untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-02


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I YOUR — , Last chance A- previously advertised I aw offering sej "60 TO 1 SHOT SPECIAL. " tor »10. Better still. 1 am guaranteeing it. if it does aot j win 1 not second or third, I will give yoa the balance ,,f both Jmuea and Charleston Including ALL apeciaM I-RLL. Now. this t b INFORMATION. Personally. I believe it to be the BEST handled .luring in.v lurC car The price is sio. , SPECIAL -This offer ;...-;tivelv ckneM •xl lay at .". p. ih. Special rude mailed foi ibis inn- on receipt of subscription. Son here Id sonaetbing worth while. BEBT K. OOLLYBB Formerly with the Chi -ago American. SUITE 309 OXFORD BUILDING. ■ 118 N. La SaPe St., Chicago. III. THE TOTtF RBPOBTEB A weei.h publication roinmeutiuc. on the condition of horses in training at all principal tracks: also the distnn .- ■ a horse lik-- and need- lo win. Gives x.U informal ion that i- iiuposrihii lo gel otherwise. Noi only do von g«»i the above information, but we also give V..11 .me heel 1 ; daily, which appear* in this paper each day. It i- the beot ol its kind published in tin- I nileil States, and dig- ap the long shots ami sleepers Onrj costs 2."- i-ent-i per week, i- ..ii sale at all live news-stands ami deal 1 in lie 1 nited state-. Yesterday** Spe ial WON. Occacdonal lost. Uuitj lost. MONDAYS SPECIAL: Yello-«--Wedr.esditv-Go-No-Na-t.c-Sec. SUNDAYS SPECIAL: Green-Friday -No-Sun -Sun -C-.e THE TURF REPORTER 188 N. 5th Ave.. S. W. Cor. Lake St.. Chioage. III. JACQlELiNA, 8-1, WON was yesterdays hotaa en Ne-v Service. -.-.- advertisemeul in neu book awn on salt tot above proposition. FRANK G. HOGAN .. ... 3-1 WON was v — t • -:. in « "* Ijceasiotial. TERMS. S5.00 FOR THREE WIRES. B.uorella. 2-1. Won. wa- yeste dayn lorn $ ial. Two-Horse Daih -:. ■.■ .1 u . •..■•■ is a loser. -, .... r,iavV Special lost. SUNDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Maich-Orancc-51-?4-34-26-22-27-53. MONDAY S FORM SPECIAL: July-Pear-29-27 59-:"3-32-26-56-57-57-27. STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 405. 22 West Quiiicy Street. Chicago. Illinois. 1 1 I GET GOOD lllsio •• mm: : ... • 11 1- I u.ie.l pal ItSfl with a couple of bund:.-. I dollars capital who ,n- s.itln ient :.v tuoroughhreil to take a loss win, out depression, and profit nritboul exultation, to write me. enclosing six self-addre. — ij -atup.d enrelopea and 1 will prove to v.. in -ai -...■ 1 i.-n Its worth bo- fore yon Invest another it. RICH. WILLIS. Geneial Delive:y. TauilliHll Kv. — — — . 1 1 NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. MONDAY S SPECIAL: Mexico. Mausun. Minstr.-l. Swallow. Vest roars 1orui Si»e.-I«l Sliortv Nuitu- eut. 10-1. rf. ond. W11. iiii.l S|..i.i ewl s,,,, -1 ib.-i - to special will heat M .- djirigx w.-.-i.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913030201/drf1913030201_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1913030201_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800