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T r. HAYES PIG STRING OF HORSES. I.- • ii.;. hi K ! March I. TlHsaias P Hayes hi ta 1 1 1 shi horses in training at the Kentucky — • i ,1 i n i a k I bey are I lie propel t f Mr. Hai Hal P II ey Hal Pi ii • llcadlc.v .I P. Mill I and others, lie., make up Ibe largest string rtu th" management ii| .im one in. in ben . The Ii I i- I t.lh.-.v . Property of II. P. Haadley. .I d "i ■ . . h Orn me til Tartlet. Savoy • h - ■■ Ii Or i iiiii i I ...• Savoy M .enii . h i .: io ornann m icuius r.-iioie h i | by Oi n iiii n, I cbcra Harr I. ,..■:■. h •. :: by Hermb Ibansi M Is. im. i Tmvatore cb. l :i i. i be s. :,!.. Dr. uuy l. • in -i nitl •• 1 by one in Dli;e Belle. i ie -111111 till;. J. by Ornament Pauline De Brown Blly, 2 Ornament -Xarcn Brow a 1 1 1 J x . j 1., hrn itaeui Cut I I.tow a •■.,,! m |,v |tll | ., sam.i Tat I . h. -inn Blly. l. by Ornament Ksterliug. Property of Pri e Headley. KatriHH I by l i-L;i,i i Il hl-Iii Ie--. • In _•. by Oruami m Tw iil IKibi i in tn.ii titl . _■ by "i nauii in i o Piepeity ol T. P. Hayes. ! I ■ . I. ml.- I. -j l In mid fellow Fail i •■ l» ■ 1 e . : 1.1 M. He Al-ie l Kildaj h c 2 by Peep nDot Llll i 1 Minata h i _• by Mrtlee Sam P.ircll II he haul 41 2, by si dwarl I uokiat; i Piopeity of John S. Barber. ! i Node. Ii i 3. by P p uDaj My Hi h . Property of P. J. Millet. Brown colt. - by Cell Amaraatl Chestnut lilly 2. by Transvaal Bed Light. l.a--i ■■. b t. •:. by Kuighl Krrant Aiuaranlb ProlKity of W. L. S. ott. Chestnut olt. ::. by Ot wepi Kfiankei Pioi eity of W. 0. B. Maedouough. Uo lil!. 2, bj I-l-i li":n " l l.o e l u .