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Sciaiche.i sruiirnrii i4::o; i-t..o:i I Cynosure, w.esuie. o*r. CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART. OTTAWA. ONT.. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1914.— Third day. Coiinaaght Park Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 7 days. iL.l hooks .m.i Weather clear. PresidinjE ludge, Francig Nelson. Starter, A. It. Dade. Racing Secretary. loseph McLgnnan. Racing KtnrtH at 2::m p. in. Chicago time 1 .■ " p. m.1. *Indicates apprentice allowance. AiJO FIRST RACK 4 1-2 Furlongs. !H1l -and»%— 2— 106. Purne 8480. 2-year olds. 1* 4t tJOQ Canadian foaled. Selling. Net value to winoerjgOOj -reml. |100j third. 850. Index lhise- AWtllSt 1 _■ ■, Str Kin Jinkeys Owners O II C I S 1 4022 »• LADY SPENDT FT w 142 1 1 11 D* 1* 1 J Smyth N Macfarlane 2-6 1-2 2-6 1 lOopt IIK"i;lMiA Q. w IS 4 2 2- 2i 2! 2 K Murphy W Walker 4 4. 4 2". out 1 44 ?0 CANNIE JE5AN w lo:: :: :; :,:; :;•• :; ■• J" .1 K«i ly C A Crew 2.". 30 28 4 8-5 DAVID GILLIES w 109 2 1 14 4 1 -I Callahan J S llcndrie M 20 28 2.. 4 i Time. 24%. 51%. 58%. Track fast. Winner — Ch, f. by Masterman -Lady Irish trained by A. Bulcroft. Went to I"-! at J:::.!. At post :: minutes. Start g 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third drlv- I.ADY SPENDTHRIFT ran Into the had at once and held the race sal ill the way. hut kept bearing ut through the homestretch. MONA •;. raced on the outside of the cider for the entire waj and finished gamely. CANNIE JEAN raced next to the rail all the way and was always outpaced. ovei w eiglii - Mona ;.. 1 pound: Canute Jean. 1. T 4 09 7 SKCOND RACK 3-4 Mile. lo.siM— 1 :14— ■ — 110. 1 Purse f too. ::-year-olds and upward. 1 t: *j fj i Selling. Maiden Jockeys. Net va I lie to winner $.;oo; - e mil. fjOj third. 830. ladeli Ih .sis AWtllSt % _• ":j Str fin J.ckeys Owner I O II C P S 14SM vmi .i:i:t w 7 108 3 I 8* 5 1 1: 11 J Kennedy K Harlan s 5 2 s r, 7-li7-2 » 1 ! 1015 1 * M /.i:mi:.T w3 :••". 2 :: 2 1 1* 2* J Meaie R Daviea :: || II 2 1 I4SS0*THESIERE6 urn 1 Id 5 " 81 3 V 1 : 1 Milhr 1 M Civill 16 IS 15 I 3 I lt:t." ELMA w*S M8 1 2 1» 0 ••"• P , Lomas W D llendh-y a 8 5 2 1 I4SS#*HARVEST QUEENwn 3 89 G 1 I1 2" S* 6" R Acton P Btire in IS 13 .". 2J 14702 CONSTITIENT 1 148 I I 7 V. 8" 61 P Spencer M Ihillins IS M 1". I 3 1 4842* SACKCLOTH w 4 MS 1 8 .",". s- g« 7- II LaffertyF Feitner I 13 in 1 2 l4858*OOPOITRG BELLE 3 101 7 1 ; 7 7 PJI Freyer W Martin 15 M IS I I I47l" FUNDAMENTAL w B M8 8 7 :• I I I II Leuvre K h Fit/gerahl 20 89 " 12 C Time. 24%. 50. 1:16%. Track fast. Winner B. g, by Hastings — Aurata trained by J. A. Strode. Wi t to post at 3:06. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■ Hie- AMORET was off forwaraly and, being talon to the inside while rounding the far turn, wa- sharph rut off and knocked hack, then closed a big gap in the last eighth and won drawing clear. AMAZEMENT v tiee from Interference at the rtart and tired alter racing into the lead and drawing away in the stretch. THESIERES ran well, hut tired badlj in the lasi sixteenth. ELMA had a rough nee. HARVEST QUEEN sl|..We,| -peed. Scratched l479T»3Cb€ster Kniin. 112: 1 ISso Dicks I.t. 90. Overweights Kmidaiuental. 3 |iouiids. OQU II1IRD RACK— Short Course About 2 Miles. tlos:!4— :!:..4— :;— i:.".. 1 Steeplechase. 1/1 t y tJ kJ Purse 8000. 4-year-oWa and upward. Allowances. Not value to winner 8400; aee- ■ ■■iii. S1".: Third. $".".. Indev Horses AWtPPSt .3 i 9 12 Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 14878 RAOUSA w 1 S 1 3 3 li 1 i» I» W Kohler L Oarth 1 S 8-6 S 141 1 out 14459 I II. V CANTON . 4 138 3 2 2ll 2 2 2 2 J Dupee M Viau I I 7 I ! out I 1H7X TOM HORN wi 128 2 1 l« 3 3 3 :; s Wttsou W Walker 5 2 8-5 2-5 out PANORAMA WS6141 I i Bolted. li McAfee A B Barnard lo ir. 12 3 out Time. 3:59%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. ;:. by Lord Esterllng -Argosy trained h 1. Garth. IVenl to 1 -1 .11 3:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. RAOCSA went "to the front when hi- rider was read] and was under restrain! at the finish. LILY PAX- ion fenced v 1 but tired In the lasi quarter. TOM HORN lost his rider at the rixth Jump, hut was re- ,1 and finished. PANORAMA bolted through a wing at the lirsl fence. s. ratcbed U ■ al Demand. 1 17. |-v O r K"l RTII RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 0063 1:4844—6—112. Second Running Presidents 1* J- j f3 j Plate. 81.000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 642277; ami Plate: second. s2oo: third. "i. "7~~ ,~ Horse* AWtllSt 4 %~~Sn Kin ~Iockeys Owners II C P S 14818 WATERBASS wn 3 108 4 1 D* l1 1- l" 1 ". J Smyth A Turney 7-6 7-5 8-109-201-5 1 1 ir.xt 1 1; RXE ;at wb 4 101 3 5 61 s - 2* J CallahanR E Watkina 4 4] 8-102-6 M7-;-| LOCHIEL wb 6 108 I I 1 : 1:; 1: Taplin H Q Bedwell M 13 II I 3-2 11711" SIR BLAISE WB 6 143 1 1 8* S1 21 2 I" R Shilling W 1 Fin* 4 7 7 2 4". rl4B4l8 BRYNLIMAH wn 4 108 2 2 I I I S :,-" A CUver W IlandsS*ble a 8 8 2] I o....- rMPRESSION wn 5 11" 5 3 2»3 - : 5* ; P GoldstnH C Hallenbeck 20 40 40 1" 1 Time 24%. 49%. 1:15%". 1.42%. 1:49--.. Track fast. Winner— Br. c. by Waterboj Bassetins ftralned by W. M. Martini. Went lo post at 1:01. At post •; minute-. Start Rood and Blow. Won handily: second and third driv-ii-jt w TKRR ss raced Into the lead mi the fit-t turn and was rated along In front, saved ground on all the turns and finished n-.mely. BARNECAT a.i nnt|meed in the early running, but gamed Bteadtly in the .., , i,,if ti,cn tired after disposl .u ot SIR BLAISE. LOCHIEL elosdl a bis trap alter makinc ■ wide tnrn ,••1.. the iiomewretcb. IMPRESSION -Lowed speed, but tired after going a good three-quarten and probably a , i.oit SIR BLAISE wa- 1 forward contender to the last eighth. Scratched UOOfPPardner. 106; 148791 Recoil. 08, 1 1. rw eights Lochiel, 1 pound. ■4 -■ m f A f I II III RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 0053 1:484, r,-il2.i Purse 2300. 1-year-olds and np- | QrYjHtyj ward. Selling. Net vain, to winner $::.Q: second. SI"": "did. x."iO. tndel Horses a Wi lfSt % %. -, sir Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 • ....mi Ti iinrr.iiTN w 7 11°. 1 1 1h S 2- V I R ShTllIng Q W Scott 7 5 8 5 1 2 1 » out 1 iKii i|vr« THOIlPEwB 7 99 2 4 :," 1 :•■ 3 • P" MurphJ 1 W McGue :" " 2 7 101 5 T-o MlKi: HOLMES wb r. 109 ., 3 1 ■■ I I] ::- K Carter W Walker I] 3 1-5 1-3 Jjo,"- BILLIF. BAKER w 1 I0"i 1 6 C "• " I Gregory J 1" si rode r, M M I 2 ,-,,.•-11 KN"i !• wb6 88 5 S • "■ i 1 5« 1: Acton • J Ryan 48 M 68 1 ." "**" kkii MeiKKAUV w ■ :. i«n; :: • . .. .; w WaronMr W li Frej M N 4.1 12 4 Time, 24%. 49%. 1:17. 1:43%. 1:50%. Track fast. Winn,.,. B h. l Dungarven Ben Ledl trained by c. W. Scott. Wenl to posi at 4:J." . » At post Q minutes. Stait g 1 and -low. Won -a-ily: s,.-,,u| and third driv- I H HOUOFITON. easflj best, wac Bbarpl] cut off after being crowded "gainst the rail on the turn not of thebackstretcii. but moved up rapidly in the last quarter and, easilj passing the leader, won in ■ . inter PRINCESS THORPE was badly outruu for the hist half, but finished fast aud outgauied the tiring , , SHERLOCK lloi MKS Tie latter ran Into Ihc lead on the backstretch and -■: the pace to the lasi eighth, lien Lave way when challenged. The others were beaten off. Scratched 14701 Dr. Neet, MO. Overweights I.illie K.aker. "J pounds. Q4 -| SIXTH RACK 1 Mile. 80847—1 :41— 5— 110. Pane 8SO0! :; year olds. Selling. 14 rlctjrXlX. Nul vain- to winner *..r 0: se olid. S1IMI: third. $.~ P. Idleai Horses A Wt IIST t _• . Str Kin Jockeys Owners O It C P S l4762*STUCCO w M :! 2 1 l» l"k 2 1" II Shilling W Walker 25 68 4U 10 2J I4847*CZAR MICHAEL w MO 4 :: a -h " ■ Is -i W Hinphy J W Hedrick 2 21. 8-6 7-402-5 !4882*ZODIAC w !l". 1 1 2| 4"- I" 4 Jak p Murphy R Iarr 1:, 20 20 .", I .", l4882*MOCKERY «n us 2 5 •"." •". * »* — -I Smyth P M civill 2. :: ?, 7 MM I 14713 FOOL IV FORTUNEw 103 f. 4 4 :: ." •" 5 J CaHahaaM Foley s 5 I .". 17-102 aout Time. 26%, 51%. 1:17%. 1:44%. Track fast. Winner — itr. g. by Kiligrane My Eleanor trained by W. Walker. Went to post at 4:56. At posi 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the MM. STUCCO went to the trout quickly and drew away into a long lead on the backstretch, then tired in the stretch, but outgamed CZAR MICHAEL in the final drive. CZAR MICHAEL moved up rapidly after entering the Homestretch, hut tired after heading the leader briefly. ZODIAC saved ground when entering the bomestretcn and hm.g on wed under punishment. FOOL 0" forti NK was poorly ridden. MOCKER ran well and finished dose up. SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 14010—1 :44% — 4 — lOlT Pane 2080~ lyeai-tlritrt IACkA "his and upward. Sidling Handicap. Net value to winner $:;." 0: second. 00; third. 2_______ AWtPPSt Vi a •% Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 14881 "GLINT w 4 148 2 2 3 l4 l1 1- 1- J Smyth A Turney 2". 2". 2" 1-6 1 1 14882SELWAH wb 6 118 I 4 2". 2- 2- !■ 2" B Taplin H Q Bedwell 1 12 108-102 •". 1 C M8S-2 CLIFF STREAM wn 5 105 1 1 8* :! 8* :i4 8" W AVarnn.V Macfarlane I Ifi 16 4 1 14720*DANOS MARCH wn 7 147 : r. i 4» 4" 4u I"1 A Ctaver R V Haymaker ::.. I". 6J 1 8-6 11141 KINMUNDY wn 4 10.. 3 3 43 5 3 .". 3 J CailahanS Loula 20 M 81 s 2". Time. 25%. 49%. 1:15%. 1:42%, 1:44% new track record. Track fast. Winner -Br. c by Marts Santa — Tin Cup trained hy W. M. Martin. Went to post at 6:10. At :: miiuiles. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CI. INT raced to the front quickly and. drawing away into a long had on the backstretch. held the ■ace sal,, all the way. ELWAH ran In Closest pursuit throughout and was tiring at the end. CLIFF STREAM ran well and finished resolutely, hut was always outpaced hy the two leaders. DANGEROUS MARCH only ran fairly weI. KINMUNDY quit early. Scratched — 14020 l!i vnlimali. MS. Overweights— -Cliff Stream. :i pounds.