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HALM A. HOKSE OF HIS DAY. DEAD. W. K. Vanderbilts Attempt to Regain Possession of Him Leads to Disclosure. Kew York. June 17. — William K. Yandcrbilt. evidently concluding that he had made a mistake in letting go of Ilalma, the Hanover stallion whose progeny are making a splendid showing on the French tun this year, wired Ills American representatives, to get hold of Halma again and ship him back to France, only to learn that the animal succumbed to colic a few weeks ago at the farm of W. W. Phiunev. near Delevan. N. Y.. wiiere he had been standing as a Breeding Bureau stallion since liis presentation to the New York Breeding Bureau bv Mr. Vanderbilt two years ago. Halma stands at the head of the French stallion winning list, and Mr. Vanderbilt leads the winning owners and breeders of the great European republic chiefly because of the swiftness and stamina of the progeny of the American stallion for which he paid S30.OO0 some ten years ago. ... Ilalma was a horse of splendid individuality with a brilliant racing record. He was from the Longfellow mare. Julia L., and was foaled in 1892. Contemporary with The Commoner and Buck Hassle, I wo other high-class sous of Hanover, he was considered the best horse of the trio. The late Byron McClelland developed Halma. and among the races lie won as a three-year-old in 1MB were the Kentucky Derby, the Latonia Derby and the Clark Stakes, three of the most iinitortnnt and difficult Kpci-ials run in the west in those days. Mr. McClelland sold the big black for .000 to Jnlins Flcischinann. of Cincinnati, who was then. , one f the most prominent horsemen in the country, smd Mr Flcischinann established him in the stud. Air. Flcischuiaun had several chances to dispose of Ilalma before Mr. Vanderbilt MM an offer for him and Mr. Vanderbilt • was accounted fortuuate when it became known that he had purchased Ilalma. Manv good marcs were bred to him during the early davs of his stud service in France, but not in- 1 last year and this did his progeny amount to much.