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DAILY R/iCING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. Daily Racing Fohti Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. A Daily BeSectioa of the America! Tort by Telegraph. Editor aad Proprietor, r. H. Hrunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley, Secretary* Mb. F. R. Bna_eU. t :imi i«i :i-. second-class matter, April _. 1 ;t ; . a the post-oa.ce at Chicago, ill i 1 1 i ~ . main the Act f •larch 3. 1879. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business :in l circulation purposes only, i Tiiis telephone bag no connection with the newt or editorial departments and cannot be used to com-moaicate. with then. To be coaaidered and answered, nil queries io Dally Racing Form must be sent oyer the full name ■ad with tin- address or writer. Tin- names and ad-dresses an subject in i local ami foreisn directory lest. ___ BACK NUMBERS r, CUNTS EACH. If sent by mail Mirsl class only six cents. THUIS: Per Week $ -5d Per Month 1" Bait Yoar *. » One Year H.dd The above rates ate for alagln conies as sealed letters Brst class mail. Daily Racine Form Publishing Co. prefers to send ■Ingle copies as tirsi class mail in all cases. Local sutis, ripi ions outside the down-town district- will be declined at, other than lirst class mail ■utter rates. Subscriptions mast be paid in advance. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, MARCH 2, l»13.