Scales of Weights for March, 1913, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-02

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. . 1 ; 1 [ 1 r 5 I ; II r| r t t v e r e r k y SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR MARCH. 1913. — — — ~— — — — 0 Si ~ ■ ir A.c I t p ; p ■ One-Half Mile. Two-year-olds M s B5 M N . . . Three vear obis Ill 107 109 DiS lt 7 107 Four-year-oids 12*5 111 12fl 111 119 116 Fie vear olds and up. 127 12o 124 123 123 123 Three-Quarters Mile. Two-year-olds 84 To 89 7» 7ti .. Three vear olds IDi BBt D»7 IPS 1u.» MJ0 Four-year-olds 133 120 120 120 120 120 live -y«ai ■•- lil- and up. 133 12:1 124 124 12.3 12.3 One Mile. Two . ,.r obi- 7S 7S ... Three year-olds D»7 K « 14JCI 103 lOB lOO Four-year-olds !2i 120 120 I1M 120 OH Flve-year-oiua and up. 131 121 123 124 121 121 One and One-Half Miles. Three -veai -olus 115 14M 61 M MM MM Ioui vear olds 12 i J 20 119 1!".» 120 120 Flve-vear-olds 131 123 125 123 125 125 Six-year olds and up.. 131 120 120 120 126 128 Two Miles. Tiiree-vear old- 618 l«*l G 00 IOO 100 Four veal -olds 124 120 117 11 S 1241 120 Live war. Ids 130 120 124 120 120 126 Six-year-olda and up.. 130 127 12.5 127 12i 12, Two and One-Half Miles. Three waiohls M ... 88 88 88 Lour vear ..Ids 120 ... IM 128 128 Five vear- - 127 ... 127 127 127 Six year olds ami up 128 ... 120 12s 12 Three Miles. Three-year-old IB 87 88 88 88 Four vear olds 128 113 110 120 12d Five-year-olds 127 123 127 127 127 Six year-olds and B|l I2.l 120 128 126 128 Four Miles. Three-year olds H ■•• •" .2 " Four vear olds 120 ... HO 1-0 ... Five vear old- 12s ... 12, 128 ... Six-year elds and up 128 ... 129 1-1 ... THE JOCKEY CLUB. In rac-s „f intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for three year olds, or fotir-year-oids. the weurhl shall be 120 pounds, and for two-year-olds, 122 pounds. Except in handicaps and is races where the conditions expresslv slate to the contrary, tillies two vears old shall be allowed three pounds and m.ue-iliree years old and upward shall he allowed 6ve iMimids before September 1 and three pounds there after. Geldings shall be allowed three pounds. Welter weights shall be 28 pounds added to the weight for a-e. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. In all handicaps When the added money exceeds 1913.sh00. the top welghl shall not he less than 120 pounds. STATE RACING COMMISSION OF KLNTI.CKV. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for two -year-olds, 118 pound-shall be carried. In exclusively for three year olds. 122 poiimL shall be carried. In seal races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights. Exeepl in handicaps, tillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pound-. Fillies and marcs Hue.- years old and onward shall be allowed live pounds before September 1 ■ad three pounds thereafter. SOCKET CLUB .11 ARLZ. The Jockey Club Juarez bas adopted the scale of weight- of the Kentucky State Racing Commission referred to in the preceding paragraph. PACIFIC JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance -hall be carried. In a race exclusively for two year-olds the weight-shall be 118 pounds. In a race exclusively for three v-nr olds the weights shall be 122 pounds. In heat races there shall be an allowance ot five pounds from the -.ale ol weights. Except in handicaps and in races where the weights ire lixed absolutely iii the conditions, tillies two years old and gelding- of all ages shall be allowed three pounds, and fillies and mares three vears old and npward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. SOI THKRN JOCKEY CLUB. In races of Intermediate lenxths, the weights for the shorter distance are to be carried, in a race exclusively fur two-year-oida the weight* shall be 118 pounds. In a race exclusively for three year-olds the weiuhi- shall be 122 pounds. In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of wehrhts. Exeepl in handicaps and in races where the weights are lixed absolotelj In the conditions, rill n-1 two vears old and geldinga of all ages shall he al-1 lowed three pounds, and tillies and marcs three years old at. I upward shall be allowed five pouuds before September 1 and three sounds thereafter. CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS. In rae.-s of intermediate lengths, the weight! tol the shorter distance shall be carried. in races exclusively for ; luce year old- or four-1 olds the weights shall be 122 pounds, and foe two vear ...1.1- lis- pounds. Exeepl in handicaps and in all race- where the , jiib.ns express!] atate lo the contrary, tillies two years ol«i shall be allowed three pounds, and I allies and mares three years old and onward sbull be allowed tive ponnds before the Btrat of September I aiel three pounds thereafter. ieldings allowed three pounds. In nil rae.-s exeepl In handicaps w lie re foreign bredf are nol penalized as such, horses foaled in Can ada shall be allowed t to and Including three rears 1 pounds: lour cai- and upward. 5 pounds. Wei ei weights -hall be 28 1 id- added to the weigh! for age In heavyweight handicaps the top weight shall not lie less than 1 P pound-, S» two year-olds shall compete in an all aged lace prior to August 1. |,, :,,i Handicaps, when the added money exceeds ftjuO. t"p weight shall nol be lean than 120 pounds. STBBPLK1 ll.YM-i WaUQHtB. At tin- eastern tracks all steeplechase races are 1 run under the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, which provides these weights: l..i vita-pie. liases less than three miles — From 1 January 1 to ahsgusl .".1 Incmstve. three year-, 12". pounds; four years. 140 pounds; live years. 157 pounds: six years and over, 162 From Rep j temher 1 t" December 31. inclusive, for three vear-. I i::7 i.oiin.l-: four years. I" 4 pounds; ti v r years, 1tfO 1 pouudw: -i v.-ars and over. 182 pounds. I F«t si-eplecUttjcs o| luce miles antl tflf— flUBJ 1 January 1 to August 31, iaciusive, four years. 1 la tiounds: tive years, 153 iiouuds: six vears and ever, 100 pounds. From September 1 to December :;1. in elusive, for four years. 140 pounds: the years. 130 pounds; -ix years and over. 166 pounds. For Hurdle Races Front January to August 31, inclusive, three year-. 133 rounds: four years. 1 12 pounds: rive years, 152 pounds: six years and ovi . 156 pounds. From September 1 to December 81, in elusive, three years. 142 pounds: tour vears. 155 pound-: tive years and ever. 101 pound-. In races exclusively for three-year-olds, the weight shall b- 143 pounds. Except in handicaps and ;:i races where the weights are fixed absolutely in tin- condition-., maps shall be allowed five pounds before September 1, and three pound- afterward. Geldings shall be allowed three pounds. For races on the rtat nnder Hunt club auspices. the scale of weight- adopted by the Jockey Club shall govern and in respect of SUCb races welter weights shall be 28 pounds above the weight for age. In the west the weights spec fated by the Western Jockey Club and the American Turf Association are identical and are as follows: Jan. April. Julv. Jc|. Age. Feb. May. Aug. Nov. March June. Sept. Dec :: year olds V27, 120 134 llo 4 y.-ar olds 147 148 131 154 3 yeai ..Ids 1.77 146 143 lot 0-year-olds and up., los 170 172 170 The rules of the Canadian Racing Associations gov -ruing steeplechases and hurdle races provide thai BO bone shall be permitted to start in any steeple has.- or hurdle carrying less than 120 pounds. When a scale of weights for age i- not tixel by the regulations of anv course off bv the conditions of .1 mc -tin- ••■• race, the following scale shall govern: For steeplechases and hnrdle races less than three miles from January 1 to Julv 81, inclusive, four years. 145 pounds: tive years. 130 pounds: six years and over. 100 pounds. From August 1 to DeeomNv :.._ inclusive, three years, 12s pounds: four guars, L"..i Bounds: five years. 10:; pounds; six years and over. 100 pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over. Janu ary 1 to August 31. Inclusive, four yean, 138 pountfe: rive years, 157 pounds: s. years and over, 166 pounds. From September 1 to December 31. new rive, four years. 149 pounds: five vears. 101 pounds; -i vears and over. 100 pounds. Except in handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, mares shall be allowed five pounds before the first of Sep tember, and three pounds thereafter. Geldings -.1 lowed three pounds.

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