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SALT LAKE CITY ENTRIES. Probabi lilies: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at 2:90 p. m. Cliicago time 3:30. / Runs welt in mud. fBSuperb.r mud rtinm i . First Race— 5-8 Mile. :; year olds ami upward. Selling. In.l. Horse. A. Wl II. h P S24.ll- Voltrome ■».. 112.. 72.". so4,s7 CoM.skill ." - HO * i2 » S24JS.X Boiiton 4. .114. . . .71.". S2:;.i7 Hampton Beauty .. :s. . 1fi:. . . .71. 82762 Royal Pilot :;..l« .« 7 us .H27t..-. Bile Bra4ly I. .112 714 s-TiKl Bvnm 4..11I 70". Lassen ... . 1 Hi. . / .0.". 88728 tiaga 4.114 . . 700 HUP/ Magnitieo 7.. 116 i00 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. .1 year-olds and upward. Selling. S247S Salvage 7. . 1 10. . ©725 S20i:: F nil Hall 3. .•». . X724 82*11 Garland :S..IO:i il.. sivnit- Regard! *••!•• • 82T.13 Grssscatter ft.sW.. XJJ5 S2.-.S1 Fslher M 4. .112 7 H1 M Happy Chappy 0. .110. . X »Uu Third Race — 1 Mile. :: year ..Ids and upward. Selling. 8QSR0 Work Bos :;. . ioi . . /72% 82S8RV Woolen 5. . Dr.. . X724 S2411II Bad Loaf 7..II.:..T71". S21.1I- Mike Jordan 8. .100 710 X-J720- I -igent ft- 01.-.70. ajaass BlTrj Myer 4. . U36. . X 74.". Fourth Race — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds mid upward. Handicap. S2".si Pimkini ... . Iio. . • 72.". i S201 tinted Lest 7. .100. .ft. 20 82403*Boggs 4.. 107 IIS K27S3 Hush Money 4. . 1 W. . / 71.". S2si Valencia ti. . 10... . / 71 . H2.-.42 Capewell 3.. 100 710 •Kia-no Bros, i-utry. Fifth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. 4-V4.«r olds and upward. Selling. si.-.s:; Lacy i ft .ltd 72.". 82801 Legatee 7. . loo. . 72i» sohk! i ..lo,,,.! White 7. . 1 12. . 71.". 8373*" BHdcn «. .107. .©714 .S27.C- Herman Doyle 7. .107 70.". BSttl Arconrt .".. . 109. . X700 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Ill IBB" IMalfg Julia 4. .112. . X72.". S2tr.l J. W. Fuller 7.. 116 720 S27:;2- Platoon 7. . 1 10. .ffiil". 82790* Rose Daly 4. .107. . X71". s-_7.!2 Bill Mavbam 12. .110. . X 71» s27::o Billy Taylor 11. .110. . X70.". S2477 I.uxnrio 4. .107 70.". 81517 living Ihince ft.Mft.X7** 82*48 SatH-y M 4.. 107.. X 700 S20U Bill Bagwell 7. .111 700