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CHARLESTON ENTRIES. SPECIAL NOTICE.— Pa-t Performances el Horses entered for Mondays racing • Charleston will appeal in Monday mo, limps edition of Daily Racing Form, Probabilities: Weather showery; track .■ ■ Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time I Hi i Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M i maiden. A| |irenl k o alkm am First Raee — 5 1-2 Fuilongs. :: v m: c.| . iiii-I upward Allow. ne . -. Track rei mil: lsJ.: 1 oi; i ]i«i in. i w i. Bee w i Han T.fJI SAMUEL R MEYER IOC! i c . I H»- T-. .TP Jack Kellogg . , , 103 I :Uand . 9H 720 7 00 In mult.,. 101 I :Hi-. :. 1011 -Tl i..".7l II. up,-. I, His | .171 . :: 03 7 I .nsii Karl I itll Hi7 1 cs.-. •; as " 1. . 7_".is 1 .,! ,,1, lis 1 ns 1 ! .". ■ i00 Second Rate — 3-4 Mile. yei l-s aad uiiward. M.H.Ien- si | Vi ghlr ilia, k i. • . i|: isi, I | -j- I I 13. i 7f.iT- It. n ,i,.n,. jo- j |i;i., :; in.. , ; , . 107 ■ I I Day |ns i ]i, :: in , . . I ." 1 1 l: II III Iimi | IH" -• 11 in" 7 I • , I S.viwsel 112 1:10 ".UK 71 • ..::■ I Ki th si; v in:, |:fo :; Km. 7|n 720H Rock P. ii 105 I : !■• . ■ 105 710 7 i."il Sweel line- KS lid1. ■: K»" .705 ,:,i Morgan Wilson .114 1:17% l 112 .7iwi 7-".:: »hl Hank Ins I | :. i t |0f 7: i Third Race— 3-4 Mile, i vii Ii- sit I upward Selling. i Track record: MMU 1:12% 1 I I I 731! Rrrtila ilrnmla 100 1:1 1% 7 i r :.■ 7 : : I Ioniiiionc - I.,-,. Ii in:: 1 |.: llll 1 _• I 7-".i. Ilercth . .ill 1:13% t 115 7! , 7 -Its Urn- In.. 1 . ... I Is 7;... lad Hone. t Bee. . A.Wt.Haa. 7.;L.:J beer Ip . . KIJ III II |i, 715 7-::;l Tiny Tim 10341 1".- .". 111 71.. 725:1= Martre Kit 1:15% llll 7in 72is Vork Lad 107 1:14* -I 1MS..7HI TVJ..: Slealawav Ill:; 1:15% I II.: 71" 7:c;i amenta i * 1:14% I l" ; 7 . 7.: a; Hildas Si-ier . !it| III. li ins 705 7nm riie Top i.Mi 105 1:14% I 111X700 7:::.". Senator Spark ...110 1:14% I llti 7nn 7171 Garden ot Bones. ..102 1:21% I 111 0»5 7npj Fair Atalanta .... •" 113 Fourth Race— 7-8 M.le. 3-year-olds and upward Allowances. Truck record: IBM 1 :27% 3 1 10. i 7.:usi Sinn klelon 7. 1 1 I ■ 7-.» 7JJh Donald Macdonald.lOll 1 20 7 ins. 7r 7321" Samuel B. Meyer. .108 1:28 -. I 1WX740 i7-7.n Spohn li:; 1:25 H ICn 7 m 7:;:::t; Milton H 6 108 . i Fifth Race_3-4 Mile :; war old- and upward. Selling. Track record: imp.- 1 :12% I 1 13.J 7.;i- Gold tap ins lit 5 102. .723 Im!. Horse. Wt Bee A.WLHan. i7Mnli Lord Will- 112 1:14% •". 104X720 7-tis Rlghteas* 110 1:12% 7 107x715 l7XBi r.nherolii 120 1:14% I I" I 1". 7Jds Henrv Hutchison. Ill 1 13% iilHl©7|n ,.:::s ■ Dipper lot 1 .1". ! . I B5 7-".;i llaldeinau 118 1:15% i 107X700 . .323 Bagaaaa 112 1:14% i 104 X ON ft Sixth ftnna 1 l-ld afilaa. I I nr-olds mi I ipwanl. Selling. m , I rack r I: l»M 1 1 17-.-, 5— lit. » 7,:s Unestlou Mark . . Kti II... f. 1081 jgB 7.;m Nanghtv Lad mi 1 17% •• I -•"-" 172501 llaldemau lie. lis, .. ij ■ 7:;ln Michael Aagelo . IMi I : 17 7 112X11.1 i7.::;i. Pretend DM 1 ..•" rj UlV®715 7:;.::.-- Swarfs Hill •!••"• 1:47% 5 107x713 7:in Iemlanl 108 1 :".n- 1 9H i 1" Tine, Blue Moii-c .»! I:li 5 102X710 7::: s.i, ii Barker ..108 1:40 » I04©70."i 7:;r.» New Star 87 1:40% 1 lnti|7nn 7:;m ll.iaa Collins .. Hhi 1 i 18% 5 102 • 805 7J7n Henoch I«rj l ;5»« 1 1" 7ls| Salian 1". 1 :48i , ll M«J • I U • 7:; ;i- Morgan Wilson M i 1 188. it"