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PLANS FOR THE BUTTE MEETING. Salt Lake Citv. T tali. June 12.— II. I. Wilson, president of the Butte Jockey Club, was a recent visitor at tbe Fair Grounds. Mr. Wilson, like his , assoeiates in the Butte racing organization, is enthusiastic over tli- outlook for the thirty-day meet ing to begin at Butte July 3. There are already Mboal MO horses at the track and about 30O more are scheduled to go from here. These will be reinforced from other points, and all indications are that fully Mmi horses will l e on hand for the meeting. The- program book for the first seven days of the meeting will be ready for distribution among the horsemen here within the next few days. The purses will be 1290 and 00. with overnight handicaps of 00 and 1909.sh00 value. Because of the large number Of horses which will be on hand. President Wilson announces that there probably, will be seven 1 races dailv. as was the case for much of the time during the last meeting. The track is one of the best mile courses in the west. The meeting will be run under the rules of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club, with Fred Mulholland as presiding judge. Frank Skinner associate judge and official haudicappcr and I William Murray starter.