Rockingham Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-05

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ROCKINGHAM PARK FORM CHART. SALEM, N. H July 4, 190C Sixth day. New England Breeders Club. Inaugural Meetin" 1 davs . Weather cloudy; track heavy. No sanctioned bettingT Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, A. B.Dade. Clerk of the Course, A. McL. Earlocker. Racing starts at 2:30. p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures In parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried. DQ11 ft FIRST RACE-5 1-2 Furlongs. 1:00 J 2-107. 00 added. 2-vear-olds. Selling. O Otfc -L Kct val,,e lo winner ?350. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFln Jockeya Owners Trainers 6335DKILLOCHAN w 97 7 4 5" 45 3 Id Noone F McCabe F McCabe 63351:TANAGER 1V.9I 3 1 25 2 21 2 Tadlock E A Chinn 1 T Chinn 6335l3ELMONT W 99 1 2 Ink ll lo 33 AV MclnreMrs AV Gleason AV Gleason G3331 CAPTAIN HALE AVB 97 2 3 31 5 4 A J Carroll M J Daly M J Daly C3351 JIM LEONARD. AV 102 C 5 4J 3J 5 55 Notfcer J L McGinnia J 1 Smith 63354 LADY POCAHONTAS w 03 5 7 7 7 G 6" Gnrner C D Sullivan J Hyncs C3351 GREEN HILL W 102 1 C 6 l 7 7 Cinmins J Hart M A Coleman Tjme. 1:00 J. AVinner Br. e, by Kilmarnock Miss Buttermilk. AVent to post at 2:30. At iost 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; sccontr tlic same: lliinl drivlufr. Killochan wore tins lenders down in Hie last furious anil outstayed Tanager when It came to the deciding drive. Tannger forced the pace and raced Elniont into subjection. The latter showed Hie most early speed, but was tiring at Hie end. Ladv Pocahontas seemed unable to extend herself In the going. Scratched 0320! Ballstou lioy. 04; 03351 Hiram. B2; SOTS Harry Jainieson. 102. O A Q SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 1:53300. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. OOttlO Selling. Net value to winner 10. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St StrFin .Tockey3 Owners Trainers 633S5SAM. H. HARRIS wn 4 106 3 1 ll l1 Is 1 l4 1 Cmmins P II Sullivan J Carroll 63352 NEW YORK w 7 3S 4 3 3s 33 4" 2li 2s 23 Wiley G L Richards P Lightfoot 632623AVES wit 3 S6 1 6 21 2"" 2i 3s 3 V 1 Garner J A Drake E Wishard 6331SLIL1TA ws 3 S4 3 4 4i 4 31 41 4 4" C Sheffield W F Schulte R I Brooks C331S NEVA WELCH w 4 100 6 5 6 G G G 5 3 Lutes "W J Young W .T Young 63353 MONTEBANK wd 5 S3 2 2 5 54 5s 5 C G Keyes Mr Chetland T AVllson Time. 25J, 50, 1:10. 1:44. 1:59. Winner 15. c. by Sir Walter Lindula. Went M post at 2:5G. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same; third handily. Samuel H. Harris made a show of his opponents, opened a winning lead in the tirst quarter and was well in hand all the way. New York found the going to his liking and easily disposed of the others. Wes showed speed, but was tiring at the end. Neva Welch was kicked on the shoulder by New York while at the Kst, brake slowly and ran poorly. Scratched G:!3S33Thespian. 93; 03349 Gloriosa, 03. Overweights Moutcbank. 2 pounds. Q A i A THIRD RACK 7-8 Mile. 1:2S t 103. 00 added. All Ages. Handicap. O QtC JL "Jb Handicap. Net value to winner 90. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Trainers C3343SLlCKAAArAY wsu 3 33 2 3 1 l3 VS l1 l1 Garner W J Young W J Young 63321PALETTE W 5 37 3 1 2l 2k 2l 23 2s AViley G L Richards F Lightfoot 63332INCANTATION w 4 110 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 Cmmins E W Lagerroth R J AValden Time, 23, 401, 1:17, 1:31. Winner 1$. c, by Sanders Born Fool. Went to post at 3:22. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won cleverly; second easily. Slicfc-iway sprinted away from his opponents In the first quarter and opened a winning lead, but had to be shaken up at the furlong post to stall off Palettes challenge. The latter ran well, but was tiriug at the end. Incantation was handicapped by the going. Scratched 033523Broadcloth. 110; 03413New York. 94. i Q A i K FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:105102. Stock Exchange Stakes. Value ,000. l304fcLO 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,450. Ind Horses AWt PPSt M k StrFin Jockeys Owners Trainers 63233YAZD W 114 1 3 2 1 l1 1 11 Cnnnins SW F Schulte R P Brooks 632G2LOTUS EATER WS 12G 3 1 31" 3 2 23 215 Notter Barbarity Stable R .1 AValden 63353 AFRIC JEWEL wit 36 2 2 l1 2 33 33 31 Garner J A Drake E Wishard tC3234ZIKNAP w 113 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Daly AV F Schulte R P Brooks W. F. Schulte entry. Time, 251, 50, 1:10, 1:44. Winner B. c, by Falsetto Gliding By. Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: second easily; third handily. Yazd raced Afric Jewel Into defeat in the lirst half and had enough left to stall oft Iotus Eaters challenge. The latter moved up fast while rounding the far turn, hut tired In the linal drive. Afric Jewel showed speed, but was tiring at the finish. Zienap ran poorly. Scratched 01157 St. Joseph. 115: i33S4 Nellie Burn. .Hi. Q A t FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:405102. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Odb JL O Net value to winner 05. Ind Horse3 AWt PPSt Yt StrFin Jockeys Owners Trainers , 63313COL. LARTLETT w 3 SS 2 G 5" 5s 5 2 luk Sheridan J Griffin J Griffin 6323REBO wn 5 33 6 2 l1 1 ll l1 2 Garner J A Drake 13 Wishard 63317 LAAVSONIAN Wsu 3 31 5 3 2 2l 2 3 33 Notter J L McGinnis J I Smith 63295OSTRICH wn 5 111 4 7 41 43 SJ 43 4 Cinmins T Sexton J Hynes 63317COURT MARTIAL w 3 34 3 4 3 3 41 5 5 Wiley N Dyment .1 Dynient G331S BRA IT ws 3 SG 8 1 S 71 6J 63 61 J Carroll II J Daly M J Daly G33S3 KTTMSHAW ws G 103 7 8 71 C"" 71 71 7"t Keyes Mr Chetland T AVllson 63234MISS HAWLEY w 3 101 1 5 61 S S S S Lutes W J Young W J Young Time. 21, 50S, 1:18, 1:401. . Winner Ch. g. by Cactus II. La Josephine. Went to post at 4:15. At iost 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third easily. Colonel Barilett wore the leaders down while rounding Hie turn into the homestretch and outgamcd Robo when the final drive came. Reho was much used in setting the pace and tireil badly in the last furlong. Lawsonian showed sliced, but was used up in chasing Rebo. Ostrich ran n dull race. Scratched 03413 Wes, SO; 033SlAzeliua, 00; 03292Kings Gem, 03; 03H3Sauiuel H. Harris, 100; 03414Paletle, 101. Overweights Miss Hawley. 2 pounds. CO1 1 7 SIXTH RACE 5-8 Kile. 1:012112. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. O O tfc JL I Net value to winner S345. Ind Horses AWt PPSt Vt 34 StrFin Jockeys Owners Trainers 63320LORD BOANERGES w 107 4 1 1 l3 1 ll Cmmins E W Lagerroth R J Walden G33Ti43MARIPOSA WS 37 5 3 3s 33 3 2l C Sheffield A Weir J Cheney GSSTiDKATItlONA 114 2 2 23 23 2 35 Sperling J A Drake E Wishard G32C4 THKNDORA w 33 3 I 43 4 45 44 Tadlock C Bowman 1 T Cliinn ROCKINGHAM w 33 1 5 5 5 3 5 Notter J Hynes J Hynes Time, 1:02. Winuer Ch. c, by Boanerges Peggy from Paris. Went to post at 4:37. At post 2 minutes. Start poor. Won cantering; second driving; third easily. Lord Boanerges broke in motion and ojiened a winning lead before the others got to going well and was only cantering at the end. Mariposa finished gamely and outlasted Katriona when It came to the final drive. The latter seemed unable to extend herself in the going. The last two were as good as left. Scratched 4J3334IAbiugtou. 90; U33S0 Stray. 10 2: 03320 Sheridan, 102; Peep On, 99.

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Local Identifier: drf1906070501_2_16
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