Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Monday, December 2, Daily Racing Form, 1907-12-01

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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Monday, December 2. WEATHEE CLEAR. TRACK FAST. OAKLAND ENTRIES. G0G473. ..Croix dOr S..105 710 C9G49 Hersain 5.. 103.. X.. 703 Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time, 3:40. C9003 Isolation 4. .103. . X . .703 XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. C9534 The Only Way 5. .109. . X . .700 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. C9G49 De Gra.mmont 5.. 103.. X.. 700 2-year-olds. Allowances. 7200S Ethel Abbott 0..103 C90 Track record 72030 1:03s C 112. Fourth Race 7-8 Mile. Iml. Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 3-year-olds. Selling. 71970... Lackfoot Ill 725 Track record: 591G2 1:25 J 3 SS. 72011. ..Alice F Ill 720 72045 Blanche C 109. .X.. 725 720033.,. Marian Casey Ill 715 7204S3. . .Silver Line 104. .X-. 720 719S92... Castile 10C 715 71912 Sainrida 104. .x. .715 71911,... Bonhcur . Ill 710 71S43 Calraar 104.. X.. 715 717S1 Reene W 107 710 71SG4 Banlada 99. .X. .710 719S9...Orchota 103 710 C9507 Red Ball 107 705 fTl!S9 Nick Stoner 10G 705 72045 Surety 104. .X.. 705 72014 Sombro 103 705 71S52 E. B. H 104 705 72007 Alcibiades 10G 700 71S13 Ilazeline 104.. X-. 705 71S9S Pluvia 103 700 71992 Sam McGibben 104 700 .Miss Charity, ch. f, by Peck- 71992 Peerless Lass 104. .X. .700 sniff Charm II ....103 Mojado, b. g, by Jim Gore Burlingame Stable entry. Listen 101 Second Race Futurity Course Fifth Race 1 Mile. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: C9101 l:3Si 4 93. Track record: 71817 1:0SJ 2 99. 719902 . . . GORGALETE 7.. 103 725 72010 Captain Burnett 4.. 115.. X.. 725 71990 .. .Nine Spot 7. .103. .. .720 71910 Mctlakatla G. .105. . X . .720 7201G... Fisher Boy 5..10G. 715 71S99 Seasick 5. .110 715 71972... Kermit S. .107. . X . .715 71S99 Belle Kinney 5. .105. . X . .715 719SS .. .Netting 5.. 103 715 71971 E. M. Brattain S. .110. . X . .715 7204G2 . . .Etapa 4. .10G. . . . . .710 720GG Kocnigin Luisc 5. .110. . X -T10 719722. ..Miss May Bowdish G. .103. . X . .710 71971 Golden Rule 10. .110. . X . .705 71990 Jack Adams G. .103. . X . .705 72012. ...Elba 5. .103 703 72014 Talaniund 4. .101. . X . .705 71S03.... Whiskers S. .110. . X . .700 7204G Iinaud 4. .103. . X . .700 Third Race Futurity Course. G591G Elwood G. . 99.. ..700 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. GSG74 Fotrero Grande 6. .103. . x . .090 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. Track record: 71S17 1:0SJ 2 99. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 720O92... Progress 4. .109 725 Track record: 72047 1:11$ 8 103. 71952. .. .Katie Crews 5. .105. . X . .720 71S19 Massa 5. .109. . X . .725 71910 The Reprobate 5. .105. . X . .715 72012 lioalta 3..10S 720 71952 Meada 5.. 99..X.t715 72047. . .Mary F 4. .109. . X . .715 71971 Lustig G..10S 710 71915 Judge Nelson 3. .10S. . X . .710 71971 Lovey Mary 4.. 105 710 71993 Wing Ting 3. .105. . X . .705 LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 72030 1:05 G 112. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St StrFin Jockeys Best Company. LACKFOOT, br. g, 2, by Lackford Shoes R. F. Carman. Weight today 111. 71970 Oakland 5J f 1:07 fast 4 106 G 6 6 61 1JJ G Burns Kerry, Alice F., Import. 71S74 Oakland 5-S 1:003 fast 5 10S 4 2 4- 42 221 G Burns Altadice, Kerry, Herives. 71S50 Oakland 3-1 1:142 fast 18-5 10S 4 11 11 23 G Burns Husky, Sir Wesley, Sir Modan. ALICE F., b. f, 2, by Bassetlaw Tit Tat W. P. Magrane. Weight today 111. 7-011 Oakland 5i f 1:00 fast 15 111 4 4 3 2" 2 Moreland Pajaroita, Manchester, MarianCascy 71!70 Oakland 5 f 1:07 fast 7 IOC 4 11 VI 32 Moreland Lackfoot. Kerry, Import. G9103 Oakland 5-S 1:002 fast 18-5107 6 4 3 53 51F Graham College Widow, Tumaway, Balnade GS953 Oakland 5-8 l:01g fast 6 109 1 1 1 Is l5 F Graham Kismet Jr., St. Avon, Vanna. MARIAN CASEY, h. f, 2, by Star Ruby Aura II. S. C. Hildreth. Weight today 111. 720G3 See Oakland chart in this paper. 72014 Oakland 5 f 1:06 fast 8 111 3 3 4 4s 4 E Dugan Pajaroita, Alice F., Manchester. 719S9 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 9 112 1 11 121 l2 W Miller Castile. Jane Swift, Uncle Sam. 71911 Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 10 103 6 7 G Gl 5"J Buxton Pajaroita. All Alone. Jane Swift. 71SG2 Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 12 110 6 11 11 lh Bedell Friar of Elgin, San Gil, Last Go. CASTILE, b. c, 2, by Vesuvian Murcia J. F. Clifford. Weight today 106. 719S9 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 15 110 2 3 3 :;nt 22 C Ross MarianCascy, .TaneSwift, UncleSam 71S9S Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 15 110 4 S S Gand 6nGriflith Green Goods, Uncle Sam, San Gil. GS7C3 Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 100 114 9 9 9 9 92,lAlarie R.Hindoo, Dareington, BeThankful. BONHEUR, ch. f, 2, by Ingoldsby Royal Una Franklin Stable. Weight today 111. 71911 Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 50 106" 3 5 5 4fc 7" E Lynch Pajaroita, All Alone, Jaue Swift. t;7531 Oakland 1-2 502 slop 7 105 5 5 5i 5 Scoville Adrian, Wihnore, Rustler. 07156 Oakland 1-2 50 stop 13-10 109 5 3 31 510 Scoville Wilmore, Gage Taylor. Adena. C70S2 Oakland 31 f 432 mud 3 110 1 l2 l5 Scoville Memorize, B. Brady, L. Adelaide. REENE W., ch. f, 2, by Star Shoot Magna Charta S. Emery. Weight today 107. 717S1 Aqueduct 5-S 1:014 slow 5 10S 1 2 2 4n 7I21W Miller Sandal, Miss Delancy, Great Dane. 71676 Jamaica 51 t 1:07 fast 7-5 94 5 5 3 41 4s Buxton S.Barrett, Bellwether, M. Delaney. 71639 Jamaica 51 f l:0Si fast C 94 7 8 4 32 3s Sumter Single Stone, Blacksheep, Sussex. 715C2 Jamaica 5J f 1:062 fast 20 87 4 6 7 71 55 G Burns Rosimiro, Bouquet, Aunt Rose. 70909 Sheepsd 5i f 1:062 gopd 20 91 10 9 7 4a 481 T Powers Marbles, Aunt Rose, MlssDelaney. ORCHOTA, b. f, 2, by Ossary or Orsini Darechota Burlingame Stable. Weight today 103. 719S9 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 50 107 11 11 11 11 11" E Dugan Marian Casey. Castile, Jane Swift. 6GG35 Oakland 3-S 37 slow 15 109 3 4nt 5l0JJ McBrideB. .Myers, Rhinestone, Irish Mike. 66559 Oakland 31 f 434 slow G 106 S G2 G8 A Brown Altadice, Bonheur, Billy Myers. NICK STONER, ch. c, 2, by Clifford Barbarina D. Kelly. Weight today 10G. 71US9 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 40 115 G 10 9 Sjt 7"JG Grand Marian Casey, Castile, Jane Swift. SOMBRO, br. c, 2, by Galveston Clara Wilson W. B. Jennings. Weight today 103. 72011 Oakland 51 f 1:06 fast 25 107 5 G G G 618 Horner Pajaroita, Alice F., Manchester. 71SG2 Oakland -5-8 1:01 fast 13-5109 10 10 10 10 1131C Ross Marian Casey, FriarofElgin, SanGll ALCIBIADES, ch. c, 2, by St. Avonicus Titina W. Synfy. Weight today 10.6. 72007 Oakland 3-1 1:132 fast 100 112 11 11 11 11 11" Klrschm Baboo, Import, Wap. 6S619 Oakland 41 f 552 fast 50 112 9 11 11 11 J Hunter Karodo, St. Avon, Swede Sain. PLUVTA, ch f, 2, by Cactus II. Sun Shower Green and Barlow. Weight today 103. 7189S Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 60 112 9 7 7 82 8l5JA Wright Green Goods, Uncle Sam. San Gil. 71SG2 Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 50 109 9 9 9 910 821A Wright Marian Casey, FriarofElgin, SanGil MISS CHARITY, ch. f, 2, by Pecksniff Charm II. Burlingame Stable. Weight today 103. First start. Burlingame Stable entry Orchota and Miss Charity. SECOND RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 0T1S17 1:0S 2 09. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St lA and StrFin Jockeys Best Company. CAPTAIN BURNETT, b. g, 4, by Rubicon Miss Reel H. A. Cotton. Weight today 115. 72016 Oakland 1 1-16 l:46g fast 11-5109 8 7 6 5 41 41 G Burns Fisher Boy, Etapa, Fury. 72009 Oakland 7 f 1:331 fast 12 100 G 4 3 2 Snk 4 C Ross Agnolo. Progress, Canique. 71975 Oakland 7-S 1:25 fast 25 109 4 1 5 5 31! 41 C Ross RatherRoyal, Col. White, M.Jordan. 71936 Oakland ImoOy 1:431 fast 41 101 1 2 2 3 21 32 Hherton All Ablaze, Elmdale, Fisher Boy. 71910 Oakland 7-S 1:262 fast 20 107 G 4 4 3 2nt 221 Hherton Progress, Sun Mark, Gorgalete. METLAKATLA, br. m, G, by Brutus Miowera W. Durker. Weight today 105. 71910 Oakland 7-S 1:2G2 fast GO 102 13 13 13 13 13 13" Lentz Progress, CaptainBurnett, SunMark 71825 Oakland 7-S 1:27 fast 20 105 9 9 S 7 71 6s Lentz Tavora, Netting, Elizabeth F. 69433 Oakland 7-8 1:271 fast 4 107 G 7 8 7 51 41 Klrschm Meada, Lit. Mirthful, Jackful. G9277 Oakland 7-S 1:27 fast G 107 9 S 8 5 ? 2" Kirsclim Sea Air, G. Balerio. Lit. Mirthful. SEASICK, gr. m, 5, by Bobby Beach Reel W. W. Finn. Weight today 110. 71S99 Oakland F C 1:09 fast 30 109 2 S 7 7 713lHherton MoneyMuss, CrestonBoy, Koe.Luise 69309 Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 10 107 3 3 3 41! 431 Hherton A. B. Cook, Nothing, Gov. Oruian. G9244 Oakland 51 f 1:07 fast 10 110 1 11 l1! 1 Hherton M. B. Clark, Hat. Carr, Net. Hicks GG747 Oakland 3-1 1:151 fast 4 110 9 3 2 21 G5 Lawnce Search Me, LadyChiswell, ElftKing BELLE KINNEY, b. m, 5, by Belvidere Miss Kinney H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 105. 71S99 Oakland F C 1:09$ fast 16 109 5 4 5 51 4 G Burns MoneyMuss, CrestonBoy, Koe.Luise 61013 Ascot Park 3-4 1:15J slow 1G 106 7 5 3 5and C" L Nichols Linda Rosa, Durbar. Mary Glenn. 59S31 Ascot Park 3-4 1:14 J fast 15 107 3 4 4 G2 812 W BhananSusie Christian, Suu Mark, Seasick 59555 Ascot Park 3-4 1:143 fast 10 105 2 1 1 ll 651 W BhananGolden Buck, Marpessa, Bologna. E. M. BRATTAIN, gr. g, 8, by Captive Leora J. D. Millin. Weight today 110. 71971 Oakland 3-4 1:134 fast 7 113 1 13 3J 4s W Miller CrestonBoy, J.C.Graus, Koen.Luise 71S99 Oakland F C 1:032 fast 7 111 1 3 3 6 G11 Radtke Money Muss, CrestonBoy, Koe.Luise 71863 Oakland 5-S 1:00? fast 7 124 3 6 5 41 45 E Lynch MoneyMuss, TitusII.. Bill Mayham G3154 Oakland 3-4 1:133 fast 13 109 3 5 5 4nk 5 Keogh Andrew B. Cook, Titus II.. Meada. G9078 Oakland F C 1:101 fast 3 132 3 5 7 G2 Gl Keogh Titus II., Bell Reed, Paddy Lynch KOENIGIN LUISE, b. m, 5, by Bendoran Esterling C. B. Wilson. Weight today 110. 72000 See Oakland chart in this paper. 71971 Oakland 3-4 l:13i fast 12 113 7 6 5 51 33 Rettig Cres.Boy, J.C.Graus, E.M.Brattain 71921 Oakland F C 1:10? fast 15 105 6 5 7 52 581 G Burns Taylor George. Phalanx, Anna May 71899 Oakland F C l:09i fast 50 109 S G 6 3l 3s Rettig MoneyMuss, CrestonBoy, B.Kinney. 71826 Oakland F C 1:102 fast 8 112 10 9 6 7k 710 G Burns MoneyMuss, TheReprobate, JoeGoss GOLDEN RULE, ch. g, 10, by Golden Garter Lucille Murphy J. V. Kirby. Weight today 110. 71971 Oakland 3-1 1:138 fast 20 113 9 10 11 11 1322 E Ougan CrestonBoy, J.C.Graus, Koen.Luise 71863 Oakland 5-S 1:001 fast 15 124 9 9 S S3 S,:1W Kelly MoneyMuss, TitusII.. Bill Mayham 69649 Oakland 7-S 1:272 fast S 131 10 9 8 8 71 4 J P Phillips Canardo, Escamado, The Missourlan 63309 Oakland 3-1 1:13 fast 16 109 8 7 S 8 81S Nutting And.B.Cook, Nothing, Gov. Orman. ELBA, ch. m, 5, by Rousseau Solitude P. G. Lynch. Weight today 105. 72012 Oakland 7-S 1:233 fast 300 109 1 5 5 5 5 C" E Lynch Arklirta, Rather Royal, Ed Ball. 71323 Oakland F 0 1:11 fast 15 107 2 2 2 2J V E Lynch Dollie Dollars. Taunt. Maulla S. 63120 Oakland 3-4 1:132 fast 50 103 2 9 11 11 U W Fischer The Sultan, Eckersall, Dr. Howell. 6S929 Oakland 1 1:42 fast 30 110 4 4 5 S 10 1022 C WilliamsSea Air, Jolly Witch, War Times. WHISKERS, b. g, 8, b7 Zobair Belle of Lake II. J. W. Slattery. Weight today 110. 71863 Oakland 5-S 1:002 fast GO 121 10 S 7 G 5H Borel MoneyMuss, TitusII., Bill Mayham 65S01 Oakland 3-4 1:144 fast 100 109 4 5 5 681 Alarie E.M.Brattain. C.Santa, Gold. Rule. 56781 D.elmar Pk 3-1 1:162 fast 3J 10S 6 5 4 3i 4 L Wilson RoomMatc, JImTyrell, EuimaMeycr. THIRD RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 71817 1:0S1 2 09. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St Vt StrFin Jockeys Best Company. PROGRESS, ch. g. 4, by Giganteum Renovah R. F. Carman. Weight today 109. 72009 Oakland 7 f 1:332 fast 16-5 106 2 1 1 1 l2 2 i Burns Agnolo, Canique, Capt. Burnett. 71910 Oakland 7-8 1:262 fast 4 107 1 1 1 1 1JS 14 G Burns Capt.Burnett, SunMark, Gorgalete 71853 Oakland 1 1:41J fast 3-5 109 8 2 2 2 25 2" G Burns Orchan, Serenity, Melar. 71802 Oakland 7-S 1:26 fast 12 109 9 5 4 4 2and 3i G Burns Martinmas, Phalanx, TheReprobate KATIE CREWS, b. m, 5, by Loiterer Miss Knight F. E. Brown. Weight today 105. 71953 Oakland 5-S 69. fast 100 107 1 1 2 3J 59J ICirschm MoneyMuss, CrestonBoy. B. Mayham G7717 Ascot Park 5-S 1:02 good 2 105 2 1114 l5 J Clark Barato, Comas, Vencido. C57ST Oakland Dl f l:0Si. fast 20 109 4 1 3" S"t ye..Lawrnce . Mlilinont, Mina Gibson, Black Sam G1541 Oakland :.-S 1:01 good 7 95 2 3 3 45 4"Sandy Mariell., E.Barrymore. L.Buttereiip THE REPROBATE, ch. g, 5, bv Invorness Sauteuse Hall and Marshall. Weight today 105. 71910 Oakland 7-S 1:26 fast 6 107 9 5 5 5 7"tlis.E Lynch Progress. CaptaiuBuniett, SunMark 71820 Oakland F C 1:102 fast 41 112 4 3 3 21 2 Keogh Money Muss: Joe Goss. Escamado. 71S02 Oakland 7-8 1:20 fast 10 109 3 1 1 2 3i 41 Keonh Martinmas, Phalanx, Progress. GSSOG Oakland 7-S 1:261 fast 20 109 9 10 8 9 91 10lolGdchild Nothing, Datuma, Andrew Mack. 6SJ12 OaWfVHd I H WT? ?3t ? 1 ? U U E Walsh RotFOU, Fury, Hi Col Cap, , MEADA, blk. m, 5, by ; Figaro Afamafla . H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 99. 71952 Oakland 5-S 59J fast 50 107 2 6 5 5nk 4s Buxton MoneyMuss, CrestonBoy. B.Mayham 71S1G Oakland 3-4 1:1 3 fast 9 109 G 6 7 72 6S1 A WIHIamsTnylorGcorge, Pelhara, Ed Lilburn. 6953S Oakland 61 f 1:19,2 fast 13 10G 4 2 1 H 22 A Wright Revolt, Optician, Mllshbra. 69433 Oakland 7-S l:27g good 6 107 2 1 1 1 1 1 A Wright LIt.Mirthful. Jackfull. Metlakatla LUSTIG, ch. h, 6, by Balgowan Derfargilla W. P. Magrane. Weight today 108. 71971 Oakland 3-1 1:13 J fast 23 116 2 S S 7 5 TV Knapp CrestonBoy, J.C.Graus. Koen.Luise 71926 Oakland lmSOy 1:442 fast 7 - 110 2 2 1 3 41 5 W Kelly M.MayBowdish, ImJoe, Nabonar. 71889 Oakland lm 20y 1:422 fast 10 112 3 3 4 4 31 31 W Kelly Storma, Im Joe, Rosi Ni NI. E9G47 Oakland 1 1:42 fast 21 110 1 1 1 1 31 4 Borel Flor. Fonso, J. Adams, Croix dOr. SandS S!anT 3-4 1:144 fast 4 112 11 V 5 31 3 Borel Hersain, Escamado, R. White. 69309 Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 50 112 7 8 7 7 7 Borel A. B. Cook, Nothing. Gov. Qrmau. S9?IAY b f 4 b5" St- Carlo Mamio G. M. J. Hayes. Weight today 105. ??ana, 3i H?i 21 22 113 12 12 9 9 8"5-T IIayes CrestonBoy, J.C.Graus, Koen.Luise ZHSS Sa 1 ani? 1 V-B 5as 30 110 0 3 4 4 4 61 J Hayes Tavora. Serenity, Netting. 182S Oakland n 7-8 1:27 fast 30 110 6 2 3 5 5nk 8iJ Hayes Tavora Nettln Elizabeth F 69003 Oakland 3-4 1:15 fast 3 105 7 11 10 71 5 R Davis DtaSSutor? fee H.? Slelar! 68410 Oakland lm 50y l:45g fast 30 103 12 8 8 11 11 11"1C Lynch Martenor, Nabonassar, Tarrigan. ch e.8..ly,Dochart Golden Slipper C. F. Rockett. Weight today 105. rol Ra,k ahJ 7:m, Sas 2 107 7 7 7 5 Gi 31 Mentry Flor. Fonso, Jack Adams, Lustig. G9oSl Oakland 1 l:41g fast 4 10S 2 1 1 2 33 3l C Sullivan Eckersall, Nat.Bumppo, Flor.Fonso ?nAfy i m Z HcSDeria R- B- Eice- Jr-- Weight today 105. Sa? anai 7"8 1:24 fast 8 129 8 4 1 1 41 7 Mentry Canardo. Escamado. TheMissourian. G3u03 Oakland 3-4 1:141 fast 0 107 1 1 1 l3 1 L, Wilson Escamado, Lustig, Royal White. ISOLATION, b. f, 4. by Georgo Kessler Fair Recluse W. P. Fine. Weight today 105. rol SaJlamJ 5A 1:15 fast 5 IOC 5 2 3 51 6 Rettig Distributor, Annie H.. Melar GS30 Oakland F C 1:10 fast 50 103 8 7 7 7 7" Callahan Grasscutter, Pal, Burning Bush. THE ONLY WAY, b. g, 5, by Sain Miss Howard Alameda Stable. Weight today 103. Si Oakland 1 3-10 2:002 fast 30 107 9 S 9 9 S 9ilPalms DeGrammont. M.Mulvaney, Redlira 69006 Oakland 1 1-1 2:0S fast 60 107 8 S 5 0 63 71S Rettig Harbor, Briers, Mendon. CS902 Oakland 1 l-S 1:56J fast 25 109 S S 11 10 12 12" F Graham Mill Song, Queen Alamo, Bonar. DE GRAMMONT, br. g, 5, by Grammont Frolicsome W. Durker. Weight today 105. Oakland 7-S 1:272 fast 7 120 9 S G 5 3 5 Klrschm Canardo, Escamado, TheMissourian. 69o34 Oakland 1 3-1G 2:002 fast 9 107 4 1 1 1 l2 1 Klrschm M. Mulvaney, Red Era, Box Elder. ETHEL ABBOTT, b. m, 6, by Puryear D. Bohemian Lass F. J. Neil. Weight today 105. J2! Oakland F C 1:092 fast 200 109 5 7 5 7 SlBorel Phalanx, Tawasentlia. Anna May. 01391 Oakland 7-S 1:231 fair 10 107 5 D 9 8 5t Gi L. FountalnBelle Reed, Mimon. Mogregor. 61077 Oakland F C 1:121 slop 25 107 10 9 9 72 6" W Knapp Jake Ward, Standard, T.OSlianter FOURTH RACE 7-8 Mile. 3-ycar-olds. Selling. 594C2 1:23J 3 SS. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St U StrFin Jockeys Best Company. BLANCHE C, b. f, 3, by Sain Malaiso H. I. Wilson. Weight today 109. 1:2 Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 7 107 5 2 2 3 2 51 E Dugan Tawasentlia, Nappa, Crip. 71SSS Oakland 61 f l:20g fast 7 104 4 3 2 11 lh E Lynch Remember, Vinton, Ray Bennett. ii?2i Oak and GJ f 1:201 fast 8 103 2 3 2 33 33i E Lynch BurningBush, Canique. G.St.Clalr. 69432 Oakland lm 20y 1:43J good 15 102 5 S 6 6 9 11 E Clark Treas. Seeker. Con. Bell, Frascuelo. 69182 Oakland 3-4 1:132 fast 30 104 7 10 10 7t 5 E Clark Calla, Fair Fagot, Talentosa. SILVER LINE, b. f, 3, by Free Knight Silver Lining J. Schreiber. Weight today 104. J2043 Oakland 1 l:40g fast 7 104 1 1 1 1 11 31 E Dugan Serenity, Bye Bve II., Storma. Oakland 7-S 1:232 fa3t 60 103 5 6 7 7 7 7"lMcRae RatherRoyal, Col.White, M.Jordan. 69GoO Oakland lm20y 1:422 fast 8 102 9 8 7 G 61 71 McRae Milshora, Ray Bennett. Calendar. 69016 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 10 100 4 4 5 6 681 McRae Ray Bennett, Calla, Elmdale. SAINRIDA, b. f, 3, by Sain Merida Fleur de Lis Stable. Weight today 104. 71912 Oakland 5-8 1:001 fast 20 104 1 7 7 61 610lBuxton Sil.Stocklng, Sevenfull, S.Nicholas. 6S2G1 Oakland 3-4 1:15 fast 9-20107 3 4 2 23 1J E Dugan Azusa, Miss Jlartha. Avona. 6732 Ascot Park 1 1:441 fast S-5 90 7 1 1 1 l2 21 M Preston Gorgalete. Croix dOr. Madden. 67S44 Ascot Park 3-4 1:151 mud 25 95 6 4 4 3 351 C Ross Daruma, Silver Stocking, Lacene. CALMAR, b. g, 3, by Falsetto or Bob Miles Ameeras A. J. Jackson. Woight today 104. 71843 Oakland F C l:09i fast 100 109 3 7 7 7 712 Rettig Prejulcio, F. Neujrent Native Son 2aJJ!an 1 1:42S faSt 8 101 6 7 4 4 4 481 R Davis Alta Spa, Bon Vivant. Silver Line. 6S029 Oakland 7-S 1:282 good 5 104 10 7 4 5 62 52SlRettig Wlcklow, Convent Bell, Tanana. BANLADA, b. f, 3, by Eannockburn Estalada Hunter Stable. Weight today 99. 71S64 Oakland 7-8 1:272 fast 15 104 9 9 5 9 8 751 C Sullivan All Ablaze. Remember, Vinton 69535 Oakland 7-S 1:2S fast. 7 100 9 6 8 7 71 8s C Sullivan Elmdale, Altanero, Lady Kitty 69432 Oakland lm 20y 1:431 good 15 102 4 2 3 3 8 8" C Sullivan Treas. Seeker, Con. Bell, Frascuelo. RED BALL, ch. c, 3, by Lieber Karl Marguerite J. Coffey. M Weight today 107 69307 Oakland 1 1:40 fast 20 105 5 5 7 7 62 5 McClain Palemon, Fair Fagot, nuerfano. G942S Oakland 3-4 1:15 good 4 103 10 10 5 51 581 Goodchlld Kruka, Avona, Senator Warner. SURETY, b. g, 3, by Rapallo Artiste T. W. Flynn. Weight today 104. 72045 Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 100 102 9 8 G 63 41 C Grand Tawasentlia. Nappa. Crln. 71954 Oakland 7 1-2 f 1:332 fast 40 104 10 10 10 10 10 10 R Davis Canique, Willis Green, Vinton. 71900 Oakland lmlOOy 1:472 fast 25 104 6 5 3 3 6 610iPohanka Corrlgan, Byronerdale Treas.Sceker 71551 Oakland 61 f l:20g fast 20 107 8 7 7 8 81 Moreland Burning Bush. Canique, BlancheC. 70103 Windsor 3-4 l:21g hvy 102. 8 7 5 5s V Gauge! Annie Mack, Ecclesiastic, Alvlse. E. B. H., b. g, 3, by Indio Springliko D. A. Ross. Weight today 104. 71552 Oakland 6J f 1:202 fast 20 105 2 1 3 G2 Keogh Elmdale, Altanero, Rose Cherry. G8029 Oakland 7-S 1:282 good 20 105 6 4 5 S 92 102 Keogh Wicklow. Convent Bell, Tanana. 67933 Oakland 7-8 1:31 slow 8 104 7 5 4 6 Gt S" Keogh Convent Bell, Mitre, Nancy W. HAZELINE, br. f, 3, by Mesmerist Iroquois Belle M. A. Dodge. Weight today 104. 71S15 Oakland 3-1 1:132 fast 12 109 4 12 12 12 12"?.Stuart Tawasentlia. Crip, Aftermath 09619 Oakland lm 50y 1:441 fast 10 94 4 5 6 Bled. C SullIvanA.B.Cook, Huerfano Markle.Maycr 6D507 Oakland 1 1:401 fast 3 105 1 7 6 5 52 68 Riddle Palemon, Fair Fagot, Huerfano. SAM MGIBBEN, ch. g, 3, by Rap alio Rose Carlo M. D. Miller. Weight today 104. 71992 Oakland 3-4 1:13 J fast GO 100 14 9 11 11 -10" Gargan Watcrburv, Nappa, Johnll.Sheelian. 71815 Oakland 3-4 1:132 fast 50 106 3 7 6 6J 71 Garsan Tawasentha, Crip, Aftermath. 6657S Oakland 51 f 1:09 slow 8 106 6 4 4 6 6" A Brown Al -Lindley, Ray Bennett, Huerfano 6G166 Oakland 5-S 1:03 hvy 15 103 3 6 5 5s 5 A Brown Como, Calmar, Al Lindley. PEERLESS LASS, b. f, 3, by Free Knight Quesada J. McCarthy. Weight "today 104. 71932 Oakland 3-1 1:13?. fast 60 109 11 15 13 13 132JFinnegan Waterbury. Nappa, JohnlLShechan. ilS51 Oakland 61 f 1:202 fast 30 107 G 9 9 7 715lFinnegan Burning Bush. Canique, BlancheC. 71815 Oakland 3-4 1:132 fast 30 109 7 10 10 10 103 Finnegan Tawasentlia, Crip, Aftermath. 67432 Oakland 01 f 1:23 good 31 101 4 5 5 51 51 E Dugan Vinton, Convent Bell. Derdom. 67159 Oakland 1 1:45 slop 12 102 7 9 7 7 61 6" E Dugan Blanche C, D.of Orleans, Eogum. MOJADO, b. c, 3, by Jim Gore Listen Keeno Bros.. Weight today 104. First start. FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. C9104 1:SS 4 95. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St Y4. StrFin Jockeys Best Company. GORGALETE, ch. m, 7, by Rey del Sierras Blizzard Hunter Stable. Weight today 103. 71990 Oakland 1 1-16 1:4G fast 7 109 2 11 8 5 41 21 G Burns Nine Spot, Nabonassar, Serenitv. 71910 Oakland 7-S 1:262 fast 20 107 5 G 6 6 4nt 41 W Kelly Progress. CaptainBurnett, SunMark 71S78 Oakland 1 l-S 1:53J fast 41 107 2 1 2 2 41 781 Moreland Miss Rillie, Mendon, Lone Wolf. NINE SPOT, b. m, 7, by Hastings Nineveh C. C. McCafferty. Woight today 103. 71990 Oakland 1 1-16 1:40 fast S 109 7 2 2 2 If 11 E Dugan Gorgalete, Nabonassar. Serenity. 7196 Oakland lm50y l:43g fast 12 104 6 5 5 3 32 451 Buxton Pontotoc, Martinmas, Fisher Boy. 71914 Oakland 1 l-S 1:544 fast 3 107 1 4 4 4 3h 431 G Burns Lone Wolf, Sahara. Serenity. 71S7S Oakland 1 l-S 1:534 fast G 107 1 2 3 4 62 53 G Burns Miss Rillie, Mendon. Lone Wolf. 6S432 Oakland 1 5-S 2:4SJ fast 2J 105 3 G 8 S S 819lBorel Byronerdale, Benvollo, Adonis. FISHER BOY, b. h, 5, by St. Andrew Illuminating R. Friedman. Weight today 10G. 72040 Oakland 1 1-1G l:4Gg fast 16-5 112 5 5 1 1 11 12J C Miller Etapa, Fury, Captain Burnett. 72009 Oakland 71 f 1:33? fast 12 109 7 8 1 7 71 53 C Miller Agnolo, Progress, Canique. 71950 Oakland ImoOy 1:432 fast 15 107 7 7 7 7 7 321 C Miller Pontotoc, Martinmas, Nine Spot. 71936 Oakland lm50y 1:432 fast 3 111 71 1 1 SM1 W Knapp All Ablaze. Elmdale, Capt. Burnett 71902 Oakland 1 1-10 1:452 fast 25 104 1 3 3 3 4s 41S1C Ross Molesey, Red Leaf, Legatee. KERMIT, br. g, 8, by Piccolo Mar cella M. J. Pierce. Weight today 107. 71972 Oakland 1 1-10 1:47 fast 4 107 4 1 1 1 Is In J Hayes M.M.Bowdish, K.ofMist. T.Captain. 71818 Oakland 1 1-16 1:4S4 fast 14-5 109 2 1 1 1 l1! I1 J McBride Orchan, Nabonassar, Little Joker. 6964S Oakland 1 1:41 fast 9 107 5 6 G 7 73 712 J Hayes R. Young. King of Mist. Rudabek. 69276 Oakland 1 1-10 1:482 fast 6 109 5 4 5 5 41! 2i J Hayes L.of the Vale, Reality, Follow Me. NETTING, br. m. 5, by Sain Lady Hamilton H. Green. Weight today 103. 71955 Oakland 1 1-1C 1:48 fast 9-5 109 5 1 1 1 l1 in W Miller E4apa. Rotrou, Mav Holladay. 7193S Oakland 1 1:403 fast 4J 110 4 5 5 5 G2 31 Borel Tavora, Serenity, Jolly Witch. 71853 Oakland 1 1:414 fast 4 109 0 4 4 3 31 C1! Buxton Orchan, Progress, Serenity. 71S2S Oakland 7-S 1:27 fast 10 110 1 1 2 2 Ink 2and Borel Tavora. Elizabeth F., Good Cbccr. 71S02 Oakland 7-S 1:26 fast 15 109 7 3 5 0 41 5 Borel Martinmas, Phalanx, Progress. ETAPA, b. c, 4, by Take Notice Hoolou C. W. Chappell. Weight today 10G. 72040 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:461 fast 4 112 3 2 2 2 23 221 W Miller Fisher Boy, Fury, Captain Burnett 719S8 Oakland 1 1-16 1:43 fast 1S-5 112 4 3 2 2 22J 2n G Bums Netting, Rotrou, May Holladay. 7193G Oakland ImoOy 1:432 fast 4 104 9 S 8 6 51 5T G Burns All Ablaze, Elmdale, Capt. Burnett 71875 Oakland 1 1:402 fast 10 107 5 4 3 1 121 32 E Lynch Martinmas, MIssM.Bowdish. Salable? 71530 Oakland lm 20y 1:414 fast 25 107 1 1 1 1 23 351 E Lynch EdBall, PrinceofCastlle, MlssRillie MISS MAY BOWDISH. b. m, 6. by Libertine Phoebe F. W. St. Vincent. Weight today 103. 71972 Oakland 11-16 1:47 fast 13-5 107 3 7. 0 5 31! 2n C Ross Kermit, King of Mist, The Captain 71926 Oakland lm50y 1:442 fast 13-5107 G 4 2 1 1! 1 C Ross Im Joe, Nabonassar, The Captain. 71S75 Oakland 1 1:402 fast 20 104 2 5 6 4 3t 2nt C Ross Martinmas, Etapa, Salable. 71553 Oakland 1 1:414 fast 15 104 4 G 6 6 6nt Ci Galindo Orchan, Progress, Serenity. 71803 Oakland lm 50y 1:432 fast 15 102 9 9 9 9 9 6" Salmans Elizabeth F., Orchan, Nabonassar. JACK ADAMS, b. g. G, by Jackson Athalie B. O. Von Bokhelen. Weight today 103. 71990 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:4G fast 9-5 110 G 5 5 G 72 6s! W Knapp Nine Spot. Gorgalete, Nabonassar. 71910 Oakland 7-8 1:262 fast 5 107 10 7 7 7 Gl 55 Keogh Progress. CaptainBurnett, SunMark 69047 Oakland 1 1:42 fast 9 107 G 5 5 4 l1 2n A Wright Flor. Fonso. Croix dOr, Lustig. 67941 Ascot Park 2 3:331 fast S 105 3 4 3 4 45 4clKunz Ding Dong II., Foncasta. Adonis. G776 4 Ascot Park BrC 2:07 slow 5 117 3 3 1 1 2J 25 C Ross Freesias, Roman Boy, CoI.Bronston TALAMUND, b. c, 4, by Altamax Talluda T. E. McLaughlin. Weight today 101. 72004 See Oakland chart in this paper. 71990 Oakland 1 1-16 1:46 fast 12 107 3 S 11 10 101 10211G McLhlinNine Spot, Gorgalete. Nabonassar. 7193G Oakland lm50y l:43g fast 20 102 4 2 2 2 2 691 G McLhlinPontotoc, Martinmas, Fisher Boy. CSG79 Oakland 1 l-S 1:522 fast 16 93 5 6 G 6 53 31 G McLhlinJ. G. Clem, Joe Coyne, Lilic B. 695Su Oakland 1 1-16 1:45 fast 20 90 3 3 4 5 G2 41 G McLhlinJoe Coyne, J. C. Clem, Fred Bent. 69369 Oakland 1 3-16 2:02g mud 5 110 1 2 3 1 l3 Is E Lynch Avontcllus,- Byronerdale, Briers. PINAUD, b. c, 4, by Jean Bereaud Tringle H. R. Schaffer. Weight today 103. 72046 Oakland 1 1-16 1:46? fast 30 109 2 3 .4 3 52 5,1E Dugan Fisher Boy, Etapa, Fury. 72009 Oakland 71 f l:33g fast 100 100 9 9 9 9 9 9s Buxton Agnolo, Progress. Canique. 71926 Oakland lm50y 1:442 fast 15 107 7 5 7 7 72 7 G Burns M.MayBowdish, ImJoe, Nabonar. 60428 Oakland 1 1:45 hvy 30 107 Left at the post. L WilllamsDorado, Lazell, Lucian. 66314 Oakland 1 1:448 hvy Gl 103 7 6 6 5 5 52lSandy Lucian, Cheripe, Cloche dOr. ELWOOD, b. g. G, by Free Knight Petticoat E. Wayland. Weight today 93. GS316 Oakland ImoOy 1:474 slop 50 109 G 9 9 9 9 950lSandy Avonalis. Governor Davis, Lazell. G3S25 Oakland 7-8 l:27g fast GO 107 10 10 10 10 10 1033 Wiley Lustig, The Mighty, Serenity. POTRERO GRANDE, ch. g, G, by Amigo Rose Bud Walker and McKinnip. Weight today 103. 6S074 Oakland 1 1-1G l:47g fast 20 107 9 9 9 10 102 10s! Alarie Nabonassar, Tarrigan, B.orPassage. GS535 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 30 109 8 8 9 7 7 51 Alarie Hi Col Cap, Fury, B. of Passage. SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. 720471:1153103. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St A ?i StrFin Jockeys Best Company. MASSA. ch. g, 5, by Masetto Satisfaction D. A. Ross. Weight today 109. 71S19 Oakland 1 1:332 fast 15 107 3 5 5 4 5s 4 Keogh MarkAntonylL, SidneyF., SanAlvIso C91S1 Oakland 1 1-16 l:46g fast 8 102 4 3 3 4 5 51 G Nichols Bedford, Rubric, George P. MNcar. 6S.9S2 Oakland lm 20y 1:412 fast 4-5 107 2 1 1 1 11 12 Keogh Joe Coyne, Huerfano, Eduardo. ROALTA, ch. 0, 3. by Altamax Miss Rowena T. H. Williams. Weight today 108. 72012 Oakland 7-S 1:232 fast 10 108 3 3 4 4 4 4 W Miller Arklirta. Rather Roval, Ed Ball. 71939 Oakland 1 1:331 fast 13-5 107 1 1 3 4 43 51 W Miller True Wing, May L. "N., Sidney F. 71831 Oakland 1 1:394 fast 30 105 1 1 1 1 13 2 Sandy Acrobat, MayL.N., TreasureSeeker. 7119S Brighton 3-4 1:122 fast GO 106 2 9 8 7 61 Horner Berwick, Momentum, Toublemaker. 70321 Sheepsd 1 1:332 fast 15 107 1 1 3 4 51 Sl2lSandy Vino, King Cole, Druid. MARY F., b. f, 4. by Canopus Princess Noretti W. B. Jennings. Weight today 109. 7201T Oakland 3-4 1:112 fast 31 93 2 - 3 3 32 22 E Dugan Prejulcio. Magazine, Ovelando. 71937 Oakland F C 1:082 fast 20 90 4 3 3 32 S3 G Burns Rapid Water, Native Son, The Mist 710S5 Gvesend Ab3-4 1:112 slow 20 96 9 8 5 51 421 Henry SisterFrances, LadyAnne, Algelone. 70S67 Sheepsd 1 1:40 fast 25 103 8 6 5 5 4 31 Sandy Royal Lady, Druid, Cloistcress. 70228 Brighton B. 3-4 1:13 fast 103 12 11 11 ll1! S Henry Neoskaleeta. S.Frances. Momentum JUDGE NELSON, b. c, 3, by Bassotlaw Loveknot H. G. Bedwell. v Weight today 108. 71915 Oakland 3-4 1:131 fast 50 108 7 7 5 5s 58i E Lynch F. Neugent, Ovelando. Earlv Tide. 71531 Oakland 1 1:394 fast 15 105 2 2 3 3 4s 5,S1A WilllamsAcrobat. Roalta. May L. N. GSG5?; Oakland 71 f 1:322 fast IS-5 101 7 5 5 5 52 451 A WMlliamsS. Brlllar, G.l. MNear, Fred Bent. 6SC22 Oakland 61 f 1:20 fast 10 100 4 G G 51 5 A WilliamsSiigaruiaid, Eutre Nims. Grace G. WING TING. b. f. 3, by Star Shoo t Van-a-Clar J. S. Hawkins. Weight today 105. 71993 Oakland F C 1:092 fast 40 109 11 52 12 12 1119JJ Butler St. Elmwood. Como, Ocean Shore. G99G9 Latpnia 1 1:39 fast 95 8 S "7 G 7s 61 J Butler Phil Finch, Carthage, Morales. 69S69 Latonia 1 1-4 2:072 fast 122 5 5 5 4 4 4 Cherry LillieTurner, MIssAIert. MIssLIda. 63593 Ltonte 7-S 1:27 fast 105 2 5 5 Q J Butler Lfxojlne, Cablegram, pid Honesty. .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907120101/drf1907120101_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1907120101_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800