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1 i 14 r. h 14 u M 14 M H K P J ■ 1 1 j r ■ ,| | 1 i -n f , * f 1 TIRSr RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling, i los.r,— 1 : 2— 2— 10T.. Index Course Dlst Tira-TckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HTABERDASH. br. f. 2 107 By Martinet— Strife F. Feitner. 14844 Dorval 5-8 I021tfast 8 l" 4 fi E •"- P .1 Frach 9 Celto, J. B. Harr.ll. Goldbavea J4707 Dorval 4J f 57Vfast 5 110 9 3 I 3» 35 .1 Frach li MgareUL. M.Capbell. Bagatelle 1458S BlueBon. 5-8 l:02«fefast G 108 11 7 4 6 5i J Frach 11 Ken. Jefferson. Mrs. Camphell 14300 Pimlico 4J f 56%fast 13 107 2 5 4 3l 3i J Frach S Celto. Lady Capricious. Ikirgo 14233 Pimlico 4 f 562ifast 61-10 112 7 6 5 4» 4-3 J Frach 7 Celto. Plantageuet, Energetic 14150 Pimlico 4* f 54%fast 120 104 5 6 4 3l 33i W Taylor 10 Folderol, Tie Pin. Ethan Allen TIE PIN, b. g, 2 105 By Armeath II. — Toi San W. Martin. 14794 Dorval 6-* l-ttStafaat 10 193 3 4 3 4" 4*f 1 Callahan 5 Shyness, Aunt Joate, Jos. Iterate 14964 BlueBon. 5-S l:014sfast 15 193 2 10 9 8* 57i J allahanll Ethan Allen, Casaba. Aunt Joate 14688 BlueBon. 5-8 1:02%fast 18-5 105 10 8 7 4nk 4J J "allahanll Ken, Jefferson, Mrs. Campbell 14395 Wdbine 5-8 1:02 mud 21 101 7 7 7 1- 5:J J Collins S Casaba. Tarzan. Burwood 14320 Wdbine 5-8 102 fast 24 107 7 5 6 6J 4s R Watts S SlalwartUelen. Casaba. Folderol 14227 Pimlico 4£ f 55%fast 12-5 112 7 7 6 51 3« C Knight 8 Corsican, Burwood, Frill 14164 Pimlico 4*. f 54%fast 10 102 1 2 3 2« 2= J CallahanlO Folderol, Haberdash. Bthan Allen KAZAN, b. c, 2 112 By Filigrane — Sauteuse J. C. Gallaher. 14877 Con gbl 6-9 l*4B%fhat 12 ill 2 1 3 3* 3* W Andreaal 2 Carbide, K. Haaabarg, Bnergetic 147!H Dorval 6-8 l:02r,fast 12 109 1 13 12 9* 9»*1W Aadrea»12 M. CpbeU, llnrw I. R.R.Mill.r 14983 Dorval 4i f 57ai,good 15 112 3 6 5 42 fi4l W Andress S Archer King Jefferson. Carbide 14964 BlueBon. 6-8 l:01%fast 15 110 1 3 7 9l 10* W Andressl 1 Kthan Allen. Casaba. Aunt Josie ENERGETIC, b. f, 2 101 By Sir Wilfred— Listless S. Ross. |s77 Congbt 5 8 K M9 S G fi fi- 4- F Johnson 12 Carbide. King Hamburg. Kazan BlueBon. 5 * i:oJ4-fast 15 107 9 10 8 9,: S« F Johnsonll K.n. Jefferson, Mrs. Campbell 142:::; Pimlico 4$ f 56»,fast 28 107 4 5 3 33 34 F Johnson 7 Celto, Plantagenet, Hatrdi-sl, 14074 H.deGce 41 f 54 ;fast 10 102 2 6 6 51 69 R Booker 11 Jen. V ilia. S.Ilelen. L.Capricioiis 13915 Jamesn 1-2 49y5fast 8-5 106 4 2 2J 32i J Mclntyre ! L. Capricious. L. May, MissFissy 13S90 Jamesn 1-2 52%hvy 3 107 8 6 6l o2J S Davis 9 Folderol. Louise May, I May STAR AND GARTER, ch. g, 2 98 By Star Shoot— High Degree S. Louis. 14877 Congbt 5-8 l-92%fast 50 no 1 4 5 51. 8 * C Grand 12 Carbide, King Hamburg, Kazan Hfi..l BlueBon. 6-8 l:01%fast 60 103 6 9 10 11 10,S1C VanDunll Kthan Allen. Casaba. Aunt Josie 14688 BlueBon. 5-S l:024ifast 25 10618 11 9 X1 9s F Teahan 11 Ken, Jefferson, Mrs. Campbell 14482 BlueBon. 4* f 56/5fast 10 106 6 6 6 6* ■ * F Teahan 6 Faker. Mrs. Campbell. Kopje 14227 Pimlico 41 f 55%fast 49 112 2 2 3 3"" 5*1 J McCahey 8 Corsican. Burwood, Tie Pin 14187 Pimlico 41 f 65%1ast 97 104 6 6 7 7 71* J Callahan 7 Heenan. Thrill. Stalwart Helen RAINCOAT, blk. c, 2 103 By Pink Coat — Black Sleeves C. Straus. 14877 Congbt 6-3 1 : -" "0 114 12 11 10 l»l :»■- VanDu;il2 Carbide. King Hamburg. Kazan FLOSSIE LEE, b. f, 2 103 By Cesarion — Al Lone W. Walker. 14S77 Congbt 6-8 1 :02=t,fast 60 106 5 S 11 11**U«* E Carter 12 Carbide. King Hamburg. Kazan 14588 BlueBon. 6-8 l*9!ifcfast 60 104 5 4 11 11 11" K Carter 11 Ken, Jefferson. Mrs. Campbell 13915 Jamesn 1-2 49y5fast 60 100 2 9 9 913SR "Watkins !» L. Capricious. L. May. Knergetlc HUGH, b. c, 2 106 By Marta Santa— Noogs W. L. Petty. 14483 BlueBon. 41. f 56y5fast 10 114 2 4 5 6 3"*,i Ambrose 9 Faker. Mrs.Camptxdl, S.JbGarter 14112 Ixgton 41 f 57%hvy fid HO 8 7 SI 9"i W Andressl2 L.Payn. . MartbaLee. Certrudel: 14057 4l. f 54%fast 11 110 6 S 10 10""1W AndresslO A. N. . Akin. . , Bil!y Joe. , Rescue IIV.Jl Lexgton uca f-, w" ii *- firaiaoi a-A J.J.U v u j.iy xv n t -..,...■■■■ mm* i » i 1 1 ■ ini,.i bj •* .-.i uc