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BELMONT PARK FIELDS ARE SMALL. Racing Produces Much Enthusiasm. However — Tarts Wins Harlem Selling Stakes from Two Others. New York. June is. — Small fields went to the post in live of today* races at Belmont Park, but the rarktg itself called forth much enthusiasm and was marked by a number of close linislies. The Harlem Belling Stakes, one mile, went to Tarts, which, after racing with Perthshire until the tilial sixteenth was reached, drew away to win by a margin of one length, old Donald MacdonaM was perhaps the best horse in the race, as he was al-1 twed to fall far out of the running and. after making a wide stretch turn, he came with a rush at the end and was fast wearing the winner down. Metcalf used bad jndgsaeat throughout the race, as Hie early pace was not so fast as would have made Donald Ma.doiial.l overexert himself. The tabulated history of the Harlem Stakes is as follows: Year. Winner. A.Wt. Jockey. Yal. Time. lNMtj Lehman 7 II". T. Sloan ...$ UO 1:4.".% !s:i!i Roysterer :: B3 c. 04om ... 238 1:41 i:i «» Kinnikinnio . .0 110 11. Spencer . 1,056 1:42% list I Hami k 4 106 W. OConnor. 106 1:43 1002 Dr. Riddle ...a 111 T. Ruins .. 1,280 1:41V 1003 Highlander ..4 111 T. Rurns ... 1,400 1:41 Paul Shcriir Hell ..4 km; Cormack ... 1,680 1:41% 1003 Lit t»- Km 4 111 F. ONeill .. 1,506 1:41 i: »i Kebo 5 100 C. Garner .. 1,060 1:40% P.MiT Grapple •". ill J. Martin .. 2,103 1:30% 1000 Grapple 6 111 W. Shaw ... 2,040 1:39% MOB Arasee 4 103 J. Glass 1,200 1:30% P.tlo Berkeley i 110 L. Dngan ... 600 1 :.".:i i- IB13 Perthshire . . ." 100 .1. But well . 07.". 1:38% PHI Tarts 4 104 H. Sumter.. ;75 1:41 Run at Morris Park prior to 100-j. No racing in 1U11 and 1012. Tile Talbot stable also scored with Republican in the tecond. He just did last to beat Thornhill. Republican as-mneil the lead while taming for home alter having seemingly raced Thornhill into sabmis- s u. but the latter came again at the end and Jul failed to gel up. Baekhorn, the only other starter, was never a serious contender. Vanitle, making hi- initial start in the Oral race, was quoted at prohibitive odds and. after making a -how of his opposition, won with gnat ease. Star Shooter and Lady Botha had the third between them and, after the former seemed likely to he returned the winner, he quit badly and Lady Rub.-.. closing fast, got up to win going away. Adelaide T. accounted for the tifth race in easy fashion. She went into the lead shortly after the -•art and made every posl a winning one. In tlu-i, nil race of the day, which was tin longest race of the present meeting, Patoa led from start to riiii-h. toween. tie second choice, was in pur-nit until the Issl tbrei eighths, where Tay Pay moved Ull and for a while it seemed a- if he might have a chance but Patoa, winch had something U rescue, w-.n handily. P. Hyanis arrived this morning from Kentucky. bringing with him his stable of racers, including Royal Meteor and Granite. .1. R. Marqaette. Jr., claimed the Moatpetier Stables Altamaha out ot the second race yesterday, m whih he was represented by Muskmelou. At I -ale held in the paddock today, seven were sold, ol which lluda- Brother brought tli. highc-t price, be going to J. H Lewis for 2.". Among the others sold were: Peaceful. 6150, A. " Rlutne: Decoy. 00. k. Patterson; Borax. 50, M. J. Leonard: Tim Loyals, 00. A. C. Bluine-Shorthand, 00. A. C. Plume: Black tap. 0, K. Patterson. For catting across In front of Donald Maedonald at th,- start of tie- fourth race, .i.x-k,-. .| XL-Tag : ii was suspended for the remainder of the meet a- MeTaggartf ten days suspensioa for the -am. offense expired only yesterday. Jockey U. •Foods, who rods Baekhora la th.- second race, wa- suspended for an unsatisfactory ride and hi- ase referred to the Jockey Crab for disposl-lioii. King Simon, a starter in the first race, w is jumped on aud badly cut. j I