untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-05


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TEXAS RACING CIRCUIT SAN ANTONIO INTERNATIONAL FAIR, . . . SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. . . . Dates: October 30-November 11, inclusive. 5,000 PURSES AND STAKES 5,000 HARNESS STAKES: RUNNING STAKES: EDGEWOOD DISTILLING CO. STAKE TEXAS BREEDERS STAKE 5 fnrlongs.,000.00 Trotting, 2:35 class ,000.00 For 2-year-olds, bred by members of STAKE- 5KErS"S2 IH?2E5K22At Pacing, 2:20 class , 1,000.00 oo oo l miie 1,000.00 THE ALAMO STAKE . For 3-year-olds and upwards. Trotting, 2:18 class 1,000.00 SAN ANTONIO BREWING ASSOCIA- THE MISSION STAKE TIN f E tnrUa 1,000.00 Pacing, 2 :12 class 1,000.00 DR pREDEDicK j. FIELDING STAKE Purses 00 for 2 :08, 2 :25 and 2:15 class pacing. 1 1-10 miles 1,000.00 Purses 00 for 2: 12, 2:24 and 2:40 class trotting. For three-year olds and upwards. M. N. MAC FAR LAN, Presiding Judge. STAKES CLOSE AUGUST 1. WRITE FOR ENTRY BLANKS. RUNNING PURSES, 36-O0.00 EACH. J. M. VANCE, Secretary, San Antonio, Texas. CITY OF TRAVERSE SaK,5xSlSr.SK Leave Barrys dock, foot of Kast Michigan St.. at 1:15 p. m., touching at Government pier off South Chicago at 2:30, taking on passengers from 02d St. S. S. Lena Knobleeh leaves ."ith St. pier :it 2:M;, transferring passengers to Traverse off that iwunt. Patrons who cannot take passage on the Traverso at 1:15 down town or the Lena Knobbx-h at 55th St. at 2:00. may reach the Traverse later bv tukiusr the launches at 02d St. bridge. South Chicago, for Government pier, at which Traverse will touch about 2:30. RETURN TRIPS will be made as follows: S. S. Lena Knobloch will debark passengers for r5tU St. pier at 4:30 and after last nice, making a second trip to 55th St. The Traverse will touch at the Government 1Ier at 5:00, from which launches will transfer passengers speedily to 02d St.. South OhiciKro. Following last race. Traverse will proceed to her dock down town as heretofore. ROUND TRIP 50 CENTS, covering full passage at all points. Bus line has been established between corner Randolph St. and Wabash A v. aud Barrvs dock. Service every ten minutes, last bus leaving at 1:00 p. in. sharp. YESTERDAYS TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL was: SOUFRIERE 8-5 3rd 15.0 0 is what a 0.00 straight bet won since June 1. Thursdays Special, No. 788. Entry LIt-709-717-723-721-717.748-753K-751.;56-758-M. The cost is only .00 per month, 25 cents per copy. Can you afford to be without It at ten times the price! T. C. WOOD Se CO., Pub. Room 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Phone, Central 5825. ARE YOU A LOSER? If so, why not lay against em and get even. One hundred shares ut 00.00 per share. Book to be made uu western aud southern trucks by experi-fiiiotnl bookmaker. Address, H. C. WINKLEBBET, 39 State Street, Room 300, CHICAGO, ILL. i AiiV. THE ILLINOIS wfi5ST Room 628, 225 Dearborn St. Tel. Harrison 1870. DISHABILLE Special 3-1 WON ETHON Special . . . 7-5 WON 8 1 THURSDAYS CINCH 8-1 We know hes fit sure and easy money. 2 BPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED 3-1 PLUNGE ON BOTH 4-1 Two Corkers good as gold dont miss them. BIG KILLING SATURDAY! NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. Hoom 37,71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. cnterjy Hpeclal. withdrawn. Thursdajn Special: Arizona. Melody, Mystery, Swallow. SO Winners out of 86 Starter. 91.00 per month; 23 cents per copy. Tel. Central C72V.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906070501/drf1906070501_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1906070501_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800