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CLAMOR, won, 16-1 VON TROMP, won, 8-1 Hundreds of patrons received the above i?lad tidings Friday by phone, wire and mail. Positively no information given out Saturday. Information from Oakland arrived too late. .00 Weekly. 2 Specified Specials Daily. 0 Flat Bet Friday Nets Over 00.00. If- the man that follows Major week in anil we*k out that wins. ThSM that deviate can never win. I bid for your jiRtrorafji merely on my abiity to deliver the roods. Two week.- trial will convince the most skeptical that I am In a clasp by myself. In a nutshell, my famou I system plays, combined with information, are a veritable t?old mine NOTICE ! Contemplative subset .bers will ilnd it to their interest to isSSSriss for two or three weeks subscription in advaiu-e. as this remarbably low rate, *l.OO weekly, will continue but a short time. 225 DEARBORN T p Vf A IHR 0. 00 WEEKLY. R. 709, CHICAGO. A • A • lVlxTLj Vl TEL. 5943 HARR.