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MANY TRAINERS AND JOCKEYS LICENSED. Lexington Ky . April 10 The Stale Ita. in- C »" mission, with Vice-chairman F.. f. Clay. Milton Young. Charles F. Grainger. I.ouis Dos Cognets anil Secretary A. B. Rouse present, hold a brief session this morning, at which the following licenses were granted. Trainers--W. 3. Young. Robert Tucker. W. H. Fizer. John Marklein. Charles C. Van Meter. Frank P. Wilson. W. K. Oots. R. P. Brooks. John Walter-. George W. Mayes. I . T. WcatVCT. J. W. May. James F. Davis. James W. 1-ally. Thomas Abadie. Frank Gering ami Willinin Stueve. Jockeys — Dale Auslin. Grover Warren. Vincent E. Foy and Clifford Hntnagel. Apprentice Jockey*--It. Val Lorell. William Rob inson and Earl Harris. The only other application before the commission was that of jockey George Mountain, whose license whs revoked by the American Turf Association about a year ago. His application was accompanied by a letter from W. II. Fizer. which staled that at a meeting of the American Turf Association In Ixmisville. Saturday. Mountain had been granted a license by that body, and the reqpest was made that the i-oniinissioii would take Hie same action. The application, however, was held up for further consideration. Favorable action on the application of jockey Dale Austin was due largely to a recommendation of Judge Charles F. Price and a pledge from C. C. Van Meter, who filed a contract with Austin for one year, dating from April 1. 1OO0. with the privilege of renewal for another year after April 1 next, at 5 per month when there was no racing and S50 per month when racing was in progress. Judge Price notified tin- commission that the suspension of Austin, which was imposed bv him at Fort Erie, in August. RIOT, had tiecn lifted April 6. and lew-rote: "I am of the opinion that Austin has probably suffered suCicient punishment, and naastach as he is now in Med bands and has wombs il to ride hom-stly in future. I would ri-spoctfully reeom mend favorable consideration of the application." Mr Van Meter, in his letter, said: "1 pledge the commission Austin will lie under mv personal care and direction, and that he will not accept aav mounts unless they are sclecttsd by me. 1 feel confident that Austin, who is one of the b.-st riib-r-on the turf, needs only this Chance to make good in every way." The commission was informed that there are a number of applications from trainers and lockeys now in the hands of Socretarv Davis at Louisville and Secretary Shelley at the local track, and the* adjourned to meet next Saturday morning at eleven oclock to pass upon them.