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BUTTE PEOPLE WANT NEW CIRCUIT. "Z. G. Stebblns, of Chicago, is undoubtedly correct in his assertion that the establishment of a new racing circuit in this part of the country will be of great benefit says the Butte Montana Miner. "The plan, which has been outlined before. Is to merge into a circuit, such cities as Denver, Colorado Springs, Boise, Salt Lake, Ogdeu, Butte, -Spokane, Helena, Great Falls, Bozeman, Missoula, Livingston, Anaconda and possibly several other towns, and In" fact any town that can stand at least a weeks racing. The different meetings could easily be arranged, according to the sentiment of the patrons of the game, harness events where most desired aud running races, mixed with harness events, in the cities where a mixed meeting would be most patronized. With the circuit managed legitimately, it means the confidence of the people; that will get the crowds and permit of the purses; the purses will get the horses and the combination of them all will bring the bookmakers and the play that is so necessary to any successful -meeting. "Mr. Stebblns scheme is a splendid one. It Is a fact, fully ten per cent, of the horses at the big tracks do not get a chance to start, and everything Is overcrowded. With a guarantee of say one hundred days racing, the best horses in the country could be induced to eoine into the new circuit which, under such conditions as proposed, would be recognized by the heads of racing In America. Everything that experience can teach has been done for beginners in a large race circuit proposition; everything is there, rules to govern every detail and fundamental laws that if observed cannot prevent the success of such an undertaking. Organization along well surveyed lines, conservative management and legitimate dealing Is only necessary in connection with energy directed by business policies, to make the proposed circuit the best thing for the racing game this part of the west has ever experienced, and U is hoped the efforts of those Interested will be successful."