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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Communications without names and addresses I will not be noticed nor answered. No answers wnM I 1h sent by mail and none by w ire unless reply pre I payment is made al timci of wiring pio-ry. I.. A K Pittsburgh Pa. Th* return was 4.70. A. . Chippewa Falls. Wis. Jockey I. McCul lough is at F.l Paso, lex., and will remain there until Ihe close of the Juarez meeting. ;. W A . Louisville. k.. Mockler has started in NT hoc-, of which he won seventeen, was second iii twenty si Mini i bird in twenty-three. II. w ii.. Chicago. Kidgetarm is by Handsel-Ting Yuen, by Forester. His raring record Is two start* al Hawthorne in 1011, In both of which he i. in unplaced. i.. ;.. i:; Paso. Tex. G. Han trains tor William Gersl and a letter lo bini in care ol tin latter, Nashville, Trim., or Hermitage Farm, near Nashville, would probably re*ea him. R .1. K.. Chicago. Wo.valiokc was the favoriti iii the fourth race iii Juarea la-l Thursday. High Street, Weyanoke. Russell McGill and Acumen were winning favorites there than day. in the absence n stipulation io the contrary, the average of tin opening and closing prices would lie used in es tablishing which hots,. ;i~ the favorite. M. X.. Chicago. So objection io the layer declaring a wager on I. inky Mose a draw could reasonably la made because lucre ia ■ horse of that iii im-. Al the same time when a layer accepts I bet, be should make certain what horse Ihe bet was menu: to be On. There is in the case room f"i doubt as :.. whether the bel would have lieen called a draw If Loving Mose had run unplaced. w. i . m.. cinriunati, . Where a bookmaker n.i • ■ well known limit of :. to I. the bettor is bound by it and can win no more, nor i.- there any ju-t way for the bookmakei to evade paying bis limit if the odds reach It. In the case of the horse tltat opened at 30 to 1 and closed at 13 to I, A. - bel at the opetnii- utliis won al ".» to I, B.s at closing odds won at 15 to 1 and t.s at average odds won at -I to 1.