Branches Wins Latonia Stake Feature: Steeplechase An Interesting Spectacle - Large Attendance - Cook May Sell All of His Horses, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-05


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BRANCAS WINS LATONIAS STAKE FEATURE. Steeplechase An Interesting Spectacle Largo Attendance Cook May Sell All of His Horses. Cincinnati, 0., July 4. Splendid weather and the prospect of witnessing some good sport attracted a tremendous crowd to Latonla today. In fact, the attendance approached the record established Decoration Day when the biggest assemblage ever gathered at this course passed through the turnstiles. William Genus Brancas. which won the feature race, the Cincinnati Hotel Handicap, gave an exhibition such as is seldom seen. He was at one time during the runing of the race fully a sixteenth of a mile in the rear of the other horses and apparently hopelessly out of It. Gradually he decreased tlie distance that separated him from his opponents and, wearing them down one by one with an amazing display of speed and gameness, won drawing away from Alma Dufour amidst the greatest applause ever accorded a winner at tills track. The track, which was partially lumpy and stiff, was exactly to his liking and therefore the smart element accorded him the post of honor and backed him liberally at a short price. Alma Dufour ran a sparkling race and gave evidence of returning to her best form, but under prevailing conditions, she was held safe by the Gerst candidate. She will improve and at the difference of weight allotted them by tbe handl-eapper at their next meeting, the mare will probably reverse this running, especially if the track is in good condition. The steeplechase was immensely enjoyed by tlte spectators, the majority of the horses running well bunched and fencing cleanly. Frank Mes win came in the nature of a surprise and his owner profited little by the victory. Jockey Lawless sustained a fractured collarbone when he was unseated from Jolo at the first obstacle. Owner Bratton was dissatisfied with Porters handling of Greenbrier and complained to the .judges of tlie riders action in pulling the horse up for no apparent cause A rumor was going the rounds today that Fred Cook intends to sell out his entire racing establishment and quit the business for some time. It is said that he will in about three weeks dispose of all the horses owned by him at present. This will include Minnie Adams and all the yearlings recently purchased by him. The yearlings will be sent to New York and sold by auction. Mr. Cook wonld not affirm tlie rumor, but those closely connected gave it as their belief that the horses owned by him would be disposed of. J. S. Bratton lias received an order from the U. S. Government to ship as soon as possible ."00 mares and geldings to tlie Philippine Islands, where they will le used for cavalry purposes. -.Coupons for .theu summer tueejingof thirty-three days were issued today to horsemen. "" To accommodate the extra bettors an additional dollar liooth was placed on the lawn just outside the betting shed.

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