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SHENKLES BUSINESS METHOD used 8 Monday. $ Tuesday, 1 Wednesday, 9 Thursday. 4 Friday, 5 Saturday. Weeks profit 4. How luuih did you lose? Proof of this on tile at our office, also hundred-; of patroafl all over the country and HWll witnesses here. If we did not state facts complaint would be made ami we would ho shut un in a hurry. Follow our method and winners must eome. We reeeive nothing hut continued praise for our Method. Here are two statements -ironjr enough to convince jmi: "Asy one can see it will not fail. I expect to set hack all I have lost." T! ther: "Cant understand why 00 waited so lon : l e!ore shing it to the public. It certainly did not take tin years io prove jmi were right. Anyone eaa see it." We took five years because we mated everything proven beyond question. Onr method i-jin estaldished business, and the only method ever offered that can be followed •■ a business. We nre Making over 1! M» ]ier cent, weekly on the money actually used, am! method will average lufl per cent weekly the year through. We know this is a big thing to say and SOBBda like "hot air." We would not make the statement if we did not have the proof. Get our method and you can prove all we say and make what we make. Easiest, surest money u earth if you go at ir right. Our method will prove that making money at racing is as safe and sure as in any other business. Guaranteed not to tail oi money refunded. Dont have to play a race to prove it. Call rit OhV write for particulars, or, better tilj send $.» at once and go to making money. Its worth Moo ,r anybodys money. S. A. SHENKLE. R. 36, 84 Washington St., Chicago, III.