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WINDSORS EXCELLENT STAKE ENTRIES. Many of the Most Noted Racers of the Present Year Among the Nominations. For the first time in its history. Windsor racing paid I handsome profit last year and the probabilit is that U will do still better in WOO. The clubs stakis have tilled admirably and it now appears that the good peojde of Detroit. Windsor and nearby points are destined to witness nianv of the beat racers of the time In action at the summer meeting of the Highland Park Club. In illustration, the list of nominations to the Frontier Handicap, the principal stake race of the meeting, is here given: The Frontier Handicap, for three year-olds an 1 upward. BIS to accompany the nomination and Suu additional to start. Value ,090. of which ,600 to the winner. 80 to second and *100 to third. Weights to appear three days prior to the rate: acceptances through entry box at usual time of closing of entries d.-iv before race: winners after publication of weights. 3 pounds extra. One and one-eightli miles. Baker. W. II.. eh. m. First Peep. 5. bv Dieudonne - Dawning. . Iia-s. J. A; Co.. b. c. Siskin. 3. by Goldfinch „ -Dncheas of Towers. Brennan, E. A.. b. c Terah. 4. by Abe Frank Claim. BurttscaeU, John. h. g. La Salle. 3, bv Den Howard Satinet. Bedwell. II. G. hr. h. Tonv Faust. 5. by Sain— St. Rose. BedwelL II. G.. b. g. Don Enrhiue. 5. by Hastings — Holla Donna. I.eal. N. K.. b. g. Superstition. 1. by Aldine — Evangeline Cisneros. Chinn. P. T.. b. h. Rifleman, 5. by Pcssara— Fanny l;ikes. Ciiinu. P. T.. Ch. g. Piute. 3. by Lthelbert— Chinn. P. T.. eh. g. Donald Maedonald. 3. by Som brero Berrledale. . , . , Oblun. P. T.. ch. g. Descomnets. 3 by Ingold-bv — Radiance. ., ., , ... Colin. L. A., eh. c. Marse Atvo. .,. by XUBM Oils L . b. or br. g. Console. 3. bv Sir Dixoa Srffa.EW eh. g. All Bed. 3. by Star Ruby — AUanette. _ ,, ... — - — C.dt. J. W.. b. g. Ironsides, b. by Meddler-- Duiilop. David, br. or b. c. Pearl Point, „. by Jack Point Dentifrice. ....... Byrnest. John. b. c. Stromeland. 3. by Ben o Stronn i;;n.lai,.1.Io!m. ch. c. Dnde Toby. 3. by Todding- EUison. C. R. b. c. Royal Tourist. 4. by S.ilidrlng-hum Leisure. , , -, , Erertuau. I. * Co.. b. c. Ordono, 4. by Orlando , Nettie ihitchman. Finer. W. II. A: Co.. b. f. Flop-al. 3. by Alloway- -Aayday. Ki/.r W. II. ,v Co. b. e. Home Run. 3. by Dairy lb- n inn Ban of Luck. Ford. W. «v BerUner. S.. ch. h. Orbicular. 6. by Snub- Orbed Maiden. Com I V J . b. h. Old Honesty, 5. by Previous— Mamie Doyle. _ Grant, J. !».. b. c. Transform. 3. by Chilton— Meten psychosis. Griffin. James, b. e. Czar. 4. by I neoramon— Grociier. J. 6.. ch. c. Olambala. 3. by Ornns — Blue Hen hie. George, ch. c. Michael Angelo. ?.. by Beam May Aic-clo. -. Ileodrte. George, b. c. Deaperado. ... by LoyalW Hildreth. S. C. br. e. King James. 4. by Plaudit - i Might ly. Hildreth. S .. blk. g. Restlgoucbn, 4. by Com u.audo— Dancing Water , llililn th. S. C. br. e. Fitz Herbert. 3. by Ethel bert Morganatic. I Hildreth, S. C. ch. c. Joe Madden. 3. by Yankee —Tarantella. I Hildreth S .. ch. c. Meelick. 4. by Flanudos— lUthyia. Hildreth. S. t.. cli. h. Montgomery. 5. by Pesstira , — Montgomery Cooper. , Hildreth. S. C. ch. c. Firesloue. 4. by Royal Flu-i, ill. Modi-cda. Hiisoh. Max. ch. c, Bpoeaar. 4. by Peep o Day — I Flirt iiner. Holle. G. II.. ch. c. llanbridge. 4. by Banastar— I Debacle. x Idlebrook Stable, b. c. Guy Fisher. 3. by Sain — -1 Appoltonia. Leppert. Fred, blk. g. Lawrence P. Daley. 4. by I S Lisaak Bra IMnsmore. Madlgan, J. 1L. ch. g, Simeoe. 3. by Toddington t — I.uekl s . Madigan. -T. II.. h. h. Ellicott. 5. by Toddington —Duchess of Towers. | Moore. M. Cm br. c. Richard Reed, 3. by Marta Santa -Alan. Mackenzie. R. J., b. h. Tourenne. 5. by Oddfellow j Ethel Thomas. — - Mackenzie. R. J-. ch. c. Direct. 3. bv Don de Oro — Fi-oken. Prewltt. D. N.. blk. h. Ike Minks. 0. by Top | Gallant -Isabinda. Prewltt, D. N.. b. or br. g. T. M. Green. 3. by ] G. W. Johnson— Evergreen. | Besp s. J. B.. b. c. Wintcrgieen. 3. by Dick ] Welle- Winter. i Bespean, J. B., b. h. Marathon. 5. bv Martagou — Ondulee. Resi .ss. J. I ... b. c. R.H-kcastle. 3. by Dick Welles ] —Settle Green. Beapeas, F. B.. ch. c. Norbit Hynes. 3. by Ormi- eant S.-;irf Pin. I SVlireihor. It., b. h. Jack Atkin. 5. bv Sain— EI . Salado. Sehieiber. I... br. g. Animus. r . liv Lord Ester- ling Anbawao. I Beagram. J. E.. b. f. Bouquet. 4. by Kinlev Mack —Briar Suoel. | Seagram. J. E.. b. c. Throckniorton. 4, bv Barrator I Albertina. i Smith-on. C. .. b. g. Juggler, i. by liamburg 1 Elusive. i Sehoir. .L W.. br. g. Gretna Green. f . by Ben i Braahr Kun.iwav Girl. i SehnRe. W. F.. b. f. Gliding Belle. 3. bv Belles l Commoner- -Gliding By. i Shields, William, ch. h. Reidmoore. 6. by Orna- meat - Desavuno. i Small. A. .1.. br. c. W. I. Hindi. 3. by Royal 1 Flash III. -LAmaasne. i St. James Stable, b. h. Green Si-al. 5. by Greenan I — Goi.lseal. St. James Stable, b. f. Miss Sain. 4. by Sain — ] Mis r.aker. Thomas. R. I... ch. h. Light Wool. 3. by Wools . t horpe — A luin in uni . Ti.otnas. I!. L.. ch. c. Great Heavens. 3. by Star Shoot— Chapter. Tutnev. Amos. b. h. Martin Doyle. 7. by Captain Sigsbee -La Wamla. Turner. Amos. b. c. Thco Cook. 3. by Ben Brush — Climax. Valley Farm Stable, b. c. Ceremonius. 3. by Sem pronius — Cereta. Valley Iarm Stable, ch. h. Charlie Gilbert. 5. by ] Maaetto Frog more. Valley Farm Stable, ch. h. Jlimmer. 5. by Marti-ntaa Flicker. Walker. William, b. c. Stanley Fay. 4. by Canopus --Mamie B. Weber. A., b. h. Zipango. 5. by Admonition — Miss C. Woodstock Stable, ch. c. Detective. 3. by Meddle. Admiration. Wainwrigkt. J. R.. br. m. Polly Prim. G. by Pirate of Feasance- Koamo. Wainwright. J. R.. ch g. John E. McMillan, o. by John Bright— Battle Bell. The three stakes for Iwo vear-olds have all filled satisfactorily and to give some idea of the breeding and ownership of these racers of the future, the entries to the Essex Handicap are presented. They are: Essex Handicap, fat two-year-olds. 0 to accom-pany the nomination. *4 additional to start. Value SIJWO. of Which 1.200 to winner. l to second and M to third. Weights to be announced three days prior to race: acceptances through entry box at usual time of closing entries. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Five-eighths mile. Agnew. Thos.. and Powell. F.. b. c. Ed Dorgan, by Carl .— Tillie Ilerr. RrockiniUcr. Mrs. C. J., b. c. Dave Nicholson, by Cornwall — Evening News. Brennan. E. A., b. c. G. M. Miller, by Lissak — Subdue. Brennan. E. A., b. c. Kenneth B.. by Kilkerran —Mav Elliott. Benzinger. II.. b. c. Master Eugene, by Allan-a-Dali I.iuuette. Brown, A. »: Co.. ch. f. Patsalaga. by The Commoner — Touch Not. Brown. A. and Co.. blk. c. Paul Davis, by l.ord Es-terllng Flora Handsome. Brown. A. Jk Co.. eh, c. Bob Co.. by Iord Esterling -Brief. Kissell. t;. W. J., b. c. Lavcno. by Ornament — Lillian Lee. Bissell, G. W. J., ch. f. Mettle Bereaud. by Jean B reand— Mettle O. Chinn. I. T.. br. c. Ollie James, by Sorcerer — Miss LaetlHa. C«Mik. G. W.. ch. c. Coming Forward, by The Commoner — Nellie Van. Cook. G. W.. b. c. Puritan Lad. by The Commoner — Rose Standish. Greener, J. G.. ch. c. Countless, by The Commoner Oleanurt. iarth. William, b. or br. f. Offensive, by Yankee — Unsightly. Garth. William, ch. f. Autumn Girl, by Yankee — Partridge. Garth. William, b. c. Busy, by Galore — Busy Maid. Oerst William, b. c. Donau. by Woolsthorpe — Al Lone. Gorst, William, ch. c. Sureget. by Woolsthorpe — Lunelle. oast. William, b. c. Tyras. by Nasturtium— Flon nee ColnUe. Hirsch. Max. ch. f. Livonia, by Star Shoot — Wood-ray llenlrie. tleorge. b. g. Cumberland, by Meltonian I. .i casta. Hildreth, S. C. b. or br. c, Dalmatian, by Ethcl-l.clt -lonis. Hildreth. S. C. ch. c. Sporting Life, by Meddler — Vacation. Hildreth, S. C. ch. c, Eddie Dugan. by Mazagan Lady Hope. Idlebrook Stable, b. g. Captain Morns, by Ben St ionic-Loot. , _ Idlebroaft Stable, b. c. Henderson, l»y Griffon— .„ ldlel rook Stable, b. c. Frank G. Hogan. by Hawks wick Wedding Day. . Isbister, J. R-. b. f. Miss Railey, by Ruskin II. — Ireland. J. T.. ch. c. Sir Neddam. by Star Shoot — Silver Blase, ..... Ireland ,1. T.. b. f. Sona. by Orlando — Vassarl. Kirkman. S. J., blk. c. Johuny Wise, by Maey — Lamb. Mr., b. c. Sir Philo. by Masetto— Ida Quick Marklein. John and Co.. br. c. Prince Imperial, by Orlando— Dixoletta. Milam. J. C. Ao Co.. ch. f. Eva Tanguay. by Con-i. stor- Groteaqne. _ Milan. J. C. and Co.. br. c. Markic M.. by Gerol-stein Ladj Casbman. Milam. J. C. and. Co.. b. or br. c. Jack Bums, by i ontestor -Florea. , Ma -keiizle. R. J., b. g. The General Armstrong. bv- Ben stroine — Privateer. Mav. J. W.. b. c. Bob It., by Allau-a Dale— Lilly Ni.oll. M . b. c. Tem Beaehey. by Frankfort — !v Sonny South. ■ ..... Prewltt. D. N.. ch. c. Ben K. Sleet, by Knight of the Thistle -Golden Bod II. , =_ __■ Seagram. J. E.. b. c. Commonalty, by The Commoner —Valcriaua. Seagram. J. E. b. f. Shepherds Song, by Lac-tantius — Rose Madrigal. Schorr J. W.. ch. c. Jno. Kcardou. by Silverdale !.• cline. Scliulte, W. V., ch. c. King Olympian, by Olympi an -Quern Lute. Scbulte, W. F.. ch. c. Gliiiian. by Olympian— Gliding By. Sehieiber. B.. cli. c. Judge lUnderson. by Bannock burn Winvah. si James stable, b. c. Alfred tlio Great, by Ce--.Mioii — Anecdote. Stevenson.. Das id. blk. g. The Monk, by lather-Ichs -EHsa Russell. , , Stnere William, b. c. Captain Glore. by liank fort -111 Wind. Thomas B. I... b. e. Polls, by Voter — Picayune II. Thomas B. I... ch. e. Flying Suuiirel. by Cesarion Katie W. 1ii. .mas. It. I... b. c. Sir Asiiton. by Cesarion — VaUey Farm Stable, eh. f. English Esther, by I . .1 ; — t ■ ili,ig — Lizzie English. Y.ilh j Farm Stable, ch. f. Lady Sybil, by The Commoner— Loyal Marie ... , , ,., Valhy Farm Sttible. ch. g. Broadsword, by King Van Meter. C. c! «v Co.. ch. g. The Fad. by Waali ""vaii " Meter.""1. C. and Co., b. c. Lord Clinton, by I land - I Emily O. . Van Meter. C. C. V: Co., ch. g. Alan Bain, by - • ■ llan a-Dal — Anna Bain. Woodford * Finer, b. g. Hallack. by Ben Brush 1eierville. , . „ .... ., , . Woodford and Fteer. b. Of br. g. White, by Lady in Waiting. Woodford A: Finer, b. nr br. g. Jack Straw, by Pirate of Fi if are AqoTia. Weil. K. 1.. b. e. Clysmic. by Inspector B. -- Wainwright, J. R-. br. c. Slashing Blow, by Ben Brush Janice 11 _ . _ _ . Wainwtlghf. J. R-. hlk. c. Short Order, by Sir l ion — Lajy Alberta I I , , I I x -1 I S t | j | ] | ] i ] I . I | I i 1 i i i l i i 1 i I ] . ] Wainwright. J. R.. b. c. Steel King, by Ruskin II.- Sister M dly. Walker. P. M.. b. f. Polly Lee. by Marta Santa-Splice. The IMBMI high standard of excellence is maintained through the other stakes, as the following samples will scre to show: Windsor Selling Stakes, for three year olds and upward, 0 to accompany nomination, and *H additional to start. Value ..-|00. of which .2 «l to winner. *2IU to second and 100 to third. ,000 weight for age: 2 lbs. allowed for each $." tHl to ,000. then I lb. for each H» to 1909.sh00. those entered not to be sold, if three-year obis, to cany lbs. extra: if four-year-olds and upward. 3 lbs. extra. Starters with selling price to be named through entry Ihix the day preceding the race. Miami one-quarter miles. Dorse. Age. Horse. Age. First Peep ." Montgomery 5 Gerrymander 3 Firestone 4 Alice 3 King James 4 Terah 4 Beatigoncbe 4 La Salle 3 Ha-iibridge 4 Tonv Vaunt Ji Guv Fisher 3 Manual •" Ironbonnd 3 Hon Enrique ." High Hat I Superstition 4 Lawrence P. Daley — 4 ■9 Ho 3 Ellicott ." Lady Baldur 4 Firebug 3 lbnlo 3 Round and Round.... 4 Colonel Jack S Whidden 4 Rifleman 5 Richard Reed 3 John Carroll 0 Tom Dolan 0 Donald Maedonald 3 A. Muskoday 6 Captain John 8 The Minks ti Console .. Belle Scott ,r Irrigator 3 Hooray 0 All Bed ■ Marathon ."i Arrow Swift 4 R h kcastle 3 Creel ...-; o Bourn 3 Pearl Point 3 Norbit Hvnes .". Gridiron 4 Animus ." Stionieland 3 Maximum 3 Dnde Tobv 4 Baby Bird 3 Mean 4 Juggler 8 Floreal 3 Gretna Green ." Colonel Zeb 3 Gliding Belle 3 George II. White 4 Reidmoore C Lois Cavanagh 1 W. I. Hindi "• Ili.icko 4 Green Seal G Old Honesty •r Miss Sain 4 transform 3 Woolwinder 3 Cheswardine 4 Great Heavens 3 Bar! G 4 Tell Tnrney 4 Olambala 8 Charlie Gilbert ." llaer.sel .r Glimmer S Malediction 7 Cereinoiiius 3 Blfal] •" Stanley Fay 4 Desperado 3 Oreagna 4 Joe Madden 3 Zipango 5 Woodcraft 4 John E. McMillau ... o D. R. I. and W. Ferry Company Handicap, for throe-ve.u-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination, and " additional to start. Value ,500. of which .2IN to the winner. ih to second and SKm tip third Weights to appear three days prior to the race; acceptances through entry lx x at usual time of elonlng of entries dav before race: winners after publication of w+Mghts. 3 lbs. extra. One mile. Horse Age. Horse. Age. Mia E. McMillan ... 5 Guy Fisher 3 Lizzie Moore 3 Cave Adsum o Gerrymander •" Don Hamilton li Alice 3 Bone Queen 3 Siskin 3 Lawrence p. Daley.. 4 Petulant 4 Sir Irving 4 Lady. Oriinar 3 glmcoe 3 Tonv Faust •" W. A. Leach 3 Mailman 5 Ada Meade 3 Don Enrique 5 Sight 3 Superstition 4 Richard Reed 3 St. Jeanne o Tourenne ," El Oro 3 Direct 8 Colonel Jack .". Balbek 8 Orenesqiie 4 Manv Colors 3 Rifleman •" Smoker 4 John Carroll i T. M. Green 8 Piute 3 Wintergreen 3 Donald Maedonald ... 3 Jack Atkin 5 Marse Abe 3 Purslane u in gator 3 Throckmorton 4 All Red 3 Ed I laines 3 Lndy Bather 8 Maximum 3 Pearl Point 3 Gretna Green ." Takahira 8 Woodbine 4 Gridiron 4 Zienno 8 Stromeland 3 Green Seal ." Inele Toby 4 Miss Sain 4 Royal Tourist 4 Ida May 4 Wostburv St. Elmwood o Lucky Ford 3 Light Wool •"» E. T. Shipp 4 Goilv Ding 4 Anne MeGec 8 W. T. Overton 4 Marine 3 Dennis Stafford 4 Orbicular 6 Martin Dovle 7 Hiacko 4 Thco Cook 3 Transform 3 Sig •• Karl G 4 Ceremonius •• Siiooner 4 Glimmer ." Michael Angelo 3 Charlie Gilbert .". King James 4 Stanley Fay 4 Restigouebe 4 Centre Shot 4 Fits Herbert 3 Gemmell S Joe Madden 3 Bellwether 4 Firestone 4 Detective •"• Meelick 4 Tolly Prim U llanbridge 4 Poiiteharrain Silling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination. 0 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 00 to the winner. IH» to so -ond and 00 to third. .00o weight for age: 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 less to . 2. WKI: tneii 1 lh. for each tK less to . Starters with selling price to be named through en try Im day preceding race. Three-quarters mile. I base. Age. Horse. Age. Martha Agnew 3 Firestone 4 Alice 3 Woodcraft 4 Ladv Orimar 3 Peter Ouince 4 Petulant 4 Red River 5 Cooney K •"• Colloquy •« Paiaroita 4 Guy Fisher 3 Madman 8 J. H. Rood 8 i;] oro 3 Ironbonnd 5 St. Jeanne 5 High Hat 8 Doctor Binds 3 Don Hamilton fa Duke of Milan 3 P. Daley... 4 Ladv tenia 8 Ellicott S Sew eii 5 Firebug ■ C. iota in John 8 W. A. Leach • Sea Swell 8 Merrick ■ Marse Abe 8 Sight 3 Ml Bed 3 Richard Reed • i.adv Esther fa Balbek 3 Sal Volatile •"» Royal Onvx Takahira 3 Serenade • Gridiron 4 Smoker 4 Stromeland 3 Wintergreen 8 Uncle Tobv 4 Marathon Wostburv 6 Joe Man 4 Jacobite fa Purslane B I.uckv Ford 3 Jubilee Juggins 4 Al Muller 4 Ed Haines 3 niio McGee 8 Woodlane 4 Marine 3 Ida May 4 Oocs Fast 4 Grande Dame 4 Tillinghast 4 St. Klmwood " Transvaal 4 G.dlv Ding 4 Transform ,..3 W. T. Overton 4 Br Pillow 3 Dennis Stafford 4 Halket 4 Sclwik I Zal •" Denham ■• Cvmbal 4 Geinmell B Andalusia 4 Centre Shot 4 Youthful 4 r.ollwether 4 Spanner 4 Tonv W J Gold Pill •" Ouadrille " Dandelion 7 Ida D 4 Meelick 4 Po-iug fa