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JOCKEYS PRAISEWORTHY ACTION. Ixington. Ky.. May 19. — Jockey Janus Duller made his mother a present of a farm of 100 acres near this city today. He Ix.uglit the land from It. It. Early and paid 2,000, savings from his earn ings as a rider. .lames H. Haggin Is expected here tonight from New York for a visit to Klinciidorf Firm. Jonu Mackev arrived yesterday. Mr. Haggin and Mr. Mackey will look over the yiiirlings and come to a do. -ision as to the iKiiuts at which thev will he sold. If Sir Martin wins t lie Kpsotn Derby next Wednesday the probabllllies are that the majority of the Elmendorf yearlings will be sold in England.