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+ . 4. — + JUAREZ MEETING CONTINUES TO PROSPER -4. I , I , ; J I.l Paaa, Tex.. Wait! I. - There is as yet no diminution of puiili- Interest in the raclag al Hi ■ Juarez track ami it may Is icluded tmit the sea -11 has nut yet begua ti wane. The ■! emhtiuv continues in ki-cp close up lo the h -1 staadard established al any ii during tlw1 winter, the places 1 of the few who have left for borne having lieen ille.1 with ti- recruits. James Butler. Ihe N w Ynil. turfman, who has not visited the Jnarea Irack miu 1 the winter u IftlO-ll, ui his arrival here 1 few days ■■-•• expressed iiim-cit as amau-d over the magnitude of the -pi. 11 li-n-. While be always had faith in the uli ini.ile sweess ■•; the renttire. Uc in v.i though! lhal ii would beoane sa aoiirisbinc iini- i-.n!.. l . Hi 1 tier iia- always Ih-i-h is f In- main haa-fcers of the Jockey "lull Jttarex and las shared with Maaagei M. .1 Wiaa Ihe belief lhal 1 ■ i. n - .-nlil n -i fall in prove a winae the bans ma. Thai it -le-ulil so successful in :i- i.,i!ith -i-.i-.-n .it rnciug. however, was aa igreeable Kurprisi i«i the New Vork lurtmaa. who is hi • ..; Ihe iii.i-t sport snieu 111 m- ainl loves 1 ■■ Hag la all its as|iects. Mr. Buller arranged his iii-iii! ■-- affairs In Sew Vork so thai lie could retnai 1 twa i--v i|uiii- a period ami be broughl liis eni--family here with him. He has decided to remain here until mar the close 1 f the meet lag. The western trainer, W. r. Ctaacy, will make ■ amnalga In Kea a«-k Ihe coming spring aad sum .in-- with his stable, lit which hrr I ee veteran icera. Gemmell, Kern i.. ami l.itile Jane. I li - last iiamcd is mm wven years --lil. irbile 1 in I., is eight mil ili-iiimcil ciue -ai- idd. Vei i.i -, i f t-n Ir -il .an.i-il age all arc si ill In winning form. Mr. Clau*y vili lake i" Kentisk Ii - laro rei tt three rearajd .ui. liases. Kenneth ami i..i,ir. and In has al*i three green in-v-i- in his charge owned by It. 11. U. Mackeanic. i».n is tlie lw»»-yeai oid cliesiimt Hil ilaslena hi lia-tn-- while the others are tln-ilii-i year-olds lUlgee. eh. •■. l-y McGee Basilisk, ami l-adydt.ger. I». . by Nasturtium -Vaveaa. Mr. Inn, 1 :,m- Ih-cii .1 successful iiainv ill the west ,n, i his friends il 1 dotjhl Mai lhal Iii- -niuu will cm --ni!-- figure in Kintiirl-.i racing, although three of 1 be horsi-s he will take i.ieii- are ohler than iln- a vi -rage wiuning iierfoftners seen in Ihe bias1 grass . uhiii ry. V. .1. Sp.ns has written to ■ friend at the Juarez tract In -ei-Mie lie -ei t i •- ill -mm- :. I 1-iHl: riderhert tm ftsKapasoa oftfrlS iaivemnckT. Th* Iia innia trainer reports thai he ha- a hair doaea pretty air horses In race ibis sear ami he therefore would like In have a jocke ni his own. .Mr. Sneirs re 1 ii-eiuaiiM- tried 10 scijre It. Cuy and li. Il.iynes. but limb are tic, I up Kill contracts for ihis yc-.. s. .1. Kelley. who bas the former rider in bis eat ploy, i- going in Keatnck t It i - sprlag.wlth ;i.-gtriiig aad so Mr. Spelrs will have an apportnaity 1 1 test thai boys riding ability The trainer of La-bold had poor luck la-i season riding Jockeys of 1 !" free lane ider, lnine hi* desire to securi • who can leara Ihe peculiarities of each horse ii hi- ham. Mr. Bpeirs writes thai the few hors -thai have wiatered al Latoiria have none well tml -.i- thai those In Ma own -t;in are healthy .ind robust ami the most promising lot that he has bail in bis care for some rim- Mr. Spelrs, who in ;h--aid days raced with raie sun — the noted rt*Co;i mil. 1- a skilful man with a bane, a- he demonstrated la-r season when Lahohi. supposed to be purely a sprinter became a performer that raced -ii,- -e--!iill. in i u company over Ions distances after being transferred to hi- charge. .Inhn Randolph unit rac. nr at Juarex before the winter meeting ";- aver because h - hgarad hi- horses ni 1 tl i-d a let-up ii tiny are to be Caaupaig 1 to any extent the comiag summer. So a- a consequence be shipped his stable. Including Bob Lynch and Tllford Thomas, to Oklahoma .1 few days ago. l?nii Lynch wmi a eniiple of races here this winter, but be u.i-developed 1 virions am! sulk disposition, and will likely never aain b - a reliable performer. Mr. Randolph has a naarr four-year-old in Tilfopl rhomas and if be nn 1- with no racing or training mishap in i,.- lie sgaia roaches Jnarea next wiaier he i- likel t- be in tin- Brut tli-h: of lie- -punters. :,- each season be has Rhown inaaziag Improvemeal over hi- pvi-vi-u- season. Bonnie Joe. r!n- sire -it" Til ford Thomas, is 1 - n of rau-t 1-. leal i- |s jHilar in Oklahoma. Earl Ltaaeil wiil make another rantnalga in Ken nn-ky the coming spring ami summer with ,;i-borsea be is traiuing that race ia the name of 1. l]i, -i.iein. ni i- a right shift] four-year-old In iiii- stable ainl there at-- several in the - iin wbi u bid fair to make goad la tin* future, line of ih the iin. rcai old inn Maddalena, In Sempronin- l.-.l.ilm:i by Man, 1. which Mr. Linnet] has decM-d to 1 r for tin- Kentucky Oaks tlii- year. Mathla- iin.i 1- .1 lily thai was liii-ii hi George -i. l.nu_. .11 -i Mi. Linnell acquired her in Kentucky lasi fall. He has li-n -tarii-d her here this season, irni be will iil.-i. give her I race or iwo hen- befon he start a for the bine grass refaan, The tlaugbter of Seat pr-iiiins baa grown greatly since -In- caage -n : her 1 wn year old form aad is now- as goad a lookina Illy as i- in traiaiag at the .luarey. track. She I .1 • -howii enough la private recently to encourage hint in hive faith in her elmncca ia an event like th historic Kentucky Oaks. IlMuk Farrar Is aaothe* who will try Kentucky ihi- -pun. ami -.tnimer with the horses In I- racing here for hlmaell and s. VelMer. The] hwlade tl 1 present Ihe live v.-ar-ohi ina.i- Beatrice Sonic, the four-year-old geidiag Mimorioso ami the three-year-old ally Mrs. Gamp and ibe four-year-old coll Jack 1-illi-. The string will likely be Increased by la-purchase irf several additional horses before the time i.tni - for shipment to Louisville. Dr. c. tann. paddock judge al Churchill Downs. Douglas Iark and Latonla, who has spent nm-l of the witiier at Jnarei, left for his home mis week ho uttiiiil tn tin professional work he has to do In Ken tacky before spring racing begins there. Before leav in:: Jnarea he Bred Marie Hyde it Al Austin, who has decided to give the old mare aaother trial in 1 mining before sending her to the stud, as he eon tempi. mil doing this spring when he had her examined Kome weeks ago. After l r. tlnn looked her over in- informed Mr. Austin thai the mare had .1 chance to race aaother seasoa with proper Bring. ami -.. the trainer decided to lei him apply tin Irons. Mr. Austin will make no attempt to in her until midsummer and then If she stands pre.i a rat ions be will have a bandy raclag tool for ne-.t winters meet lag here. Marie Hyde won elci m races ia 11*11. she i- sou -i years oM. Little -lake. dill. In-il the Missouri -peei! marvel." is -till al Washington Park. I.l Paso, and his no chance to race at Jnarea this ■aaaaa. This ho - • has started bin twice, bath times run al Denver li-season. On one occastoa he won aad in the atksrr race he rsa second. When hie wan a protest waa registered -n the grouad thai be was a three yet nlil instead of 1 two-year-old. Because this pro leal was katgad against bira. Little Jake has n u keen allowed iii race here as hi- trainer failed to , iiii- proof thai arould establish his aue. I. in ■ Jake i- a half-brother to V.Uv.-.- ami i- credited with liossessing -peed ni .1 daaaliag order. Ieterlnarlans who have examined Little .lak.- have been miaii.--to determine his age hy the usual method and can le-s thai they ran not -ay positively whether t.i • ■ gelding is a two or a three year old. He is owned by C S. Iamla. Blarney, one of tin- beat two-year-old developments . of the present Juarez meeting, will be taken ta Ken tacky ihi- spring hy A Tobias and entered in iln-chief Juvenile events at Churchill Downs. limit:!. ■ iark ami Latonla. rhe son of Firal I bin. which 1 trained by C. Clark, fell sick after racing well i here ai the beginning of the neaaoa bat he re -..... 1 - ,1 -nil;. -iin ly in run second to Id Boaebnd on 1 Kebruar .1 in he Yucatan Stakes. lie is :l I looking youngster, wilii nn abundance of size, ami I in his few ran- ln-u- be has shown 1101 only 1 1 1 1 i u 1 1 1 tnrn ••• speed bul races as If he will be 1 -myei. Kay spctii ,- fears thai the three-year-old Siobbj will require a lmi real to bring him around lo :-n-ihim, like rhe form he showed as a two-year-old ii-Kentucky last season, in fact hi- trainer seems -think lhal the colts recent sickness may virtually ruin hi- ehaacea of becoming a useful three-yeai old. Nobby wits an exceedingly sick horse for f awhile in-re. having been stricken at abonl ii--time o/ana. one of his stablemates. died. Th ■ -in .if Maita Santa apparently has the speed i be formerly possessed, bul he dues not show a disposition to wain to run for more than 1 three fnrioagt-. ami win-u he bas covered thti 1 mm h ground he is 1,1 all appearances done. Hi-recenl - races have ehTectuaUy settled any Kea tncky or Latonla Derby aspirations his trainer may I have had 1 month nr -n ago and he will not - 1 1 1 appear as an entry when those important events - close for nominations thi spring. Kohoy is owned 1 by W. K. Knebelkamp, the l.oni- ill.- baseball 1 magnate, who purchased him last fall from C. C VauMeter foi k2 500. Early in September la-i Mr. VanMeter rated the coll ai ,000 and had he aol I intended to .piir raclag would doubtless never hai sold him. Spence will likely let up on the son .-i i .Maria Santa until mid-summer and take a chance thai with ■ hang nasi the coll may yet b* roast a 1 rairly useful performer. A two-year-old -take winner of lOna in Kentucky " thai 1- racing well al Jnarea i- Eye While. noW in 1 iln- stable of s. Polk, who mirchaaed the six-year • !il gelding from w. 11. Finer last summer. Mr. 1 izer developed the aaa of Taakee as a yearling , and won with him the Harold Stakes al Latonla, ia "1 which be heal Joe Morris aad Donaa, which two performers were lac respective l.aii.nia ami Ken lucky Derby winners of Iftlrt. Eye White has won I up to a mile ihi- season iii Jnarea and la oa* of f in- sis furlong -u ■ — ■•- he ran Ihe distance In II liL--,. The son of the Fatmity winner of r*01 has 1 hiuiil creditable racing record. Sb far be has started in SS races, of which he has won -7. finished ! second In li and third in 15. His winnings in g stakes and purses smonnl to ovar 1,000. He bas - wnn -iin-.- he entered his live year-old form no leas than fifteen races and the present year i- his tit t Ii 1 winning season on Ihe tnrf. Eye White was foaled I a- the property of Milton young, 1 Lexington mem in r of the Kentucky State Baring Conwnlsslon. and ! was purchased by J. Hal Woodford for the Finer r stable as .1 yearling for 50. Eye White Is by ■ ii Iii 1 tn i i - winner and bis dam. Lady la Waiting, is also ni another FWturity winner, Iteqnltal. His gramhlam, Stately, by imp. Kiag Ernest. I- a stake winner and has produced two stake winner- in Court t Lady and Mandarin. It i- the family ol Kinglike, the sir? of the Futurity winner I.Alomtie. Rye , White will no doubt win man;, mare ra sea before hi-i areer comes lo a cloae.