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A CASE OF THAT DECEPTIVE ANGLE." L Some Juarez Spectators Question Decision Award-H ing Purse to Upright. ■ I.i-o. Jix . March 1.— Clone latohe* marhe*! tin- afternoons i»iit al Jaarea ami after eigb • i, iiav- of racing, the public took exception •• the Judges ileclaloa as to the winner "i Ihe fourth Winning Witch and Cprigbl were the borsea that Bgured la Ihe episode. Winning Witch was hearing oul In the drive that t-« k plan- in the him eighth and aniabed on the extreaie outside under tie Indges stand. Tin oaacial decision gave the put—- to Iprlght. Tin- angle onji track as wide a* thi- one made it diaVull to realty decide which bars* ii ni The haagea were rertalaly belter uIiIl- t- di In ■alii 1I1 in ■anrihafJi else. These araa made the demonstration wen- far away and ttad -r the Impression thai the outside horse hud won. The track was In greatly Improved ion la ii.iv and will in- a! it- heal for tomorrows raclag I nriuhl 1 antem wen- the winning favorite; tlii- afternoon Phe for mar wa- backed into favoritism from a high qootatioa of ."■ to I. Iraeiieall ali of todays wiiukts raaae la foi t; 1 .1 h 1 backing ami it was anything bul .1 profitable day for the layers. Jot key W. Rosea was suspended hy the steward* for the remainder af tin- aaeeting for rough riding nn Eafleld in the fourth race. I . I nr.i. owner of Daddy Glp. claimed Cockspnr from lli-mli 1 -mi ft Hogaa in Ihe la-t ran- yesterday for ,125. Cockspnr waa seat down here thl-wiiiu-i in the rare of George Mom and has raced in improved form, especially ia the mini. Secretary Jasper has already received some en-tries for the coming Kentucky Derby, which rtoaed tonight. Including I.l Palomar, The Cinder, Kloral Park, Lard Marshall, Baron u Kalh, Jlaamle Gill ami Wey laoke. The full., wini; wark-awta i""k place aver tin-Jnarei track this morning: Anion Three-quarters in 1:1*. Is goad and -lmi:.-l win when properly placed. Ancestors Five-eighths In 1:0". Acts goad, A-k Alii Half nele in .".l-. Improving. Bt t Be Thn 1 eighths in :». A 1- gootl. I.n of Fortune Three-quarters in 1 17 Is good ami should race lietter. Bonnie Elorse rhree-eightbs in 39. I- train 1 well. Brando -Mile in i:iti. Isrecaiag. Will improve. Calisse Half mint in 1.-. Pulled np lame. Camarada Three-eighths in -IT-... 1- Lmxi and -lemlii in, e in Iter. Chief Desmond Three-quarters in I 17-.. I- gota!. Collnel Three-quarters in 1:17*4. Acts good. Croosover— Half mile in ."o-.-.. Traiaiag well aft. r a let up. Delaney -Three quarters in 1:10. Is likhI lad should win » In n properly placed. Dull Italiy Mile in 1 :-li. At her best. Bvato Three quarters la 1:17%. 1- good. Fait Louise Flvi eighths la lirj-.. ai her heal I ami should race well. Iam-iiii Hall -Three-eighlhs in ::o. Training slowlr. Iir-t Cherry Half mile in ..n-.. 1- good, bul i- actor iit past. Find Star Five-eighths in 1 :»• Acts goad. Gilbert Half mile in -M-... Training well after a lei up. Gladys V. Flalf mile in .".it--. .; her best. Il.nii-i.i- Seven-eighths in 1:30, bandilv. Al l.i- !.- -I. Helen Pink Mile la lie I- good. Irish Gentleman Fire-eighths in 1:65. At h;- heat. John Louis- Half mile lit 51%. I- goad. Jupiter Joe Half mile In 51%. to win. Kitty W. Three-eighths in 37%. Is ...hI and should win before long. Lady Tiiuli Three-eighths in 39. Shows mm h son ness. Little Bit -Three-eighths in 39. At her heat. Loan Shark Five-eighths in 1:04. Acta l Mary Emily Half mile in 50%. I- good and wil a in a hen properly placed. Meiinn Street Three-eighths in ".K Going a Ion; slowly. Mill .!. .110- Three. iiihth- in 37%. I- g I Xelln Three eighths in 30. 1- gat I. Ocean Shore live-eighths in 1 n. Of little ac count. Oil m Kripp — Half mile in 51%. Training well a: Ii 1 ii let up. Osaple Three-eighths In 37%. I- Improving. Oscaro Thi.-i .mallei- in 1:17- . I- g 1. Seneca Five-eighths ia 1 04. 1- good and shoai 1 a ill lletnl ,- long Bit Barry Half mile In 50%. 1- goad ami should race better. sir Ireaus Three-eighths in "■ Goes save gal w ill not stand training. si-ii-t Florence Mile la l:4* Is goad. Truly— Half mile in til. At her heat. Whiddea— Three i|iinrters In 1:17%. Is goad;