Coney Island Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-05

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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. SHEEPSHEAD BAY, L. I., July 4, 1906 Twelfth day. Coney Island Jockey Club. Spring Meeting 17 days. Weather clear; .track heavy. 305 liooks on. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Secretary, C. Fellowes. Racing starts at 2:30, p. 111. No recall Hag used. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried. Q Q Q O FIRST RACE Full Course. 5:0035148. Independence Steeplechase. ,500 DOOy J added. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ,130. Ini Horses . AWtPPSt 5 9 14 IS StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C PS C3297KERNEL ws 4 139 2 3 23 2J 2U 25 1 l3 Stoho J "W Colt 4 3 3 1 out C:50S9COLIGNY ws C 1C1 4 4 3 3- 3 3 3" 23 E Heider J E Widener 6-3 S-3 3-2 3-5 out C3241PAUL JONES W 4 149 5 1 1 ll l1 in iJ 35 Mr L EvsT Hitchcock Jr 8-5 13-512-53-3 out G3139 ORO ws 4 142 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 43 Owens T Hitchcock Jr 8-5 13-312-33-3 out C3211 COURIER ws 4 133 1 5 4J 4 4J 4! 4 5 Horner BonniebrobkSble 30 40 15 4 7-5 Coupled In betting. Time, 5:28. Winner Br. c, by Sir Dixon Nutshell trained by M. Daly. Went to ost at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving; third the same. Kernel, most skillfully handled, was patiently reserved in close pursuit of the pacemaker until in the last half, where he was sent along, getting to the front when beginning the final quarter and coming awav fast ill the stretch. Collgny, stumbling frequently, received a weak ride after being carried out on the first turn when beginning the closing mile and could never get up, although going as well as the winner at the end. Paul Jones, inadequately handled, was excessively urged throughout "and went verv wide on the last turn, losing a dozen lengths and may have lieen best. Oro and Courier were never dangerous, always outpaced and hopelessly beaten off at the end. Scratched 5.1005 Balzac, 157; 02009:Prlnce of Pilsen, 139; C3241sGoldfleur, 130. 9 Overweights Courier, 3 pounds. Paul Jones singly, place, evens; show, 1 to 3. Oro singly, place, evens; show, 1 to .1. ftQQQ1 SECOND RACE G 1-2 Furlongs Main Course, 1:1S; 3 103. ,200 added. All O O O Zrdb Ages. IUghweight Handicap, yet value to winner ,000. lind Horses AWt PPSt 4 Ms StrFln Jockeya Owners O H C P S C3219 BILL PHILLIPS wn 3 110 7 1 1 1U 11 DJ W Miller It T Wilson Jr 1G-54 4 C-3 2-5 03039VERIHEST WS 3 103 2 2 22 2 2l 2J H Cochran A W Gilman 10 12 12 5 2 G329S MONET WJi 5 120 3 5 C 4 3 3 Horner J II McCormick ll-52i 11-31-5 1-3 G329S FIREBRAND w 3 100 4 0 51 01 5h 4i Wishard II B Dufyea 10 10 S 3 8-5 C3219 TOOTS MOOK wu 3 120 G 4 4- 3u 41 5 Radtke P J Rainey 4 C C 2 1 QMDIAJIOND FLUSH wn 4 9S 1 3 31 55 6- C Brussel Tt W Nelson 3 4 3. C-3 .1-5 G3298 WARNING WS 3 8S 5 7 7 7 7 7 G Burns AV C Daly 30 50 30 10 5 Time, 12J, 24, 30, 4SJ, l:15i. 1:22. Winner Ch. c, by Ornament Excellent trained by T. J. Healey. Went to ixist at 3:05. At post 2 minute. Start fair. Won easily: second driving; third the same. Bill Phillips jumped into the lead at the start and made the ruuning throughout practically undisturbed. Verllest, in nearest pursuit of the leaders from the start, was the only serious contender. Monet, ridden in a leisurely fashion, moved un slowly in the last quarter and his race should lie thrown out. Firoiranl was seemingly anchored.-In tlie going and the same applies to Toots Mook. Diamond Flush ran verv oadlv and could not stay over three furlongs today. Scratched O3240Kianiesha. 1.17; 0313S5Comedlenne, 110; 03210 Old Faithful, 10S; 03275 Water Tank 100; 03100-Sir Lyiinewood. 110; 02531 Ballotla. 107; 033.11 Artery, 102; 03245 Astronomer, 120. ftQQQ THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile Futurity Course. 1:11-2114. Spring-Stakes. ,000 Vr O V U!. added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,910. Ind Horses AWt PPSt yt StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C PS G3209 ETHON ws 122 4 3 5 41 21 1 J Martin G C Bennett 7-5 7-511-101-2 out G3299RED RIVER Wis 123 1 1 1 1 13 2 W Miller R, T Wilson Jr 21 4 4 i!-5 1-" C31GGCLAUE RUSSELL IV 119 2 2 2 2l 3 3 L WilllamsOnetk Stable 4 C 5 7-5 .1-5 G3192 PHILANDER wn 111 7 5 .4 5 4" 4 Radtke J R Keene 4 6 5 7-5.1-5 C3192 ROSEMOUNT wu 114 5 4 - G3 6: 5 5i Lyne A Belmont 20 40 30 8 3 G3277SOLLY M. ws 122 3 7 7 ,7 7 G3 Bedell F T Meehan 15 40 30 10 4 63164 CHASEAWAY wn Ill 6 6 31 3 G 7 Shaw II B Duryea 50 100 GO 20 S Added starter. Time, 1:14. Winner B. c, by Intrusive Charm, by Faustus trained by C. A. Mulholland. Went to iost at 3:30, At post 2 minutes. Start fair. Won ridden out; second the same; third easily. Elhon got away Hatfooted and was forced to the Inside, where he closeif a big gap, rapidly drawing to the front under the whip midway of the stretch and winning going away. Red River, from a flying sfart, set tlie pace for live furlongs before he succumbed in a brilliant effort. Clare Russell, at the weights, showed high-class form and was in close and strenuous pursuit of the pacemaker to the last turn, where she tired. Philander kept well up to the last turn, where he, too, retired and is of moderate caliber Chaseaway showed good early speed. Solly M. got away. .poorly and can do much better. Scratched 03274 Bird of Paradise, 111. fiQQQft FOURTH RAGE 1 1-8 Miles. 1:52401. Long Island Handicap. ,000 added. U Q O tif J 3:year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,230. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P S 6321.1 DISHABILLE W 4 10S 7 1 3" 31 2 l3 1 H J Martin G C Bennett 3 3 13-31 1-2 G32t33VON TROMP wn 4 103 5 7 and 5 43 2l 2 23 Radtke J R Keene 4 5 5 2 1 63216 GLORIFIER wii 4 110 1 4 11 l1 1U 3 3 31 Wishard L V Bell 7 10 5 2 1 C3275GARNISH wit 5 93 3 5 4 4l 5 5 4 43 Brussel Mrs R Lr Rogers 12 15 13 5 2J G3213 DOLL. SPANKERwn 5 10G 4 2 2l 2 3 4 5 53 W Miller R T Wilson Jr 3 4 4 G-5 3-5 G330O CAIRNGORM wn 4 120 2 6 7 7 7 7 7 G Lyne S Paget 3 5 5 2. 1 G3011 COY MAID w 4 103 G 3 G1 6 61 Ch 61 7 Wr Knapp KenilworthStable 12 15 13 5 2 Added starters. Time, 123. 25. 37s, 402, 1:2. 1:14J, l:2Sfc, 1:42. 1:54 4. Winner B. f, by Kings Counsel Night Gown trained bv C. A. Mulholland. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won in a canter;1 second driving; third the same. Dishabille, bard held, indulged Glorifier early with a small lead, moved up gradually on the far turn still under a pull and when sent along came away suddenly into a long lead and won easing up. 011 Tromp, away slowly, gradually improved his position and, after lieing skillfully reserved for s-o-n furlongs, finished with a fast stretch sprint, but never seriously menaced the winner. Glorllier set the pace for seven furlongs and, after readily relinquishing tlie lead to Dishabille, gamely saved third pl.uv. Garnish finished well. Dolly Spanker ran prominently for six furlongs and then retired as If handicapped by the going. Cairngorm may not have liked the going and ran a bad race. Coy Maid quit early. Scratched 03300 Flip Flap, 100; 5.1213 Bedouin, 102; 030023Colonlal Girl," 114; 03208 Rams Horn, 110; 03330 The Clown, 00. Corrected weights Von Tromp, 105. Overweights Coy Maid, 3 pounds. AQQQ7 FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs Main Course. 1:07 5110. SI ,000 added. 2 vear-Uttlt I olds. Selling. Net value to winner iJSOO. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS G3277 AL POWELL w 112 10 6 lb 1 1 lh I, WilliamsP Powers 3 5 4 S-5 3-5 63.!34JAUNTY w 109 9 4 3i 2i 2 2" AV Miller W II Laudeman 8-5 21 2 4-3 2-3 63277 JUDGE DAVEY w 112 6 3 5 3 3 3 Lyne C DeAVitt 4 5" 5 2 1 6233 LALLY wn 112 S 2 6! 6l 4l 45 Radtke T Monahan 10 10 S 3 S-5 DUNVALLO wn 112 1 9 10 10 9 X- Brussel Delaware Stable 50 GO 60 20 12 632773BEN STRONG wn 112 2 1 2 5 51 6 Troxler L A Cella 6 7 4 S-5 4-5 C2S07 VACIIARIS w 107 3 7 7 7 73 7 Hagan A L Aste 30 50 20 8 4 G3215BLACK MATE wn 112 5 S S5 S1 S S3 J Martin F AV Seeley 10 12 10 4 2 61955 EL DORADO Wit 107 4 5 4 4U 61 9 Pope P Belmont 50 100 100 40 20 G303S ZEBEDEE wu 112 7 10 93 9 10 10 Kermath R T AVilson Jr 30 100 100 30 15 Time, 115, 24s. 49. 1:02J, 1:00. Winner B. c, by St. Maxim Cotton Queen trained by AV. Shields. Wont to post at 4:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good. AAon driving; second and third tlie same. Al lowell, from the outside with a Hying start, set the pace after going the first quarter and just lasted long enough In a long and terrifie stretch struggle. Jaunty, shut oft at the half by the winner, closed up rapidly, but could not quite get up at the end. Judge Davey. after losing ground at a critical moment on the last turn, finished fastest of all and should have won. Lally was going well at th end. Dimvallo, nearly left, closed a big gap. Ben Strong kept pace with the leader to the last turn, where he quit badlv. l.Iack Mate ran poorly. El Dorado showed superior speed early. , patched 5:i2173B.elcast. 112; 03305 Solly M., 112; G3302--Knight of Ivanhoe, 112; 02700 MIntberi.i, 1 00 ; 02S50 Anna C, 108 ; 03215 Kilter, 112. ftQQQQ SIXTH RACE 1 3-4 Miles on Turf. 3:02j 00. ,500 added. 3-year-olds ami vJ O O J O upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ,130. Ind ; Horses AWtPPot and 1 1 Vand StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S C3335LANCSTRIAN wsn 3 113 2 3 33 3" 3 3 3l 1 AV Miller C R Ellison 4-5 1 1 1-4 oitt 63220 PRIORITY wsn 4 93 4 4 l1 ll li 1? I"1 2 G Burns AV C Daly 30 50 20 4 1 63331 O. CROMWELL WB 4 115 3 2 2 2 21 2i 2" 3 J Martin F E Brown 7-5 S-5 3-2 1-3 out G3333 LINDALE wn 4 100 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 Horner J Galway 10 10 7 1 out Time. 135J, 2S, 5G5, 1:24. 1:3SJ. 1:52J. 2:035. 2:10. 2:322, 2:40, 3:123. AVinner B. c, by Kingston Royal Rose trained by G. P. Brazier. AVent to post at 5:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good. AVon easily; second driving; third tlie same. Lancastrian, under a choking pull, was skillfully rated within striking distance for a mile and a half i,d then, being sent along; assumed command in a twinkling and won as his rider pleased. Priority niide the ruuning on sufferance, the pace being very slow, and It probably earned him second place Oliver Cromwell, probably not keyed up for so long a journey, was at a disadvantage under the slow "pice conditions and, after an ineffectual quarter-mile sprint on the far turn, shot his bolt when slral-htenod for home and landed distant third. Lindale, despite the snail-like running, kept far a in the c n re-ir u nml au" -ould ""m " not ,c cope with the others in tlie closing quarter-mile sprint.

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Local Identifier: drf1906070501_2_14
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