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TRAINING WORK OVER NEW YORK TRACKS. Whitneys Weil-Bred Band of Two-Year-Olds Arrive at Shecpshead Bay. New York. April 111. —The Long Island tracks IMVC been in excellent condition for several weeks, with I be result That many of the horses being prepared ov.-r time ionises arc well advanced in their training and alioul read! for racing. The haraea which will 1»- raced at the Pimlico meeting, which begins aezl Saturday, recelrad their finishing up gallops last Saturday and will be ■hipped to the Baltimore course today. The going at iravesend Sunday morning was faster tlian at any time this spring and some very goo.! moves were shown. .Inlins Bauers Perkeo stepped along for six furlongs in 1:18 and Zcthus was sent along five furlongs in l:0.-i. The fillies. Hon Rove and Marie Rue. with Floriniel. went live-eighths in 1:01. All Iftree arc ready to race. Trainer King had the two two year olds. Violet Bent and Vi.ung Belle, worked a half in U •. John Rogers had Raiiuel work six furlongs in 1:17.. Molinelli worked Royal Onvx Seven furlongs iu 1:381. George Cornell brought out his three-vear old. Oba-diab. and let him ataa six furlongs in 1:1S. Gol-eomla went a mile in 1:48ft. Creep Morris had Karandale warmed up and worked li i in six furlongs in 1:171. rienrv Walker sent his filly. Miss Voter, five furlongs in 1:04. Over at Shecpshead Bay the trainers were busy and the course crowded with horses all morning. The Bav colony was enlarged yesterday morning with the arrival of twelve horses, which will carry the colors of II. P, Whitney ov.-r the local courses this season. They came from Whitneys Brookdale Farm and were recorred by v. H. Karrieh, who will train Ho HI as well as those of the Oneek stable. Of the Whitney string, all are two-vear-ohls with tin- exception of the foar-year-old gilding. Vorkville Beau. The list is: Palliation. Ch. f. by Hamburg -l.iiunlity. M:n Florence, b. f. by Hamburg — liesole. Kilderkin, b. g. by Haml.urg Kildcer. outpost, ch. g. by llainburg -Semper Paralaa. Rookala. b. f. by Irish Lad -Prii ss Rupert. Rhai ..rock. b. f. by Irish Lad--Slater Marv. Coll. ,,,-•. br. f. bv Ruskin II.- Breakdown. Chestnut filly, by Hamburg -Eliza heth L. Bay gelding. by llamhiirg Lady Fri voles. Chestnut tilly. by Haintiuvg — Vespers. Brown gddiug. iiy Irish Lad — Crania. With eleven youngsters bred as those -are. it is probable that the Whitney colors will lie of some importance, oven though the voung sportsman moved tin- host of his racing establishment to England. All of them made the trip from the farm without misl ap. and some are far enough advancod to make it almost certain that they will boar colors at the coming spring meeting at Belmont Park. Equation is a sister to Uniform and a half-sister to Bar None and other good ones. May Florence is a half-sister to Bra ClilT. which won in England in the Whitney colors la~t week. Kilderkin is a brother io Sandpiper, Adrians ami ether good ones. The daughter oi Vesi.ors is ■ half-sister to The Vicar and Angelus. Shamrock is a half-sister to Top Nolo and t.i Brother Jonathan, and the Crania gelding is i half-brother to Perseus and Westbury. The Belmont Park courses were at their best in every respect, but horsemen were inclined to trials of an ordinary character. Trainer William Hogan cantered the Bartlett McLennan cross -country performers. Agent. Flor-1inr II. and Dealer, live furlongs in 1:0!?. The Scare* Keasiee horse. Agent, winner of last years Annual Champion, with jockey Pat Kelleher up. ■eared imwvssively. Coward Regan workeil Anlrl six furlongs in 1:321. King Cobalt, of the Rrovvnleigh Park Stable, was eased mi si furlongs in 1 :2H. The Plaudit tilly. Secret Servb-e. galloi ed a half in 5.°.*. Trainer Silas Voiteh worked Grandpa a mile in 1:.-|2. Die* Samiisoti was in the saddle. The vet oran was full of life. TIh- Star Ruby i-Wiser. Rufus. galloped a mile and ■ furlong in 2:05 . He is training satisfactorily and there is reason to believe lie will run in good form. William R. Griffin sent Earl G. and Dr. Pillow ■ half in 54. Thomas J. Healev galloped Dollv Spanker. Beau coup. Mauviette. Aletheno. Falcada. May River. Mont fort. Sanguine and Cliciiontuc a half in 57.