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IMPROVEMENTS AT BLUE BONNETS TRACK. Montreal. One . April 10. — The snow and ice have almost disappeared from Blue Bonnets and it will not 1m- long lie fore the harrows will he turning over the mellow earth. In fact. Superintendent Marshall is already preparing for a campaign which should make the course faster than ever hofore. With the coming of spring a number of improvements will be noted, chief of which will lie the erection in the lower paddock, Ih-hiu the handsome clubhouse, of a roomy and thoroughly up to-date building, which will serve aa secretarys eaaee, post office, entry room ami jockeys ipiartors. The work of construction will commence shortly. The old jockey quarters hcncati the grandstand were far from satisfactory, and the same is true of the secretarys office, which i-iMHiilv laid out and gave loungers an inlins I awl 1 1 fo bar the way of those who had real business to transact. In the new building, which will hare a liability, from which the lx ys who are not riding mav view Hie races, there will be an abundance of room for trainers and others whuem duties will call for heir prcseneo there, but it will be so isolated thai the hangers on and other undesirable-will have bo excuse for visiting it. In this way the iockeys will be safeguarded from the lime thev arrive at the eourse until the last race has been run. An ornamental walk will lead from the ioiki-y house to the judges" stand, passing in front of tie elul.honse. and the jockeys will eonstantlv be under the eyes of the officials. It i~ the intention to plant several hundred trees in the grounds, which are already lieautiful. Fine, strong maple trees will line the drive from Ifofaoa avenue to the clubhouse and grandstand, while wiliows or poplars will form a hedge between tie backslreiih and the stable. Still another row of tree* will he planted in the ground between the stablea and the Canadian Pacific Railway Nature has done much for lilue Bonnets, but when thee* Hoe- have lieen growing for a few years tliev shorn 1 odd much to lie altractiveness of the course. AppMi nio ns continue to tiour in for stall room for the -Ming meeting, which is scheduled to open on Saturday. June 5, and continue until Saturday. June III. T!.. latesl owners who have asked for accotumoda-lions an It. I,. Thomas and 11. F. Carman, each of whom will brii g seventeen horses. Jockey Shilling is in the - Prices of Mr. Thomas and his presence will mean imnli. as this young man is considered the -mos; capable rider in America today. Among Mr. Thomas boraei are several fleet two year olds bv Ces.uion. the best probably lioing dying Squirrel Montrealers at- familiar Willi the Carman stable. Anion;; the liest of his horses sjre Magazine. W. II. Carey, 1 liming and Others, though it is said that he has several rosarl two-year-olda that have never worn colors in California. It was thought that S. C. Hildieth would oulv send part of his stable, hut ill a Idler hi one Of the olheials of the lOCfcey chili the Ian on- ownei traimr asks for reservations for twenty horses.