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STILL ELIGIBLE TO THE FUTURITY STAKES. Eighty-Nine Youngsters from Which Will Come Winner of Our Richest Race for Two-Year-Olds. The Futurity Stakes of the present year will bo run under the conditions that have prevailed heretofore, having closed long before the stress of hostile legislation enforced the cutting down in value of stakes and purses. It had an original entry of 954 mares, of which 333 nominations were void under tlie conditions of the race. Of the remaining 021, 309 declared at 0 each; eighty-three at 0 each: llftv-slx at 1909.sh0 each, and twenty-four at 0 each, making an accumulation of 0.3.K in declaration fees. This leaves eighty-nine colts and fillies still eligible at 00 each, so. with its 0,000 of added money, the Futurity of 1909 has a gross value of 9,210. Starters will have to pay 50 each, all of which goes to the second and third horses. Of tin; gross value, ,250 of the added money and two-thirds of the starting fees go to the second horse and 50 of the added money and one-third of the starting fees to the third horse. The nominators of the winner, of the second horse and of the- third horse are to receive ,000, ,250 and 00 of the added money respectively. These sums and its own fees deducted, will give the winner of the race the net sum of 3,120. quite a tidy value in these days, but the lowest sum that ever went to a Futurity winner. The list of two-year-olds still eligible to start, their breeding and their owners, are the following: The following to pay 50 Each, or 00 Forfeit. Barbour, William Aunt Silnerva, ch. f, by Huron Sliss Skeggs. Belmont, August Dullcare, b. c. by Hastings Duleibella; Starbottle, ch. c, by Hastings Suntisb. Bianchi. . A. Oswald 13. , ch. c, by Cunard Resignation II. Rennet, J. A. II. P. Ileadley German Silver, ch. c, by Ornament Excellent. Brandt, II. It. J. E. Sladden Big Stick, br. c, by Ogden Oudurdis. Gilbert. S. It. Bay colt, by Frankfort Sans Parell; Maud Darrell, br. f. by Frankfort Maud Gray. Green. John M. W. Sliss Blitzen, b. f. by Blitzen Miss Sletcalf. Heiming. S. T. Sliss .Mimic, b. f, by Slimic Sliss Juvenal. Hildreth, S. C. C. H. Slackay Sporting Life. ch. c, by Sleddler Vacation. Ilyman, S. F. A. B. Spreckels Sladeline L., b. f. by Solitaire 11. Sevens. Keene, James R. Sweep, br. c, by Ben Brush Pink Domino. Keene. James R. C. II. Slackay Grasmere, ch. c, by .Meddler Rotha II. Kraus. George J. II. P. Ileadley Sliss Knickerbocker, ch. f, by Ornament Sliss Hudson. Lazarus, Sam Grandissinio, blk. or br. c. by Slacy Janet N.: Sialitine, b. ft by Slacy Callatine. Long. George . J. Donier. b. c, by .Alvescot Veronica; Don Antonio, ch. c, by Alvescot Variora. SlcSianus, James C. II. Slackay Rocky OBrien, ch. c. by Sleddler Suisun. Sladden. J. E. Sticker, b. f. by Yankee Court-plaster; Hampton Court, b. c, by Galore Dorothy Hampton; Naughty Bov. br. c. bv Ogden Imp; Slarigot. b. or br. f, by Ogden Slarfti; Holly-bush, br. or blk. f, by Yanke. Trillette. Sladden. J. E. Slillstrenm Stable Bishop, ch. c, by Handspring Jlusette. McDowell, T. C Bay colt, by Star Ruby Peg Wof-tington; chestnut colt, by Hastings Queenlike II.; Ecstacy. eh. f, by Ben Strome Bracegirdle. Stezger, C. A. Piskaret. br. c, by Huron Dilli-tante. Slontpelier Stable. Millstreain Stable Candleberry. b. c, by Ben Brush Candle. Murphy; SI. Slarion. br. f, by Tammany Scythi-ana; Richard S.. ch. c. by Richard J. Santuzza; bay colt, by Tammany Ravelin; bay tilly. by Tammany Overbrook; Old Tom. ch. c, by Tammany Tizzoncina: Tom Sioore. br. c, by Richard .1. or Tammany Lydelia; chestnut filly, by Tammany Linionis; Richard L ch. g, by Richard J. LAiazone: chestnut filly, by Tammany Jubi-lante; bay filly, by Richard J. Jess Danegeld; bay colt, by Tammany Josie K.; bay filly, by Tammany Josie B.; brown filly, by Tammany Bellie Blaise; Last Alarm, ch. c. by Richard J. Alarm mare. OBrien, Thomas W. C. II. Slackay Perry Johnson, b. g. by Sleddler Belle Hoyt. OBrien, Thomas W. A. B. Speckels Glennadeane, b. f. by Solitaire II. The Peeress. Qulncy Stable II. P. Whitney Sandrian, ch. g, by Hamburg Sandria. Reif. George II. SI. Zlegler Barleythorpe, ch. c, by WoolsthorpoFrederica.. Ross, C. A. Ormondale Stable Sir Ormonde, b.. c. by Ossary Plumeria; Sir. SIcD.. b. or br. c, by Orsini Lovelight. Schreiber. 15. Sager, b. c, by Bannockburn Sliss Slarion. Sheurer, John J. Slillstream Stable Bay or brown colt, by Woolsthorpe Ceretn. West. George J. J. B. Haggin Watercress, b. f, by Watercress Victoria Cross. Whitney, II. P. Rumpus, br. f, by Hamburg Hurly Burly. Wills. D. C. II. P. Ileadley Sir Compton, ch. c. bv Ornament Lady Compton. Wilson. Roger II. Uneeda, br. f, by Octagon Basilisk. Young. W. J. C. II. Slackay Sfesmerlzer, ch. c, by Slesmerlst Reina. The Following to Pay 70 to Start, or 20 Forfeit. Armstrong, I. W. Bay colt, by Shorthose Our Jes- Bradiey, E. R. E. F. Clay Colinet, b. c, by Star Shoot Kentucky Belle II. Carson, Sirs. T. J. Chestnut filly, by Griffon Flaxenhair. Chelsea Stable Catesby Woodford Lothario, b. c, by Orlando Elopement. Clark. J. L. II.- A. Engtnan Autolycus, ch. c, by Hermencc Katy of the West. Clav. Woodford Ocean Bound, b. or br. f, by Star Shoot Flying Ship. Clay, Woodford E. C. Cod win Flying Footsteps, b. f, by Ben Strome Flying Gold Dust. Cowdin, E. C. Bay colt, by Sempronlus Scotch Bush; bay colt, by Ben Strome Suzon. Doggett, S. J. Catesby Woodford Angerona, b. f, by Sir Dixon Falaska. Forgy. W. E. Slaster Llsinore, ch. c, by Ornus Desdemona. Ilogan, Frank G. Sirs. T. J. Carson Captain Morris, b. c, by Ben Strome Loot; Henderson, b. c, by Griffon Daisy Chain; Placide, ch. f, by Ben Strome Epidemic. Jennings, W. 1$. Catesby Woodford Star Blue, ch. c. by Star Ruby Bonnie Blue II. Slackenzie. R. J. E. C. Cowdin The General Armstrong, b. c. by Ben Strome Privateer. SIcGinnls, J. L. Inspired, b. f, by Lamplighter Inspiration. SIcGinnls, J. L. J. E. Madden Shannon, br. c, by Ogden Lambent. SIcKenna, F. E. C. Cowdin Tortuous, br. c. by Sandringham Tormenna. Miller J. G. R. J. Hancock Bay filly, by Fatherless Vigiie; bay filly, by Fatherless Cara Belle. Oneck Stable Sirs. T. J. Carson Anavri, blk. c, by Ben Strome Irvana. Potter, R. II. SIcCarter Slomus, blk. c, by Knight of the Thistle Merrythought. Rainev. Paul J. Sirs. T. J. Carson Rosseaux. b. c, by Ben Stromi. Rose Leaf; Voltaire, blk. c, by Watercress Pillowdex. Randolph, P. S. P. Catesby Woodford Diction, b. c, "by Sir Dixon Sly Queen. Bobbins, C. II. II. T. Oxnard Chestnut colt, by Hawkswick Helen Leila. Sherer. J. W. Sirs. T. J. Carson Ola Griffon, b. f. by Griffon Pertinent; Dixie Carson, ch. f, by Griffon Acasia. Spreckels, A. B. Sliss Georgle. br. f, by Slarius II. Georgia VI.; Acirema, br. f, by Solitaire II. Annie Iiucklnghiin. Entitled to three pounds breeding allowance.