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I , ■ • ■ . 1 i 1 I I 1 1 f ■ i 1 1 - I 1 1 - 1 1 I i a 1 " 1 , "1 I f II ! g - Ii 1 I ! r ■ ii is t , REPUBLICAN SCORES AGAIN TALB0TT RACER IS RETURNED WINNER OF ANOTHER STAKE AT PALMETTO PARK. Beats Btey a Nose ;n Citadel Handicap — Di:..i"-i am able Weather Affects Attendance — Track Gets Another Drenching, t haiiestoa. ft C. March I.— J. 0. Tallinns Re publican accounted for ihe Citadel Handicap, one mile, which served as the feature ol the card ni -i-v-n races run af Ialmetto Park thi- afternoon. Hi- scored ia 1 spirited straggle with Busy, which in- iieai by :i nose. Milton B. took iln- minor per lion of the purse. Republicans victory, coining after his ;: uid effort in ilu- George Washington Handicap, when be beat sease of the besi horses here, -lamps him a- a real - mci racer. Good racing lack aided him considerably towards todays success and it was generally held that Busy was nnlacky In have lost. The severe weather which prevailed today and thrt bad condition of iln- track detracted greatly from the interest in the racing and was the main rea ■an for the smallest Saturday attendance ■if the meeting. The bettiag, however, waa luisU. ami far the first time in many days the public had :i real innuiiir. Tin- layers, accord lag to report, sus laineil the heaviest loss of the season. Five favorites, a second .-.n, in- and a well hacked long shot made up the li-t of winners. Heavy rain in the early hams, coupled with tntci mitten! showers during the afternoon, gave evct.v variety of mod runner the opportunttv to -how to advantage. The Talbotl and Bed well establishments i.-;r again sneceasful, each scoring twice during iln- afternoon. The Bedweil stable also 1 m -ni-in- ihe worst disamooiatmeal of the afternoon In .Michael Angelo. favorite of the fifth rare, whi-i liui-heii last. The hefting activity -.. aoticea .!. abonl bint when he won on the oecasion of hi- pee Ions start was conspicuously absent ;.nlav. Banorel!a. which won the fifth race, wa- hid up to *«a.. an advance of s.:i.,.-. ,,Ve;- i,,.,. ,.,M.|,,| price. Inn 1 .,w•|l■!• reiiini-d her. Jocko Roscoe Goose, who was developed by .1. s. Ward. Iia- severed his connection with hi- former i-inpl. ei and signed a contracl totlay 10 ride during the next year for Adair k; Baker al a munificent -alar, in addition :■ the caatoaaar riding fee. The stable will in shipped lo Kentucky al the close uf racing here. Entries m the stakes al Hie Lexington and Chiiiihill Down- tracks, which dosed today, ni -r with a liberal response from the horsemen here iml im iinle iin-i of the Lin.Ni racers in this section. The entry li-t to the Lexington Bxtnres would haie been heavier but for the faiiun- of the horsemen lo -. re -take blanks. Roh Levy, iiianajicr af the Jamestown Jockey Club. accompanied by Albert Simons, was a visitor ar Palmetto Park this afternoon. Mr. Levy reports ih it there are already 1 7-"» horse- al Not folk. Dur- Ing tin coming week horses belonging to the follow in- are expected in from various points: William Shields. .:: Thomas Fortune Ryan. VI. and Thomas Collins, front Xew fork, with Bourbon Bean and several others. William Garth has Harried seventeen -tali- :it Norfolk. Before leaving Norfolk. Albert Simons consummated the sale of two of the Whittle two-year-olds to the Quiacy Stable. They were 1 coil b Broomstick Loyal and a colt bv Burgomaster Marguerite. The Whitney youngsters under Mr. SI i- care at Norfolk, numbering thirteen, are said lo he a grand looking im and it is the Intention of Mr. Whitney :.. dispose of them ill this spring. Tin- following work-outs took place la the slap over the Palmetto Park Irack ihi.- morning, while it was -till raialng Iteth Stanley Half mile in 54. Goad work. Is Improving. • Iiii Top Five-eighths in I .nil. Has improved wonderfully and will race better. CoL Rniieii Neville -Half mile in 54. Goad work. Dainty Mini Three-eighths in -i.l. Liked the Li.iiiir. Donah! Macdonald Five-eighths in 1 10. breeaiag. Baton Half mile in .-,4. hard held. Was no! s._ -nn- as aanal. r.dna Leska Three-eighths in ::! Showing natae in.i;. Haldeman — Thfee-ipi.-iner- in 1 :JJ. I- righl Harwood Threi eighths in II, cantering. Good • nil and i- improi Ing. Henoch Three-quarters in 1:30, all mir. Showing nothing. Heretic -Three-quarters in 1:21, dililng. lln-k Mile in 1:50, well in hand. Jack Kellogg rbree-quarters in 1:17. I- extra goad. Jesawp Bun Five-eighths in 1:08. I- extra goad Manner- Three-eighths la 30. Will run improved race m-xi time. Marji.ri. A. Half inil- in 53. Iia- all her speed aad l.-nks good. Moatagnie Mile ia 1 ». Like- mud. Nimbus Three-eighths in to. Training slowly. Bed Boh Half mile in 55. Showing soreness1. Haft wood Three-quarters in 1 :•_•::. Appears to be training nil Spellbound Five-eighths in 1:08 hard held. I- mm goad .1- ever. Syosset — Three-quarters la I 21. driving. The Squire- Mile in 1:50, well in hand york I.: ••! I Ive eighths ia 1 "7. Likes -oft soin