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WINDING UP AFFAIRS AT OAKLAND. San Franeisco, fal.. April 10. — Jockey Buxton to day signed a contract to ride in Russia for the stable trained by J. O. Keene and will leave immediately aeeonipinied by f. Buxton, his brother, who has severed his connect ion as trainer for the Flcur do Lis-.Stable. G. II. Keene has N-en instructed to send aloirg another boy for another Russian stable and may select Borcl or Keogli. Fred Cook goes east tomorrow. He will retire from racing, sell all his thoroughbred stock on his eastern farm and confine himself to Imokmaking. His stable ran behind ." . KH» here this season, which was about what he made liooking. He declared today that liorses which have earned his colors repre sent an aggregate outlay of a half million dollars. He has about 00,000 invested in thoroughbred holdings, all of which he has made out of booking. Jockey Bntwell is here, en route from Santa Anita to New York. Several Kcntiickiaiis are negotiating for the California stallion. Ciinmrd. on whack J. D. Millin luis set a price of #10.000. I. H. Wheatcroft Is also after the horse. The stithies of S. C. Hildrefh and W. B. Jennings left for New York tonight, and George Ham left for Louisville with the Gerst-Holle string. Archie Zimmerman and Andy Blakeley left for New York. All of the Oakland track employes have been lis charged except one carpenter, one plumber an I the necessary watchmen. Superintendent Grant will remain in charge anil will require the removal of all horses by May 1. when the track will be closed.