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MORE IMPROVEMENTS FOR LATONIA LATONIACincinnati Cincinnati O April 12 John Hachmelster gen cruluiaiiuger of the Latouiu Jockey Club was iu Cincinnati this week but didnt stay long He ran over to Ijitonia accompanied by Gene Klrod ami they conferred on matters xrtalniug to the betting ring It is quite likely that there will IM an entire rearraiigemeut Of the betting ring at Latouia with all the machines on the north side of the shed It is also unite likely that a new rule will he that exact change must be handed in to the ticket Kellers in the twodollar machines This will ne ¬ cessitate having a couple of money changing booths lu the ring The object of this is to prevent con ¬ gestion at these machines ns delay is caused by making change and having arguments over it itMr Mr Hachmolster left hurriedly tlie same day lie arrived for St Louis where he will confer with his KH ple He declared that as far as lie was aware there was nothing to the reporled deal for the purcliase of City Park at Xev Orleans by the Cclla interests interestsFrank Frank Brueu assistant to Mr Hachmeister has arrived here from Charleston to remain until u few days before Douglas Park opens iSeniiy opensiSeniiy Jacobs well known on the Kentucky tracks a few years ugo Is a visitor in Cincinnati He has the program privilege oil the halfmile tracks in Canada