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GLORIFIER RETIRED TO THE STUD. Clever Son of Hastings Has Creditable Record to Show for Four Seasons on American Turf. Glorifier. one of the best horses that August Belmonts stallion. Hastings, sent to tin- races in this country, has been retired to the stud at Arthur HanciK-ks Elh-rslie Farm in Virginia. Gloritlcrs record stamps him as laving fallen but little short of being a Hist .lass horse. But for troublesoin-underpinning lie probably would have figured as one of the great winners of the American turf. During the four seasons that he was in training Glorifier won over 0.000 — an excellent showing, considering that lie faced the harrier only thlrty-fonr times. As a two-year-old he was unfortunate in being forced to compete with horses like Sysonby ajsa I Artful, vet his winnings in that year amounted to nearly 5,000. He won the Hudson and Eclipse Slakes, ran third to Sysonbv in the Flash Stakes, was unplaced in the Futurity, was third to Artful and Dandelion in the White Plains Handicap, was beatea a neck by Bedouin in the Matron Stakes and finished sei-ond to Pasadena in the Nurserv Handicap. In most of tliese events he was called ii|K n to make extensive weight concessions. lie failed to train as a Ihree year old ami raced but lil tie the succeeding year. The bull; of his earnings went to his credit as a live-year-old. when he won the .Metropolitan and Carter Handicaps in James McCormicks eaten. Before leaving for Germany to train for Baroa Oppenheini. MeCormi.-k arranged for the sending of Glorifier to Ellerslie to insure him a home. Another destiny woadd have been GIo-liti.-rs had not Fair Play shown himself to be a great race horse last season. Glorifier would hav ■ gone to August Belmonts- Nurserv Farm to tak" the place of his distinguished sire, a place Fair Play is to till at the end of his racing career. Gloritiers record is as follows: Glorifier. ch. h. 1902. by Hastings— Glory. Year. Age. 1st. 2d. 3d. Daft. Won. 1904 2 13 4 4 2 4.47". I!t0."» | gfgt 4 7 1 2 I 3.3 10 1907 5 K 0 1 1 21XIO 1905 6 0 1 2 2 .833 Totals 5 34 12 9 8 0,210