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MORE MONEY TO STAKES AND PURSES. Montana Fair and Racinq Association Will Distribute 00,000 This Year. Helena. Mont., January 5.— At the annual meeting of the Montana lair and Racing Association. dates were arranged for the State Fair at Helena ami various county fairs, which include the race meetings. The total amount of .ooo will be distributed to horsemen on the Montana circuit this year. There will l e 0,000 for stakes and 1907.sh0,000 for purses. This is an increase of 5,000 over last year. Each fair in the association will have it least tw» .» racea, Untie. Helena. Anaconda and Missoula with five such each and Great Falls three. The State Fair will Ik during the week be-i-inning September 3ft, and ending October 5. while Butte will have four weeks ending August ]!». The others will have a week each. The other dates cannot he announced, being subject to approval by the board of directors. The legislature will be asked to extend the time of the State Fair to two weeks.