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BEAUMONT FORM CHART. Beaumont. Tex.. November 23. Weather clear: track slow. First day. Beaumont Racing Association. Fall meeting of 12 days. Presiding Judge. H. T. Batcheler. Starter. Arthur McKnight. Secretary. Hart Dernham. 78303 First Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 782GS3Sister OUie 110 l2 Pendergast 4 2 1 78214 Hardyana 110 2h Moleswrth C 2 C-5 779112I.ouise F. 110 3 Henry G 2 1 7S22G Glenart 110 4 Butwell 3 3-2 7-10 7823S Cintilla 110 0 McCllough 10 4 2 - 77S69 Mrs. Flannigan 110 0 Lynch 8 3 3-2 77811 Miss Bmonter 110 7 "Warren 15 C 3 77540 Loyd 105 S Burns 20 S 4 C. Clamp 110 9 Shriner 15 C 3 BonnieStratford 110 10 Louder 15 C 3 77957 Minnie Bangert 110 11 Donovan 10 4 2 Time. 58s. Winner R. E. Watkins ch. f. by Lack ford Fairy Bird. Went to post at 2:34. At post 7 minutes. Scratched 7S2G4Gns Couhiot. 105: 777092Red Rebel. 113; 7795G Little Joe August. 110; 7812G Sibyl Kemp. 105, 78304 Second Race 5-S Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 7S2S3Toboggan 109 lJ Lindsay 3 3-2 4-5 7S241AVatuga 104 22 Shriner 8 2 3-2 78239 Dick Rose 104 3 Henry 4 8-5 4-5 7S239 Little George 109 4 Butwell 4 8-5 4-5 779S5 Fallen Leaf 109 5 Pendergast 3 3-2 7-10 7S231 Bellfiower 101 6 McC Hough 8 3 3-2 78296 Ill Meter 109 7 Monroe 10 4 2 78251 Billowy 101 8 Gallno 25 12 7 Time. 1:05. Winner Kern and Schwartz .br. g, S, by Kingston Glide, by Chippendale. Went to post at 3:07. At -post 4 minutes. Scratched 78270 Comal. 109: 78293 Hattie Garrett, 109; 7S2S1 Katherine Murphy. 99: 7S2822LIth-osia, 109; 7793G Calabash. 109; 7S2512Miss Breeze. 109. 78305 Third Race 5-S Mile. All Ages. Allowances. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 7S257Arch Oldham 129 l1 Moleswrth 1-2 out 77S23Jolm Garner 120 221 Shriner 7 W 1-2 78290 Loniond 9C 3 Ploss C C-5 2-5 7S290 Brougham 93 4 Moore 10 3 1 78290 Galta 90 5 Mbnder 10 3 I Time. 1:04. Winner T. Polks br. h. G, by Gallantry Pearl Barnes. Went to post at 3:3S. At post 4 minutes. Scratched 7S292Momentuin. 119; 78220 Ruiloba. 9G. 78306 Fourth Race 7-S Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sit. 7S195Barn. Dreyfuss 107 in Donovan 10 4 2 7S2703Sam Barber 113 23 Otis 7 3 3-2 7S2C9 Chian Belle 110 3 McCllough 10 4 2 7S2S0 Safeguard 107 4 Lindsay 20 8 4 7S2133Bon. Pr. CharliellO 5 Moleswrth 31 3-2 7-10 782C7 Stoic 110 0 Shriner 8 3 3-2 7S2C3Gibson 107 7 Pendergast 4 3-2 4-5 78199 Entre Vous 107 S Moore 30 12 C 75402 Match 113 9 Conley 10 4 2 CS91C Calita 107 10 Reese C 2i ti-5 7S229Ruiloba 107 11 Henry 5 3" 1 Omitted from entries. Time. 1:34. Winner E. Christians b. g, 7. by Dorian Nonage. Went to post at 4:0S. At post 2 minutes. Scratched 7S255Ed Tracy. 107: 7S2S3 Reticent. 110; 7821S Charlatan. 110. 78307 Fifth Race 1 .Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 78279 Bewitched 97 1 Moleswrth S-5 3-5 out 7S2G92Associate 99 1 Louder 4 3-2 1-0 7S2772Cheswardine 109 3 Munden 10 4 2 7S2G9 Walter McLean 109 41 iMonroe 20 8 4 78217Adesso 112 5 Henry 8 3 3-2 78217 George II. "Whlte97 C Markam 20 8 4 78231M. Candlemas 109 7 Butwell C 2 4-5 7S1C0 Grenade 109 S Pendergast 4 3-2 4-5 Derby Day 100 9 Ltndsey 30 12 C 77983 Captain Lytle 100 10 McCllough 20 8 4 78217 Gunston 109 11 Donovan 12 5 21 Dead heat. Time. 1:454. Winners Bewitched, C. E. Mahones b. f. 3, by Frankfort Greenwich; Associate. Burkhart it New-burgs ch. g, 4, by Smile Society. Went to twst at 4:35. At post 3 minutes. , Scratched 7S2S02Alvise. 109 : 73202 Ladv Oakland. 100: 7S2173Wise Hand. 10G; 7S29G3My Love. 100; 7S21G Florence N.. 97. 78303 Sixth Race G 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds arl upward. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. 7S009 Bill Bramble 99 V Henry 20 S 4 7S25CJames V. 101 21 Lindsay 6 S-5 4-5 78279 Golf Ball 114 3 Shriner 3 0-5 1-2 C7729 Prince Rover 110 4 Monroe SO 12 C 777C7Ida Lytle 98 5 Moleswrth 4 8-5 4-5 782643Satn Taylor 110 C .1 Reese C 2 1 7S2S3 Suffice 101 7 Moiiey 20 8 4 7S2272King Wilda 111 S Pendergast 2 7-10out Time. 1:25?. Winner Sells and Co.s ch. c. 3, by Caleb Bettie Bramble. Went to post at 5:02. At post 2 minutes. Scratched 7S227 Chief Hayes. 109. 78309 Seventh Race 5-S Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 7S239 Haughty 109 l3 Louder 2 1 2-5 09225 Lady Bateman 109 21 Finley 10 4 2 77S22Anoura 101 3 Moleswrth 0-5 1-2 out 78291 Padrone 109 4 II Burns 7 2 1 7S17C Merry Leap Year 109 5 Monroe 25 10 5 77750 Convenient 104 0 McCllough 25 10 5 77535 Myrtle Dixon 109 7 Shriner 10 4 2 77SS5 iaidiner Tyler 109 S King 20 S 4 7S270 Calobia 99 9 Butwell 10 4 2 78170 Winola 101 10 Donovan 12 4 2 Time. 1:05?. Winner B. M. Rebos ch. m. u, by Handsel RuuiKint. Went to "post at 5:23. At post 2 minutes. Scratched 7S29G Bertmont. 109: 7S29G Aunt Tabitha, 109: 77535 La Cumbra. 109; C2357 Bill Edwards. 112: 78125 Lykers. 109. Overweights Haughty, 5 pounds.