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STILL FIGHTING THE POOLROOMS. New York. June 22. The ra4-e track sViaatllna at gravesend have uneartheil a new scheme by whicJi poolroom agents have been getting information out side of Hie enclosure to i-onfi-ilerates who have quiekb ina.le use of the telephones ill the neighbor hoed. Tbe skeataa saw ram mea after the third race on Saturday throw small objects over the fence just liehind lite graiiilslauil. When the triik was n Boated after the next race a man was grabbed out ride of the track on the trolley tracks just as he was in the act of picking up three little rubber balls. Kadi ball hail a hole in It and contained slips of paper on which were written flu- result of Hie Derby and tire starters in the fifth event. No arrests were made, but persons who tried to throw SSSM Basra balls over the fence after the ensuing race wi-ri ejected. Tile Jockey Club is keeping up its tight against the poolrooms at heavy expense and the track sleuths insist that the rooms are forced to limit their business to the races in Canada and the west.