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NEW YORK RACING PLANS + INDICATIONS POINT TO A SEASON OF AP- . 4. PROXIMATELY EIGHTY DAYS. I Upon Wil! Begin at Belmont Park in Early June and Dates Will Be Arranged to Avoid Confliet with , I Amateur Meetings Already Scheduled. i v Fork, March I. It is now accepted M practi call] certain ibal the earl pari « June will Wll n.- — the l.i iiiiiliiiiLL M the I .i-« ••• .-.-ii plan for the re I l :ll n| I 1 .1 Hi. in thin Vl-illil v. ii «;i- rtednltel learned xcelleai aatborit , i ha l racing aa a Moderate scale will lie attempted ; li ;ii leasl three racing! associations la the — ; » i ■ »i New Yoik tin- year Kelmoni I*ark. Aqneduci an l Saratoga wiili the attitnde • • the Empire City Im lag Assoclal i hi l Youkers to be outlined hy James Butler uhiii In- returns from :i rial! i Jnarea, kin a -•ii March 7. J Before these tracks throw open their gates it will l, - in-.-. — .-i] i" form ■ sort ni protective rombina-ii..u iliai will embrace stockholders, hreedera hihI ,. i -i iiii-n «iili the nil i "i panting Interests i" meet financial obligation*. The racing associations al . • -i-iu haw lea how muck support the public will accord lo the proposed revival of the turf, m ibat in i way the spnri will he practically in tin i 1 1 are of :in experiment . Ii Mr. Butler ilecide* t" open Empire City, the ~ii.i i may begin :n Kelmoni Park cm or aboat June in in he* fol lowed b i timr- ai Aqueduct, Empire i Ity Mini Saratoga, with short meet lags in lie tall iini ii,, spa closes, it in figured mil thai then ih.i in- four days of racial each week or perhaps eight day* in all. ms against W days each yeai win-ii the Percy -Gray law waa la effect. Ii Is well nndersrond thai tin- proposed meetiags will in,! In- allowed lo coaaacl with thoae ••: th* i.Hii.ii-- limn dubs and » ma tew organisations whid operate umli-r the jurisdiction of the National Si • eplealiase and lii::n Association. Theae aauiteai .iii- ii Bel ni on l Park Terminal, Piping Back, r-1; ureal tirb a ad • -i i laaea wHi bo rnrnararrnd aa ii i-i the i|iiiiiiin that they have been of material as - -uine in keeping; the turf partially alive in this .i 1 1-. Thai there will be no more racing ai Sheepsbead Km i- accepted as i forrgjoan conclusion. Tin Coney Island Jockej riuii i~ -aid to be negotiating i-ii in- sale ni the historic race course by the sea aad will mm tin- Fwlarity over lo Saratoga. The rate of lb* iini v.-vinil track remains in doubt. Ii i- learned thai the raciag associations have in-en advised i Eminent lawyers that the Scudder ■leciaion |n Ihe Shane i-m-i . wiiii-li w.i- nnanimotudy nparoved by Un Appellate Division of the Siinicuit iniiii |m-i week, permits era! bettina: among iiuli-yiditals. Inn |ii-.iiiiiiiiv any form of bokmakiag: thai be dtractoaa liability law will amoual 10 aothing --I a serioas nature if the Scudder nil i nu Is enforc ,1 in ihe letter aad lhal there maul he a coarictioa foi imakmakiag, no bettiag. befon the directors ai racing associations cap In- prosecuted m koowinglj permitting such violattoas ii the law. On the strength of 1 1 » i — legal advice the racing a-nciatkaas no Itmger fear truaMe froai Ihe aulhorl Ilea, altboagh they would welcome ■ farther ruling lu ihe -• 1 1 1-1 m ippeais. P.hi aa apoeal rents en iii-i-i, with iin- dlslricl artoraey of xaa»an County. wini bas iii-i-n quoted aa saylag thai be lieiieves it w • ii I I be futile to carry iln- case higher un. II a iiitl i» Introduced ai Albaay repealiag the directors liability law ii will m i ■ from tin- racing associations, it U positive! slated. The trotiag horsemen nr the state fairs might favor sack hgislatioH. tail be racing Interests, ii would setan. are *atisned l«i depend entirely npon ih-- courts foi relief. In opening the I racks ii may he said thai the rarl governors will eliminate ihe [ rofe*-4ouaJ gamblei so-called bookmaker entirely. Drganiaed betting will urn in- tolerated. Then will he ao return "i iln- betting ring, lonaequentl no daily revena eol Ii-.-ii-iI From professionals. .i~ in the old days. In iliridual* will be permittod to make wagers in i ratei and it will he legal for a bettoi to record I, - nwa wager, also i" give tke idin ol pa| to the layer of othls r the bitters clerk Kwninally ali i ii tia-l.-- with the exception ■ ! Saratoga, aflll t fai removed i nm iln citj imlts It iii.- Cone I- ami Jocke Club, for Instance. . I:,, ni, I decide to rare after the prospect re «« tin- hi- i ■ la-. nl Ba.i course, il Is li--!i- it thai I new track lavotviag mhii para lively mall outlay. irould be structed on Long Island within aa hoar*s ri !.- of the city. la carrying -it iii- plan iln- racing laterests arould try to keen I h upon oul ..; the rea h ol | ei nons a bo roald I ad w I to aai tieipate in it al Ihe tra U iili . In short, it Is planned ti» begia racing al the bottom and gradually build up- The turl |»roa»ote -admit thai the public must become educated to oca condition* before it -ili be possible 10 pay running expenses. The stakes and purges of necessity must -in. ill and tin horsemen will be asked to help in payiag for stable room. The breeders, too, will t„ isked i" contribute to ■ general guarantee fund Which i ill In- swelled by the stockholders of tin-racing associations 1l1.1t decide i ga ahead. r v 1 * : 1 1 1 v comes the information thai Oover- Nor Sulxer has praclicall decided to appoint three w State Racing Commissioners to succeed James W:iiK»"iili. Sr.. II K. Knapp and Mia Sanford. tin- in-w i-omission. it Is =ald. will cromprise Charles Kohler ••! 1 1 1 i — city, chairman: Moatagn Gerrans itf Buffalo, ami William E. Lewis, ■ newspaper .,,1 ii Kobler 1- :i wealtlt piano maaufacturer, who mi 11- nearly mie hundred thoroughbreds, la dialing Kit« Herbert ami other horses thai he pur-i-haaed from bis trainer. S. f Hlldrclh. Mr. Kohler has raclag stables in rraine aad England, togcthet with man two-year-olds wintering .-i Sneepshead H;n ic- also iihii- .11. extensive breediag establisb meal la the Kamapn Hills. Mr. Gerrans i- a member of tin grat of Woolley A- Ci-rran-. proprietors of the Iroajaois Hotel in itniTalii and the Hotel Marie Antoinette in tlii- iit . 1 ,, 1,, ;i feat :ilu the controlled the iraad I nion Hotel in Saratoga. Mi Lewis i- editor ol tin Morning Telegraph. These prospective appointments, ii Is said, will be received with favor by the .1 : , Ing gaaocial kma.