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New York Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, July 11. - : AVEATIIER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Il-ycar-olds. Allowances. 577S0 1:00 2 109. Index Course Dlst Time Tck Wt St i y StrFin Jockeys Best Company GENE RUSSELL, ch. c, 2, by Rii sscll Genie S. Deimel. Weight today 119, G9S33 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:0S fast 119 3 3 3 P 1 .1 Martin Ilollister, Jubilee. John Marts. G950S Graveseml 5 1-2 f 1:071 fast 122 2 2 1 ll VI J Martin Smoker, Ilarcourt, Qn Murgiierita G9105 Gravesend 5 1-2 f 1:092 slop S3 3 2 4 l1 Pi 13 Dugan Blue Heron, Ilollister, Alauda. BLACK OAK, blk. c, 2, by Flying Lemur Black Poplar A. Belmont. Weight today 102. Klrst Mart, THE SQUIRE, ch. c, 2, by Trinco of Melbourne Homespun Newcastle Stable. Weight today 112. G99 10 Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:14 3 fast 107 5 111 1J AV Miller Long Ball, nesslan. Number One. C9595 Sheep. Bay 5-S l:00g fast 115 10 10 10 10 10 W Miller Falcada, Ilollister, Jleellck. ZAGG, b. c, 2, by Griffon Gurgle AV. Gerst. AVeight today 102. GirtAs Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:07s rust 112 S G G fi 4" M Preston Nimbus, Jim GalTney, Long Ball. GS797 Chur. Downs 4 1-2 f 55 fast 101 11 4 G2 3 Morlarity G. Dame, L. Baldur. Xf. Talbot. GX52S Lexington 4 1-2 f 551 fast 107 G G 72 5s T Taylor Honest, Ada O. AVnlker, Orlandot. RIALTO, ch. c, 2, by Watercress Teatro A. J. Joyner. AVeight today 102. G99SS Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:07 j fast 112 7 4 4 4 712 Horner Xlinhus, Jim Gaffney, Long Ball. G9SS5 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:0G1 fast 115 4 5 5 52 s"S Horner Spooner, Nimlms, Ilalket. GS734 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 52 good 107 3 3 32 31 Horner Sepoy, Seymour Beutler, Sparkles. BELLWETHER, br. c, 2, by Woolsthorpe Favor Bolls Oneck Stable. Weight today 102. GS3I1 Aqueduct. 4 1-2 f 55 fast 10G 1 1 35 3 H Lowe Apple Toddy. Transvaal, It. Vane. GS304 Aqueduct 1-2 47 slow 107 G 7 7U 7 It Lowe Notasulga, Frizette. M. Robert. GS271 Aaueduct 1-2 47 fast 108 G 6 GJ 5" It Lowe M. Robert. Br.AVhlst. Sen.Beckhm CASTLEWOOD, ch. c, 2, by Elkhorn Lindcmcre J. A. Bennet. AVeight today 102. G9UG5 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:08 fast 102 G 2 2 2 ?,- Garner Alagazine, Biskra. Laughing Eves. G9GX7 Sheep. Hay 5 1-2 f fast 115 - ! 2M II Preston LlveWIre, Kestlgouehe. Sir Cle.ges. K9595 Sheep. Bay ss 1:002 fast 118 4 4 4 D 531 U Preston Falcada, Holllster, Meellek. KEEP MOVING, b. f, 2. by Yankee La Polka F. R. Hitchcock. Weight today 09. 0999 1 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:07 fast 110 2 3 3 4i 4SJ 13 Dugan Bouquet. Explosion, Imitator. G9SG2 Sheep. Bay 5-S l;01g fast 112 9 S S 8l 7" 13 Dugan Notasulga, Julia Powel, Parkview. FILBERT, b. f, 2, by Hastings Fidena A. Belmont. AVeight today 99. G99 19 Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:14? last 107 11 9 10 IF-112 Maderia The Squire. Long Ball, Hessian. G9510 Gravesend 5-8 1:02 fast 109 Hi 1G 1G 14 11 Maderia AVildStar, Dixon Belle. CreafDarae. G9317 Gravesend 5 1-2 f 1:071 fast 105 3 4 7 73 en Maderia Ilarcourt, Iluck, Goldllnn. QUESTION MARK, ch. c, 2, by Goldcrest Roso Ban AV. Lakeland. Weight today 102. G9G53 Sheep. Bay 5-S 1:00?. fast 114 13 13 13 13 13 Moore Cohort, Aimee C, Falcada. OBERT, b, c, 2, by Albert Bonnie Ola F. Johnson Weight today 102. GS9S1 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 55 .slow 108 hi 1G 1G 1G Brussel Ben Fleet, Masque. King James. HARTFORD BOY. b. c, 2, by Royal Stag Liebe W. C. Daly. Weight today 102. G9!S Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:07? last 112 G 5 5 9t lOH! Rurns Nimbus. Jim Gaffnev, Long Ball. G9910 Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:14? fast 110 13 13,13 12 122 W Bums The Squire. Long Ball, Hessian. First start for the following: GIANT, ch. c, 2, by Concord or Giganteum Amphitritc. Wcifiht today 102. MISS DELANEY, b. f, 2, by Plaudit Laodice J. E. Madden. AVcight today 99. BOUNCE, blk. f, 2, -by Pontiac Golden Valley A. AVicr. Weight today 99. A. Belmont entry Black Oak and Filbert. SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 31010 1 :ril 4 120. JOHN SMULSKI, b. h, 5, by Eshor Ellangowan J. P. Mayberry. Weight today 104. f.99l:l Sheep. Bay 1 1:10s fast 111 10 11 10 S 7 n Sandy Savior. Ed Ball. Workman. G973S Sheep. Bay 1 1:421 mud IDS S 7 S 8 S2 !l" Sandy Herman, St. Valentine, G. Shore. G90G2 Belmont Pk 1 1:39: fast 110 9 G G G GJ G11 Radtke St.Aalentine, RoyalBen. AV.Tank. RED LEAF, cb. m, 5, by Hormence Roadina J. O. JCoene. AVeight today 99. G99I3 Sheep. Bay 1 1:40?. fast 101 11 12 12 12 102 5 F Swain Savior, Ed Ball. Workman. 12812 Sheep. Bay 1 3-1G 2:01- mud 9S 4 4 4 4 10J gMusgr-vo Lancastrian, Angler. Fllnmap. BAVABLE, b. h, 7, by Balvator Strathflowcr C. E. Durnell. AVcight today 99. 70015 Sheep. Bay 1 1:105 jdow 101 1 5 5 5 8 S2iI3 Dugan GoldenWest, BlueBook, Ganihrlnus. G9012 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:27 good 114 14 4 3 3 3 5 Musgnvvo Ontario, T. Robinson, J. Smulskl. 5SXSS Gravesend 1 1-1G l:47g fast 111 2 5 3 3 4h 4s Musgravo Masanlello, Robador, Kilter. DUNVALLO, ch. c. 3, by Golden Garter Philistia Delaware Stable AVeight today 92. G90i Sbeep. Rav 1 3-1G 2:01 1 fast 90 7 1 4 G 7 GJ G Burns Dr. Gardner, Ironsides. Red Friar. Sheep. Bay 1 1:401 fast 110 15 12 11 S SJ 7S5 M Ireston Saracinesca, Zethus, Pr. Hampton. G9IS2 Gravesend 1 1-4 2:07 fast 91 S 9 11 10 f,u r, Sumter " Lord Stanhope, Tipping, Banker. WATER DOG. b. p. 4. by AVatercrest La Primera Arverne Stable. AVeight today 101. G9SSS Sheep. Bay 1 1-1G 1:19s fast 101 3 10 9 S Si 8" .las HensyReidmoore. Thistledale. Gol.West. C9J1G Montreal 1 1-S 1:55 fast 109 3 2 1 1 2 l 3. J Johnson Gilpin, Cursus. St. Noel. G935S Montreal 1 1-S 1:5G fast 107 4 5 4 2 3 2 J Jolinson Cursus, St. Noel, Gilpin. KILTER, b. c, 3, by Standing Patrona F. Regan. Weight today 9S. G99S7 Sheep. Bay 11:10 last 111 5 7 S 8 S R!?.IInrly Fountaiiihlue. Golf Ball. Gret.Green. G9374 Gravesend 1 1-1G 1:4GJ fast 93 7 S 8 G 7" 4 M Preston Faust, Acrobat, Rio Grande. G92SG Gravesend 1 1-1G 1:4G fast 90 10 10 10 7 52 521 M Preston Faust, Acrobat, Llnnepee. CLEMENTS, br. c, 3, by Albert Zetotic M. Clancy. AVeight today 100. G9SSS Sheep. Bay 1 1-1G 1:19? fast 9113 13 11 11 II 11 M Preston Reidmoore. Thistledale. Gol.West. G9GS3 Sheep. Bay 1 fast 101 7 7s B Lowe Rifleman, Herodotus, Trouhlemkr. G9509 Gravesend 1 1-1G 1:471 fast SS 11 9 9 9 102" 919iG Burns Faust, Colonel White, Masterson. RIP RAP, b. c, 3, by Longstreet Thuanella S. C. Allen. Weight today 92. C9SN9 Sheep. Bay 1 1-S 1:51?. fast 110 5 11 11 12 10 Sls Troxler D.Finnell. H.SIiean. Perseverance. G7099 F. Grounds 11:451 hvy 103 4 10 10 9 S2 7U Lowe ByeByelL, Gargantua, S. Midway. THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 338701:123111. JOE NEALON, ch. 0, 2, by Kism et Bonita R. C. E. Durnell. AVeight today 97. G99G1 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:0S1 fast 101 5 5 5 H P 13 Dugan BlaekMary, Glor.Betsv, Heknowa. G9SG5 Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:14s fast 92 4 5 5 l1 V 13 Dugan Hal, Biskra, Scallop. G9G24 Sheep. Bay 5-S 1:015 fast 97 3 3 3 3 ll 13 Dugan Ansonia, Fresh, Sparkles. SCALLOP, b. 0. 2. by Blue! Concha Newcastle Stable. . Weight today 102. 700U Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:0S1 slow 102 2 3 3 II li AA Miller Montauk. Hal. Requite. G9SG5 Sheep. Bay 3-11:115 fast 100 1 4 3 42 4S V Miller Joe Nealon. Hal. Biskra. G97S2 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 112 1 13 2l 2 AV Miller Earl G., Wild Star, Long Ball. SANGUINE, ch. c, 2. by Ornament Alarming R. T. Wilson. Jr. AVeight today 102. ,9905 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:0S fast 102 13 9 S 7l 7 AV Miiller Magazine. Biskra, Castlewood. G9SXG Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:15 fast 100 1 5 4 P 49.J AV .Aliller Roval Vane, Blaeksheep, AVoodlane GS7:!5 Belmont Pk 5-S 1:00 good 100 5 4 2i Lloyd E. ONeill, L. Eyes, M. and Faces. HELEN B b. f, 2, by The Peppor Brune T. Monahan. AVcight today 94. G9735 Sheep. Bay 5-S 1:01 R fast 10S 1G 1G 1G 1G 1G AV Dovle B. Aane. Laughing Eves, Ileknows. G9553 Gravesend 5 1-2 f 1:072 fast 103 5 4 4 AV Miller Hal. Ilerble, Joe Nealon. G9222. Gravesend 5 1-2 f l:0Sg slow 101 3 3 3 21 22 AV Miller Tilekllns, TinkerRell. Laugh.Eyes. YOUTHFUL, ch. c. 2, by Juvenal Immediate J. L. McGinnis. AVeight today 99. G99G5 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:0S fast 9G 5 G 7 Si 8 Notter Alagazine. Biskra. Castlewood. G97S2 Sheep. Bay 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 109 2 2 1 1 7 Notter Karl G., Scallop, AVihl Star. G9033 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 53 fast 97 1 1. SJ 3U Notter Laughing Eyes, Requite, Konlte. BWEET-TAIRE. b. c. 2, by Solitairo II. Sweet Cakes R. F. Carman. Weight today 104. G950S Gravesend 5 1-2 f 1:071 fast 115 5 S G 5 5 Sandv Gene Russell, Smoker, Harcourt. G910S Belmont Pk 5-S 1:02 slop 101 4 4 4 41 3J Brussel Rustle, Gene Russell, Hal. KING THISTLE, b. g, 2, by Knight of the Thistle Rosalie F. Burlcw. AVeight today 99. GS30G Aqueduct I 1-2 f 51g slow 93 2 G S S3.Uas HensyPlease. Kerry, Rustle. Gand271 Aqueduct 1-2 47 fast 105 1 2 5 0" Jas IlensyM. Robert, Br.AVhlst. Sen.Beckhm CATHERINE CARSON, b. f, 2, by Ben Strome Lady Pepper C. R. Ellison. AVoight today 99. First start. FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Jamaica Stakes. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 33S7fi 1 :12 3 111. JACOBITE, b. s. 4. by Golden Garter Flora Mac C. E. Durnell. AVeight today 110. Gt555 Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:092 fast 112 1 2 2 2" 25 Notter J. C. Core, Aoorhees. Tony Faust. G9 107 Gravesend Ah 3-1 1:12 slop 113 10 2 2 24 2s Notter Theyre Off, Royal Onyx, LadyAnne. 0SSS7 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:091 fast 102 2 1 1 l5 lJM Preston Pretension, Fantoufle. Alellieuo. LADY ANNE, blk. f, 4, by Kinley Mack Bracegirdle T. C. McDowell. AVeight today 108. SI9SG Sheep, p.av G 1-2 f 1:19 fast. IIS 1 11 11 li AV .Aliller Druid. Golden Shore. Barhary Belle. G9G21 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 f 1:20 fast 113 . 4 5 11 13 13 JasIIieks Barhary Belle, Orbicular, Moyea. HO 107 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:12 slop 109 4 3 3 3 4si Jno Hicks Theye Off, Jacobite, Royal Onyx. RED RIVER, ch. c, 3. by Fatherloss Lizzie H. R. T. Wilson, Jr.. AVeight today 102. G9G23 Sheep. Bav 3-1 1:13 fast 101 !l 3 13 12 12"?. R Lowe TonvFaust. K. Daughter, Dreamer. G9I7S Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:10 fast 10S fi G 5 5U 4U 13 Dugan Grimaldi, Ben Ban, Zal. G9373 Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:095 fast 111 8 7 7 Gl C 13 Dugan Halifax, Col. White. FIrstPreminm. BOTANIST, br. c, 3, by Boanerges May B. II. A. L. Aste. AVoight today 107. G5GSI P.enning 3-1 1:17 fast 101 Lort at the post, llagan Killoehan, Umbrella, Ala Russell. G5G0G Penning 3-4 1:10 slow 97 G G 5 42 3"J.l!iIac LeellarrisouII., Belcast, Blue Dale. G55G9 Penning 3-4 1:153 mud 112 2 3 3 3 3 10 I lagan L. Boanerges, Landsman, Umbrella. HYPERION II., b. g, 4. by Mazagan Van-a-Clar L. A. Cclla. AVeight today 103. G97S5 Sheep. Bay 1 1-S 1:531 fast 9S 4 2 3 4 43 45i Slireve Grapple, Polly Spanker, UedFriar. G955G Gravesend lm 70y 1:44 fast 10S 7 5 4 3 2 2t c: II ShllgGrapple, Rye, Angler. BELCAST. b. c. 3, by Belvidero Lucasta F. W. Beeley. AVeight today 102. G978S Sheep. Bay 1 1:41 fast 101 12 1 1 2 2 Sandy Blue Book. Aaquero. Helena C. G9G21 Sheep. P.av G 1-2 f 1:20 fast 101 9 10 G 5A 5 AV Doyle Barhary Belle, Orbicular, Moyea. G9374 Gravesend 1 1-1G 1:102 fast 9G 1 2 3 2 2 G3 F Swain Faust, Acrobat, Rio Grande. ZAL, ch. c, 3, by First Mate Emerald W. Gerst. AVcight today 107. G990S Sheep. Bav 3-1 1:14 Hist 12S 4 2 4 4i 1 AV Doyle Chantilly. La Londe, Ben Ran. 09734 Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:13?. fast 112 2 2 2 3" 33 W Doyle P.lIamhg.K.s Daughter.Gallavant. G9CS5 Sheep. Bay 1 fast 104 10 3 3 5 S3 S M Preston FrankG 111, CharlesEdward, Rosehen. TROUBLEMAKER, ch. c. 3. by Cesarion Jura E. R. Bradley. Weight today 97. 70015 Sheep. Bav 1 1:40? slow 99 4 1 1 1 5i r,i p CallahanGoldeiiAVest. BlueBook. Gambrinus. G9GS3 Sheep. Bay 1 fast 103 3 . 31 32t. AV Mclivreltilleman, Herodotus, Orphan Lad. C9G2G Sheep. Bay 1 1:41 fast 112 4 4 2 2 2 Is AV MelnreDIck Finnell, Haensel, Liniiepee. CLARE RUSSELL, ch. f, 3. by Russell Clare Duncan Oneck Stable. Weight today 102. CS293 Aqueduc t 3-1 1:11 slow 110 5 5 5 71 7IS It Lowe Okenite, Dan Buhre, Colonel Jack. CS2iS Aqueduct 3-1 1:14 fast 102 1 2 2 2 23 It Lowe Grapple, AVorkman. 04797 Brooklyn G 1-2 f 1:071 fast 122 4 4 4 41 G AV Knapp Kennyetto, Gold Lady, Fantastic. FIFTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 57700 1 :4 12 I 101. ARIMO, ch. c, 3, by Solitaire II. Magdalenas R. F. Carman. AVeight today 104. G7955 Bcnning 1 1:422 fast 102 1 3 2 1 li 413lHorncr TheClown. Or. Right, Sonoma Itelle. G7SG0 Penning lm lOy 1:40? fast 110 1 1 1 1 2 5l AV Miller Sonoma Belle. Ormon. Right, Saylor G7S27 Bcnning 3-t 1:101 fast 103 G 9 9 Sl 751 Moriarity Malacca, Graziallo, Sllckaway. FAR WEST, b. 6, by Montana Touche Paa M. L. Schwartz. Weight today 124. 09930 Sheep. Bav 11:391 fast 100 4 1 1 1 24 2 M Preston Dinna Ken. San Alvlso. Golf Ball. G97S0 Sheep. Bay 1 1-S 1:51 fast 111 G 4 3 3 4 711JBadtke , Jaequin. Go Between. Confederate. G93H Gravesend 1 1-S 1:525 fast 121 3 2 4 4 3 4r-X 1. WillianisWexford, Zambesi, TommyAVaddell. RYE, b. g, 4. by Grecnan Degonorate C. D. Sullivan. Weight today 118. 7003S See Brighton Beach chart in this paper. C9S31 Sheep. Bay 1 1:39! f:1st 100 1 3 3 3 2J l5 AV Miller Cloisteress. MaryF.. Don Hamilton. G955G Gravesend lm 70y 1:11 fast 9S 1 2 1 1 1J 32i AAr Miller Grapple, Hyperion II., Angler. CAIRNGORM, b. h, 5, by Star Ruby Linda Vista 8. Paget. AVeight today 126. G99N9 Sheep. Bav 1 1-1 2:07 fast 10S 4 12 1 2 3 2 Notter Gallavant, Confederate, 1hilandpr. G9SG3 Sheep. P.av 1 1-8 1:535 fast 113 S G 4 5 2" I5 Notter Cottontli. S.Lynnewod, F.Premltim G97G1 Sheep. Bay 1 1:402 slow 111 10 3 9 7 7J 43 Notter S.Lynnewd, T.Faust, F.Premlum. RIFLEMAN, b. c, 3, by Pessara Fanny Rikes R. F. Carman. Weight today 108 09903 Sheep. Bay 1 1-10 1 :ISg fast 99 0 0 4 4 21 2i Shreve RoyalBen. And. Mack, GoldenWest. G9S34 Sheet. Bav 1 1:395 fast 91 7 9 9 9 9 S Shreve Rye. Cloisteress. Mary F. G90S3 Sheep. Bay 1 fast 91 2 22 li Shreve Herodotus, Troublemaker, Orp.Lad. BAILOR BOY. ch, b. 5. by Tho Sailor Prince Flli W O Diy. Weight today 110. G90SG Sheep. Bay 13-10 fast 113 G 5 7 7 7" Radtke Confederale, Lancastrian, Banker. 09025 Sheep. Bav 1 1-10 1:49 fast 112 7 7 7 7 7 7" C. Burns Yankee Girl, Bartender. Ostrich. G93 14 Gravesend" 1 1-S 1:525 fast 100 S 9 10 9 S 7S AV Burns Wexford, Zambesi, Tommy Waddell. CEDERSTROME, b. h. 6, by Ben Strome Lasca R. W. Nelson. . Weight today 108. 70010 Sheep. Bav 1 1-S 1:53:1 slow 102 5 1 1 1 li 2" Horner Miss Crawford, Jaequin, Pr. Chlng. G9SG0 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 f 1:13 fast SS G G G G G3ISutnter Suffrage, J.C.Core, Barhary Belle. G3S37 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 f 1:212 fast 115 7 5 5 42 3J Horner Ginette, Chanlilly, Grimaldi. VELOURS, br. c, 4, by Cheviot Venus H. Franklin. AVeight today 100. C9S11 Sheep. Bay 1 1:421 nlud 121 4 8 S 0 75 7"iAV Knapp Herodotus. Golf Ball. Sinllilig Tom. G9178 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:10 Hist 101 4 8 8 8 73i Sandy Grlnialdl, Ben Ran,. Zal. R. F. Carman entry Arlmo and Rlllenian. SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 33S70 1:12 3 111. THEYRE OEF, ch. o. 3, by The G reek Calenda Brownleigh Park Stable. Weight today 101. G9G23 Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:131 fast 10S 3 V G 91 U5J BOekinan TonyFaust. K. Daughter, Dreamer. 69107 Graveseud Ah 3-4 1:12 slop 107 2 1 1 l3 l3 E Dugan Jacobite, Royal Onyx, Lady Anne. 691S7 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:121 slow 110 1 12 3J 1 M Preston Oraculum,, Red River, Zal. WOODWITCH, ch. f, 3, by Octagon Woodvine T. G. Molinclli. Weight today 00. CSaSG Sheep. Hay C 1-2 f 1:10 fast. 101 3 5 8 7J 7 Uebert Lady Anne, Druid, Golden Shore. C9713 Sheep. Hay C 1-2 f 1:13 fast 05 11 3 33 2l V Kelly Cloistcrcss, Sailor Girl. Cuter. 69283 Gravcscnd Al 3-4 1:10 fast 9G 2 2 2 2and 31 M Preston Lady Anne, Mary F., Robin Hood. MINTBERIA, b. f. 3. by Minting Beria H. B. Duryea. Weight today 101. i9!C5 Sheep. Hay G 1-2 f 1:193 fast ,111 S 7 7 5i in Ilrussel Gold Lady, Littleton Maid, Altuda. 6975S Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:14J slow 101 12 13 11 11 ll53 Brussel Yorkist, Golden West, Ingham. G9013 Belmont Pk 1 1:41 good DC 2 1 1 1 lb 2 Bruesel Lady Alicia, Orange and Blue. TOY BOY, b. e, 3. by Gorman D oily J. W. Fuller. Weight today 98. J9514 Gravesend Ab 3-1 l:10g fast 9S 1 8 9 9l 9"?.WoIlT Moyca, Heine, Cutter. S733 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:07 good 97 12 13 13 13 13 G Booker K. Jackson. T. McGrath, K. Onyx. "6S410 Jamaica 3-4 l:13g fast 102 2 2 2 3 10 C Booker Theyre Off, Oraculum, G. S. Davis JENNIE WELLS, b. f, 3, by Gerol stein Zerlino Delaware Stable. Weight today 101. 09316 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 97 5 3 3 E4 5 Brussel Roblnllood, GoldcnWcst, Sllckaway. f9253 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:09 good 92 G 5 4 !i3 G9 Sumter Voorhees. Dreamer, Brook. Nymph. GS9S8 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:14 slow 38 G 5 5 5s G" Brussel Brook. Nymph, Bed River, Zienap. LADY KARMA, blk. f, 2. by His Highness Karma D. Gideon. Weight today 101. fi993.-i Sheep. Bay C 1-2 f l:19g fast 111 G 4 G 71 GJ Notter Gold Lady, Littleton Maid, Altuda. G9713 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 f 1:19 fast 99 G G G G1 G7 K Dugan Cloistcrcss, Woodwitcli, Sailor Girl. G9314 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:101 fast 9G G 4 4 7h 73 E Dugan Moyca, Heine, Cutter. COMMODORE ANSON, b. c, 3, by Florizcl II. Spectrum G. F. Johnson. Weight today 10G. G9939 Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:12 fast 100 4 3 4 4 413 Garner Dreamer, Koseben, Comedienne. 64S40 Brooklyn G 1-2 f 1:0S fast 113 1 4 5 Bh 9JShaw Ace High, Pr. Hampton, Philander. G4732 Brooklyn G 1-2 t 1:03 fast 110 1 11 Is 1J Radtko Troublemaker, Pr.Nettie, S.Bernard RUSSELL T., ch. g, 3, by Russell Ethel T. J. T. Muir. Weight today 103. 6S307 Aqueduct 3-4 1:1G slow 102 10 7 G G 78i Hcffern Star Cat, G. West, Royal Onyx. GS247 Aqueduct 3-4 1:142 slow 92 7 G 2 C- 725iHeffcrn Or.Lad, Alpcnmarchcn, El Cazador 63017 Brighton B G 1-2 f l:0Sg hvy 101 2 2 3 Z 32 Dillon Tileiug, Belleoflroquois, Ace High. NIGGER MIKE, b. c, 3, by Shapfe II Gertrude J. J. Kenney. Weight today 102. GJDll Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:10?. fast JOG 3 G G G GU Cmmins Moyea, Heine. Cutter. G92S2 Gi-avesend Ab 3-1 1:103 fast 10G 11 12 13 11 ll" Cmmins Lady Anne, Mary F., Woodwitcli. GSS59 Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:102 fast 93 10 15 1G 10 1G Brussel Ch. Hayes, Itosomount, Battlcaxe. MOLLIE BALL. ch. f, 3, by Mincemeat Thyra A. Ccfalo. Weight today 101. G9713 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 f 1:19 fast 97 G G S 8l S Becknian Cloistcrcss, Woodwitcli, Sailor Girl. G92S2 Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:10 j fast 90 7 G G 91 912 P Kelly Lady Anne, Mary P., Woodwitcli. G817G City Park 1 1:42 fast 9S 4 4 5 7 9l 915T Taylor Zick Abrams, Allonby, Quagga, ALGIE, b. g. 3, by Goldcrcst Lena L. W. Lakeland. Weight today 98. G975S Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:142 slow 9S 14 11 12 12 12 It Moore Yorkist, Golden West, Ingham. FURIOSO, b. g, 2, by Pessara L eostrata Chinn and Forsytho. Weight today 101. G726S Oaklawn 3 1-2 f 4 Ig slow 100 7 10 10 102 F Burton CH. Shilling, Financier, WatcrLock 6f.994 Oaklawn 1-2 49 fast 101 4 G G G7 Englder Manchester, B. Ward. B. Bowlegs. GGS93 Oaklawn 3-8 3Gg good 100 1 4J G8 Englder Manchester, C.II.Sliilling, AlbertM. NEOSKALEETA, blk. f, 3, by Cliff ord Garoga F. W. Socley. "Weight today 9G. 63170 Aqueduct G-S 1:02ft slop 93 1 2 2 4 G Notter Rockingham, Fire Opal. Plaud. 65397 Aqueduct G-S G9 fast 10S S 7 G 4- 4"5 Notter JerseyLady, S.Preston, LadyKarma. G13G1 Saratoga 5 1-2 f 1:09 slow 99 2 5 5 C GJ Finn Ludora, Glamor, Dainty Dame. GEORGE B., b. c, 3, by Libertine Bellguard G. Bccket. Weight today 111. fi3E93 Bcnuing 1m 70v 1:49 slow 112 10 9 9 9 9 S12 Creamer Economy, Sally K.. Ambush. 65407 Pimlico G 1-2 f l:03i fast 110 8 S 7 S2 7 llagan DocKyle, Meddlesoinelloy, .TuneTinie 64152 Saratoga 6 1-2 f 1:07 good 110 9 9 9 9 , 7 L Smith Paumonok, Fish Hawk, Joe Miller. SWEET FERN, ch. f, 3, by Albert Balsam Fir. Weight today 9G. first start. SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. GK5S7G 1:12 ti 111. ORPHAN LAD, blk, g, 3, by Fatherless Eotrre D. Dunlop. Weight today 98. G9313 Sheep. Bay 1 1:101 fast 10S 2 4 3 3 4 SliW Miller Savior, Kil Ball. Workman. G9GS3 Sheep. Bay 1 fast 4 4 43i E Dugan Rillemau, Herodotus, Troublemkr. 09557 Gravesend 1 1-1G l:47g fast 97 7 7 4 4 1J 2 Becknian Saylor, Ed Ball, Anneta Lady. GOLDEN SHORE, ch. c, 3, by Gold on Garter Elflna F. E. Brown. Weight today 100. G99SG Sheep. Bav G 1-2 f 1:19 fast 104 G 1 3 3i 31 W Walsh Lady Anne, Druid. Barliray Belle. 69913 Sheep. Bay , 1 1:103 fast 91 1 2 G 7 GJ 9,3iW Walsli Saylor, Ed Ball. Workman. G9787 Sheep. Bay 1 l:41g fast 9S 2 9 10 10 11 ll,5JRowan Lady Vincent, Crafty, Easton. MISS STROME. b. t, 3. by Ben Strome Old Miss L. A. Cclla. Weight today 10G. 69377 Gravesend 1 1-16 1:17 fast 91 4 2 2 2 4h. 4SJ F Swain Tipping, Cloistcrcss, Mary F. CS933 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 100 4 3 3 2and 23 G II ShilgUobinllood. GoldenWest, Handzarra fiJWIS Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:14 mud 101 G G G 4J i-h C II ShilgKilliccraukic, G. West, B. Belle. YORKIST, br. g, 3, by Kingston White Roso T. W. Coulter. Weight today 107. G99SG Sheep. Bav G 1-2 f l:I:t fast 109 2 G 6 G2i H Dugan Lady Anne. Druid. Golden Shore. 6975S Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:11 slow 103 S 11 l2 12 Finn tJoldcn. West. Ingham, Moyca. G9G21 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 t 1:20 fast 102 12 4 G 6 11" Finn Barbary Belle, Orbicular, Moyea. THE WRESTLER, b. c, 3, by Orlando Hanna Bell Chelsea Stable. Weight today 103. 69252 Gravesend Al "1 1 :l- good liO 1 3 3 ::1 G3 Mr Wright Walerlmry, Ontario, Ed Ball. 69010 Belmpnt Pk 3-1 1:14 good 101 10 10 S 11 1G .Tno llensylJeg. Maid. Rosemount, Woodwitcli. 6S569 Pimlico G-S 1:011 fiist 101 1 11 l4 l8 Lloyd Diamond, M.Aiitony II..IdleDream ALGELONE, b. f, 3, by Alvcscot Fcdalma G. J. Long. Weight today 111. GSG13 Chur. Downs 3-1 1:19ft bvy 110 7 3 3 2l 33i Troxler Sis. Polly, Our Anna, M. Buchanan. G1959 Brighton B G 1-2 f l:0Gg fast 109 4 1 1 2 23 Troxler Main Chance. Linnepec, Manila. 64731 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:03 fast 107 G 3 2 3J 35 Troxler Pr. Hampton, Gargantua, Linnepee. COMMUNE? AW, b. g, 3, by Phoenix Glen Waltz J. Wood. Weight today 103. 09314 Ab 3-1 l:10g fast 103 1G 13 14 14 11 Brussel Moyea, Heine, Cutter. 69312 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:09: fast 100 8 9 9 9 925 Crowley Chas.IMward, Penarris, EddieWare. 6881G Gravesend Ab 3-i 1:14 mud 93 S 12 12 12 12iSumtcr Killiecr.mkie. G. West, B. Belle. STAR CAT, ch. f, 3. by Star Shoot Catalina M. Kraus. Weight today 101. 69935 Sheep. Bay C 1-2 f 1:19.? fast 111 1 3 G 6s TUSandy Gold Lady. Littleton Maid, Altuda. 6975S Sheep. Bay 3-4 1:14 slow 101 13 10 10 Gl 5i G Buni3 Yorkist, Golden West, Ingham. 6SS37 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:11 slow S3 3 3 4 5 G4J E Dugan T. McGrath, R. Hood, Don Domo. ADELINETTE, b. f. 3. by Melton Dainty J. G. Oxnard. Weight today 98. 69935 Sheep. Bay G 1-2 f 1 :19g fast 111 3 S 8 S3 G W Miller Gold Lady, Littleton Maid, Altuda. 697S3 Sheep. Bay 1 1:11 fast 9G 8 G 4 4 41 7 R Lowe Uloistcress, Anneta Lady, Rubv. 69313 Gravesend 1 1-1G l:4Gg fast 101 4 G S G 7t 714 Sandy Dinna Ken, Saracinesca, Zelhus. EASTON, b. c, 3, by Watercress Arnotte Grosvcnor Farm Stable. Weight today 10G. 09787 Sheep. Bay 1 1:412 fast 101 3 1 3 3 3i 3 Brussel Lady Vincent, Crafty, Royal Ben. 69312 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:09s fast 100 G 8 S 83 S23 Brussel Chas.Edward, Penarris, EddieWare. 691S7 Gravesend Ab 3-1 l:12g slow 110 4 8 8 8 S16iBrusscl Oraculum. Red River. Zal. UMBRELLA, b. f, 3, by Ben Brush Gingham W. C. Daly. Weight today 98. GJIIOS Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:14 fast 101 1 8 8 S2 713JG Bums Ciianlilly, La Londe, Ren Ban. 63683 Sheep. Bay 1 fast S9 8 8ln W Burns Rifleman, Herodotus, Troublemkr. C9313 Gravesend 1 1-1G l:4Gg fast 90 7 7 G 7 S10 S18 G Burns Dinna Ken, Saracinesca, Zctlius. MEXICAN SILVER, b. g, 3, by Indio Silver Wave L. Block. Weight today 103. G97S7 Sheep. Bay 1 l:41g fast 9S 4 10 13 13 13 13 Garner Lady Vincent, Crafty, Easton. GSCOfi Benning 3-4 1:16 slow 9S G 4 6 6 73 M Murphy Lee Harrison II., Belcast, Botanist. 65569 Bonning 3-4 1:151 mud 109 3 4 5 7 711 R McDanlL. Boanerges, Landsman, Botanist. THOMAS HOY. b. g, 3, by Peep oDay Simla J. S. Hoy. Weight today 98. C975S Sheep. Bay 3-1 1:11 slow 99 4 G G Gi G,2iMusgrve Yorkist, Golden West, Ingham. 6S5G3 Jamaica G 1-2 f l:0Sg mud 97 G G G 7 715 Bcekman Alctlieuo, Roy. Onyx, S. Tmldingtn 6S1G7 Jamaica G-S 1:01 fast 92 . 2 7 7 7J 11" Simmons Commuuipaw, Millstone, W. Hand. GARTERS, b. g, 3, by Golden Garter Miss Prim J. Hurley. Weight today 103. 65GIS Benning 5-S 1:03s fast 107 15 10 10 51 11 Holmes Berkeley, Regal Lad, Soprano. 65522 Pimlico 5 1-2 f 1:11 slow 102 5 5 G G2 G3i Englder Cambyses, Millstone, Regal Lad. 65130 Pimlico 6 1-2 f 1:03 fast 107 G 8 5 5lJ GJEnglder DaisyFrost, Millstone. MonkeyPuzzlc L AMOUR, ch. g;, 3. by Golden Garter Amourette Miss A. M. Marrone. Weight today 103. C3439 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:12 livy 91 7 G 5 7i 61 1 Kelly GaliantDan, Rosemount, Bar.Belle. 6931S Gravesend Ab 3-1 1:10 fast S7 3 3 3 75i J Bergen Royal Onyx, Oyama, Arabo. 690S3 Belmont Pk 7-S l:26g fast 93 6 9 9 9 9 931 J Bergen Rosemount, Acrobat, Royal Onyx. SANDOSSIE, b. c, 3, by Sandringham Dossie J. Cornell. Weight today 103. 69S11 Sheep. Bay 1 1:42- mud 112 7 1 2 7 8 8-!iIIarty Herodotus. Golf Ball, Smiling Tom. 63811 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:06? fast 102 S 9 9 104 1019 J Harris Yowric, Somnus. Clements. 62100 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 55 fast 102 10 12 12 12 Komanli Mexican Silver, BlackMatc.Monfort.