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JUAREZ FORM CHART M IIAREZ. HEX. SATURDAY. MABCH 1. 1913. .crrasas Park. Kigbt] scve_t_ day Jo,~kei Club .tune/ W Wlntet Meeting wt t«8 dayn t» boots on. i Weather clear. • Presiding Steward II I Breivtigle. Presiding lodgi w ll Shellei Starlet Mars! Cassidt i: • I i ■ -IM - I .In .ml .lasp.-r itm-ititf -tails at 2:1.1 p u U iilcago lime :t:15 p in • in,,- ippivntlce allowance ~ 7» yf Q FIRST RACE 1-2 Mile. JH45- I • : . _ I1S.1 Porse 60. --year-olds. SeUlng. _ Q _tO N i valne t.. winner .-,: second, .*."M»: third. .Y I nd l Wt IlSt , i . ;, Str Fin Jockeys Owners u m ,-" p g tlsH v " a M" II i ; i:. ,,ii. un I F Newman i i ITT-Kl . •■ ii:i:i |iT a 113 C k » » c i ,i, u i: Frieinan .. IS 13 i M LA raSTRELLA w mi I ■ . Estop ii Mel tonic 1 I ; -s 7. ; m OE1 1 A M.vii. OS S pi s I i .| | ... ■.,!.,. K |.; McChi-js.i 1 i r, . ■•• IP. ,.;_• ■ .„ , ;,,,;!, ], |.. ,,,. ,,. , , . -1KI.I.V W l,l w »S Iv 3 11 •■ II. li- -v i I. I — 7173 RIMIFAX will 4 • 2* S 7" J Callahan L Fountain • M 15 •; I TIKATTICA « lie :. 4 - Burgame J II Woodford W 13 12 a 21 CEOS ■ ;,r, -, .. :• ;♦ :i Moleswh A B Hyreckcls l«tn lu»« 6u 26 I" 7 "7 VIRGINIA s. 103 9 i" 14 W Forsyth Y st Vincent l" W4 W8 M 24 Time, 23-,. 48.,. Track good. Winner — i ii. f. i.v The Irishman — it". Anna trained by B. s. Newman. J West to aoat at 2:22 Ai post 2 inmates. Start good and slow. Won ••a--i]y : second and third driving. ■ IRISH AW took the lend at oaee. Bet the pec throughout and won going away. BENEDICT began m - -» i and closed a gap into ■ fast going and game second. LA RSTRELLA ran well throughout and tin-m ...I gamely, DBLLA .mack made ap ground. PAW Deemed aaable Hi get near tin leaders. RIMIFAX M bowed early speed i.m aalt. W Scratched 7;_4 Duke Hal. 103: 717" Colonel MeDongall, MM. Overweights — La I -mi la, l liotiiid. __ .___ a a SECOND back- 3-4 Mile. 193023 1:11% - M8.1 Parse 8380. 3-year-olds and apward. 7*3 e l 4t Selling. Net velito to winner »-25: second. S.xr. third. T . _____ Tod i tot ;7s r AWllHSI 4 r -,, Sir I in Jockeys Owners O II 1 P S ." 116 SHOOTING SPRAT, wn :. ill 5 C i r; Ill1 Forsyth W «: Jenkins 4 I t - 4 .". . KS J i k i.i,!. is m 4 111 8 8 i - 3 C Peak S Veiller H 3| I i 2 . .". UJOLAXTE wa 1 l"- i ■• 3] 3 ;• •:■ Moleswh I. Mackey s to M 4 6-fi . .■ I ERNEST 11 :. .7 -i :. •• V, iJ -i McCabe J C Cahn -" M 84 - ,: 7.71 GAL i:l-: GALE wb » n» 7 I • 6 5J Rosen S M am IS 24 26 8 4 I7263STARE vr. :. ill m l l 9 1" ■ Bur game F Dahnken I 4 4 7 r. 7 10 ; i, KING LEAS 4 m 6 n H 1" s 7i Grotta Dorr 8 Moughton3A 31 Zt 8 4 7283 i r.i: HARRISON II.wsb 9 148 !• 7 s s 7 8«* A Murray 8 Price W 15 12 E -•! 7303 HITGH GRAY, w I 10S 12 13 S 7 9 9- Estop L Gladstone I I S 2 1 L624 BILL ANDERSON bb 4 113 2 2 21 4- 5*1W* Loftua T Fleming 14 24 U 4 I • ••] PRETTY. IM B u rj 87 :; 1 13 12 12 Hi McDonld W H Snearley 15 23 35 •» G • i ii:i:o a I :t". n i :." il 11 12 Hill C WrigBl ■« H i" li G rim.. 232,. 49i, 1:15. Track ffood. Winner — B. b, by Odd/Vdlow — Ferrol trained l»j B. John. Weat tn posl at 2:30. At i ost 2 miantea. start -j: 1 and alow. m baadlly; g tad and third driv- i - SHOOTlNti SPRAY t- ok tne had aniekly and. M-itin;; the pace all the way, finished resolutely. I U K RLLI8 ran ckkm np all the wax and anisbed gaining slowly. ADOLANTK ran in eloae pursuit ihroughom and tinisii»-,i fast. STARE seemed anahle to j:«t ii| to the tii st rlilir in the early running, hut xa- rlosing np at Hie tinisli. BILL ANDERSON showed early ■peed, bat quit. ERNEST 11 . GALENE • Al.i: ami KING LEAS tinislied well. Urerweighti — Viree, •! aoaada. /i fr THIRD RACE- 3-4 Mile. 93023 1:11% -— !•«. Parse 00. 3-year-olda and apward. 70 O 4jC O Selling. Net vaiiie to w i niur Sf_»ri: second. tSOj Hi ird. ggi TThI Hois-7s AWtlISt ~ L. u Sir Fin Jockey w Owners 0 H C P S 7."86*FRANK r. HOGAN wa 0 101 5 4 1- l*i l»i 1" Halsey F W Dosa 1 8 8 1 0-5 731 5SQPID i-T w * 105 7 8 -:: 4- 4*1 -" Gentrj • Q Park M H 01 1" 8 . 86 W1I.HITK w 4 10and 9 :: ih :" 3" :."- Moleswh W il Buekaer x •"• - 7 "- •" •" . -v A ;LLl"S a 8 101 8 i 4 31 2" 41 E Cotton CottondtThompan 31 ■"• a 7 5 3-5 72W ETHEL SAMSON w 1101 3 a ■■ •"• 5* .":; Groth : Darker W 12 8 21 8-S 7284 i.m RONIA a SIM I I d •- 6* * .1 McCabe "IM Hopper 8 0 8 21 8-6 7190 GIFT wa4M9 4 7 8 8 7 7* Barliam .1 .1 Rnsaell 10 IS 15 5 21 7035 FANCT m I lio t; 1 7 7 n- C P.-ak .1 II Barnes 10 12 1- 5 21 714 D MONTGOMERY wb 0 113 2 9 0 9 9 9 Loftua P Borland M U II E 2| Time, 23,. 482,. 1:14. Track good. Winner — B. g, bj Hawkswick — Wedding Day drained by C. Bnxtaal. Wni t.. post at ::J . At post l adnata. Star! goad and slow, won handily: secoad and tliird drif Jng. FRANK G. HOGAN spriated into a quirk lead and won nil the way. Hnt was tiring siiirluly at the ti.ii-h. oill NUNC finished with a terrhV rush and nipped W1LHITE oal lor second place iirlit at the end. WILHITE ran well and made a cballeBge in the stretch, hoi »a- liriiii: la the lasl few strides. ANGEL1 S ran forwardly to the stretch and finished close up. bnl tiring. ETHEL SAMSON ran well. Scratched 77", RoUea Agaea, J".:: 7228*8afr!inor. i2: 72l!i Mayerdale, H7. Overweight a — Fancy. 4 ponada: Dare Montgomery. 2. a f* FOCRTH RACK 3-4 Mile. in::i;.»::--l :11 ;,— 2 -inti. Purse .f:: M. :;-year- ids and up 70 Pf 4Jc V ward. Allowances. Net value to winner jp22T : second, .f.V : third. y2.». TTuT Hordes AWtPPSl M - ::j Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S .A* IPP.KIHT w 4 101 2 1 -* -4 -- ln Estep T s Parker 1 ■"• 2 1 2-5 WINXINi; WIT "H w 4 400 7 :t 1 1*J Jak V Hill T 8 Harrison. I «: 41 8-6 4-5 7I76EXFTELD w 7 MS 7. 2 3b ::, :, 3*1 Rosen .r L Brown 11 Z- 11-64-5 2-6 7". -VMli: w 4 HP. *n 8 ,- ■ ;. ■: .4- Loftua .1 Hochrein 4 I 1 2 1 B733 BACHELOR OIRT w 4 104 17 7 8 8 and■* Moleswh W Hurlej 28 39 29 8 4 7272 Mi Ki.Ki; w SIM "4 s 7 «- ; .• Peak -I C Cahn 20 4o M M 4 . 19 DR norGHKRTY Ws 41 108 C 6 4 4ii 7 7"i- ;rolh F Harrington 12 28 28 , :; ■"■ HAPl"I TEPBC u r. 8 113 4. : 6* 5* 0*8 Buraatne .i li Mead 4 7 7 21 1 Time, 223/5, 4725. 1:1235. Track lst. U inner— h. g, by Standing -III X"urco trained i»y J. W. Parker. Went lo post at :::4S. At post 1 minute. Stan good and fast.. Won driving: second and third the same. UPRIGHT ran in aearesl pursuit ol WINNING WITCH from the start and outstayed ber in a gamely contested finish. WINNING WITCH sel a fast pace, hot started to lK-ir to the outside in th" mi. teli and finished under the lodges stand. ENFIELD ran prominently all the way and suffered from ding on the far turn. TMIB tini-hed fast and so did BACHELOR GIRL. CHAPlLTEPBC showed Speed, but was interfered with and quit. Scratched — 7 m;2 Wintergreea, W5-Overweights- Yniir. :: pounds: Mockler, 2: Bachelor Girl, 4. /• f7 FIFTH RACK— I 1-2 Furlongs. 04078—1:05%- A — 105. Purse S.:oo. 3-year-okls and up-f5 70 41" I ward. Selling. Nt value to winner 2.": -c.nnil. *■": ihird. ..". Ti d Horses AWtPISt -. "4 St r Fin .Trw-keys Owtifrs II C P S ""."••.■liOYi DOLLY ws 4 101 :~ •• 2* 35 2 j HI McDonld .1 E Dwyer 8 8 8 8-5 7-19 .. I3NAPA NICK BBC Ml 6 t V l" 1=. .- Hill Powell .V: Parker R-5 13-59-5 3-5 1-4 •. 64*»SIR ALVESOOT WB 7 104 «. 7 8s # 4- V Hals.v D Ford 8-5 8-5 0-3 2-6 out . |« MIK1". MOIETT wa 8 MS l 1 l 21 Jl I " Bur game .1 W Levy 28 38 38 10 4 .-47 HOL.MMRH " 9a 4 S .".. 0 ii "."■• Nathan I. Fountain S 15 17. fi 11-5 7316*KING STM.AVART w " 98 2 ! 41 :.h S a* .i McCabe F 1 Weir 15 M 1 ; r. 21 99773 LEES FRIAR W S M6 * 0 7 7 7 7r Irin Allen ft Hensley 38 KM 100 38 12 l SPARKETTE mi S 103 7 S S g S 8 J fallahanW C Taylor 88 Pm hW Mo 11 Time, 233. 48 = -,. 1:01. 1:072-,. Track fast. Winner -Br. f. by Right Royal — Pretty Holly i trained hy P. A. Dwyer. Weal lo | .-it 4:19. At pi -t 1 niinute. start had and fast. Won easily: second and third driTing. ROYAL l OI.I. raced Close ap from the atari and. when in the Stretch. Wore the leaders down lo win drawing away. NAPA NICK -hi. wed much speed and led in the stretch, l.nt was tiring at the end. SIR i:si or began slowly and ran up to the leader; on the far inn. but was allowed lo go wide on the lasl /l. and weakly ridden through the heal eighth. MIKE MOLETT set t fast early pace, bat, as bsM i , i .1 to stay. The others were outpaced. Scratched "::27 Inoaieta, !»4: t.4i.4 Roseitaire. s7. Overweights — King Stalwart. 2 pound-. J Q SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 93544 — 1:48 4 115. Parse 83300. 4-year-olds and upward! 7Q fytS Selling. Net value lo winner 2.i: secoad. S. i-. third. .v2-" . TiTi Horses AWtlPSt 4 ~t Str Fin .Toekeys Owners i H C 1 S - •«-; tWTEM w ti 106 I 1 1| 1 1 1 Il ll Hill I. W Hicks i :: 9-3 7-181-4 -. 17 SHORT NORTHCDT w r. PM 3 3 7- 2 1 2 ::i 2*1 Nathan i Ford 7 io in | 6-6 • BOB FAR1 ET w» ! 7 i 4 :ir, 3* :;M. 31 ::•- Halsey .1 H Mead 11 33 -.". 4-5 1 ■. 7287JROSEVALE w 7 101 2 2 4- 4s 4:; 4 41 Groth : Darker 18-531 14-39-W1-4 7313*"SLEEPLAND w 4 ! 3 *; 6 .. ■". Ji "■-!- "- "•- McDonld A l, Schaefer 18 M Irt I 1 r. - |- | kk wb -"■ UK" 7. :, ; t i. I t; Moleswh I- M Hopper It 16 M •"• 3 - Time. 24r,. 49. 1:14-,. 1:41 = -,. 1:48. Track fast. Winner — R. g, by Caaoait Trim tialaied i y L. W. Hick-.. Weni p. post ai 1:47. AI post 1 niiiiile. Star good and fast. Woa easily: second and third driving. "AVIUM went to the from quickly and easily won al! the way under a good ride. SMOIIM NORTHCDT a- rioxesl in pursuit throughout and made a game finish. BOB PARLEY -" n ran Into third place and lastly remain. .1 there lo ihe end. kosi VALH raced steadily ;.il the way, l.nt was outpaced by the first three Overweights Ro-evali. 1 pound.