell Reed 6 101 6 A Williams 41 55 Maxtress 5 103 7i Rettlg 50 90 Dr. Sherman S 105 Sl T Sullivan 13 61102 Bessie Wellly 6 109 9 Herbert 30 61839 Rey Dare 8 109 10 E Hayes 40 Time. 24, 4SJ. 1:14. Winner Miller and Herolds b. in. by Watercress Red Rose. Start good. Won easily. Scratched Ultruda, Mintaka. Third Race 3-1 Mile. Purse 50. 4-. 19Q 0 year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 01013 Belle Kinney 4 102 1 L Nichols 5 49Florcnce Fonso 5 102 2i F Wilson 13 70 Susie Christian 5 103 3J J Clark 5 614S2 .Tolly Witch 4 107 4U McBride 15 90 Matt Hogan 9 105 5 Graham 12 36Alice Cary 6 107 6 Alarie 11-u 61S37 El Verraco 5 109 7 II Smith 40 81 Doctor C. 4 10S 8 Chandler 30 91Paddy Lynch 4 105 9 Rettig 5 Time. 231, 47J, 1:14. Winner Al Goodins- b. in, by Bclvidere Miss Kinney. Start good. Won easily. Scratched Ocyrohe, Sid Sliver, La Taranta. Fourth Race 1 1-10 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Renton Handicap. To winner 25. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 27Massa 4 106 U McBride 4-5 95 Ha 3 S7 2 Callahan 13 93Boloman 3 91 3 J Clark S 5SBombardier 5 99 4 R Davis 10 G7Yeoman 4 101 5l T Sullivan 6 C1923 Christine A. G 98 6 W Smith 5 Time, 24, 40, 1:131. 1:40J, 1:47. Winner W. II. Hammonds eh. g. by Masetto- Satisfaction. Start good. Won ridden out. 1 OA Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-IOU year-olds and upward. Selling. To winner 50. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 61746 Lotta Gladstone 3 S7 l1 Callahan 13 HSJudge 5 105 2n R Davis S-5 GlS3SCerro Santa S 96 3?, KirMchbaum 9-5 61923Ink G 104 4h T Sullivan 60 70Pelham 4 !l 5 J Clark 5 69 Fisher Boy 4 101 6 "D Weber 25 399S4 Good Cheer 5 101 7 E Hayes 23 Time, 241. 4SJ. 1:14. Winner R. II. Harris" b.f. by Jean Bereaud -Silk Stocking. Start good. Won driving. Scratched David Boland, Magrane. 1 Q1 Sixth Rice 1 1-S -Allies. Purse 50. 4-IOI year-olds nnd upward. Selling. To winner 00. Ind Horses AgeWtFin Jockeys Odds 92Hoodvink 7 103 In McBride G 71Iras 6 100 2 C Wright 7 119 Harbor 5 100 Kirschbaum 5 94AV. B. Gates 10 107 4 Keogh 25 94Wentick 5 110 5 Alarie 13-5 107 Expedient 9 106 G Chandler 20 Time, 25, 403. 1:155. 1:411. 1:53J. Winner A. G. Dunlaps blk nu by AValercress Gladeyes. Start good. Won all driving hard.

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