Louisville Entries and Form, Daily Racing Form, 1906-10-16

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LOUISVILLE ENTRIES AND FORM. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth is 3 .pounds. Probabilities: "Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2- year-olds. Selling. Ind. riorses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 05071? .Refined .101 . . X . .725 05071 Alyth OS.. X.. 720 05071 . ..Malta 102. . X . - 715 050513... Judith Louise 1OO..X.-710 05084... .Earl of Leicester 101 710 ClOSOJ.i.Fire Alarm 107 705 05071.... San Ardo 102..X..705 4714 Bonart 110.. X.. 700 02355 Captain MacCormick 104. . X . .700 05015 Seven Bells 100 700 05051 Hereafter 105. . X. .005 04909 Dnlzura 101.. 083 550S4 Attention 100. . X . .075 05047 Bushtliorpe 107. . X . .070 04S50 Avendow 90.. X.. 005 05027 Cackler .... :..... 103. . X . .623 Second Race l.Mile. 3- year-olds. Selling. 05090 Minnehaha 105 725. 022555..:Goldic 10S..X..720 04400 Hadur 10S..X..715- 04000. . . .Ferrouiere . .105 710. G509G3 . . . Dudley 105 710 G4C59. . :.Leo Bright 10S. . X . .700 0.1059. . . . Plnta - 100. . X . .700 05000. . . .Inspector Girl 103. . X . .095 G5039, ...Moccasin Maid 103 075. G5O06 Heart of Hyacinth 10S..X-.003, 04103 Duessa 100 603. 63059 Suzanne Wr X . .000. 5012 ToiuXrowe ..10S. . X . .M0. 52.11 1 OiiraL" , . , . 10S 50 DOrmont. br. c, by. Mont , . dOr .My Baby 105 Third Race 3-4 Mile, Allowances. u. a -S-year-oids. fl30843... Caper -.i..- 09. .X.. 723, U50S4 . . . Lightning Conductor 1 02 ....... 1 20, 05031... Light Wool 97.. 0.. 720 G5009 Electorine OH 715 Q50S4....Camp 09,.X..15 G5063... Grace Larsen 94.. .710 05003 Froward 99. .X".. 703 05099... -.Miss Officious 09. ...700 04315. . . .Antrim , 7.. . 700 54S15S Fair Fagot . . 97. . x 085 53031 Bitter Boy .. 97..X..GS0 5-171515. . . .Dnlweber 91 . . x . .0S0 03701s. ..Captain Hale , 91. .x.. 075 i 55051.... Sam Cook 88.. x 030 Elancer, 11. f, by Wagner Fairoun SS. . . Betty Miller, eh. f, by ...The Elector Emma EamesVl... 8S Fourth Race and-4 Mile. All Ages. Handicap : G509S Goldmato 3..104...X. 750 550S52. . .Envoy 4. .101, . X- .743 55074.. .Weo Lass . 3.. 94... 740 03109.. Hector 3. .109. . . .735 49S5...Gold Enamel 4. .105.. x 735 53085s. ..Pontotoc 4..101.. X .735 03827s... Debar 3. .102. . x . .730 044SS5, ...Major T. J. Carson 5. .103, 730 05074 .... Meadowbreeze 3; . 98. . X . .725 05074 Omar Khayyam 3. 90 726 650243... Marvel P 3;. 93;... 71 5 05014 Miltlades 3. .100. ...710 050S5 Retropaw 3.. 94.. X.. 700 Hall and Marshall entry. 1 . Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 4-year-oJds and upward. Selling. 03339... Harding 0. .111 750 050S7...Ingolthrift ..... 5. .10!. .. .725 54979.--Agnes Virginia 4. .111. .. .720 05083 Revolt , 0.. 115.. X.. 715 G5005 Royal Legend 4. .111,. . X . .715 05052". . . . Alcor 4. .107-, . X . .715 05095.... Clifton Forge 5. .114. . X . .710 530393... Frank Bill 4, .107. . X . .710 04805 Optional 7. .107. . X . .710 G4750 Sharp Boy 4. .111. . x . .710 G5000, ...Lady .Lavish 5. .107. . X.705 050S3 Oddoletta 4. .107. . X . .095 04742. .. .Sincerity. Belle 4..107.X..0S5 04020 Klelnwood n. 114,. ..075 02839 Red Raven 0. .107. . X .075 04900 Lidwlria 4, .107. . X . .005 Sixth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-blds and upward. Selling. 050G45...Eostman 0. .104. . X . .725 G509S Arthur Cummer 4. .111. . X . v715 0507-5.... Juba, 5,. 102.. X.. 710 05097 Captain Bush : 3. .10S. . X . .700 05!t0s...Oratorian 3.. 99 ..700 05100 Lazell 4. .102. . X. .695 65111 Oberon 3. .100. . X . .090 05052 J. P. Mayberry 5. .109. . X . .075 04003 Triple Silver 5.. 102.. X-. 075

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906101601/drf1906101601_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1906101601_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800