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1 [ 1 I ! 1 , [ 1 J ! 1 I j , : i 1 • WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR. CLEAR. TRACK TRACK FAST. FAST. FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. 9 H1-T1.9a% 9 091.1 Index Course Dist TimoTVkOdds Wt St |f c. 04 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish RHODES, b. c, 2 112 By Sempronius — Rosemeade G. J. Long. 14S04 Latonia 5-S 1:01 1 27-10 112 2 5 5 4 PJ J Henry i2 Malabar. Flossie Crocket. Sunset 14701 Latonia 5-8 l:00%fast 5 112 1 .". 4 3 P A Nevlon G Rancher. Chesterton. Gondolino 14640 Douglas .". s 1 :oi-,iast 37-5110 2 I I P PI J Henry 11 Sandstone, Bus. Agent I.Roberta 14347 Douglas 4 f 54 fast 10 112 8 7 7 7:lL Derondc 13 Eddie Belling, Solly, Shoddy 14196 Churchl 4| f 69%faat 6 112 1 3 3X 38 A Neylon 14 Delano, Bill Dudley. Jeff Roberta FLOSSIE CROCKET, ch. f. 2 109 Bv Boanerges — Golden Bush M. C. Moore. 14MI4 Latonia 5-8 l:0l%fast 27 5 109 4 3 2 2- P R Waldronl2 Malabar. Rhodes. Sunset 14733 Latonia 5 s 1 :02%good 0 110 0 5 4 4h 5*1 B Waldroa 9 Ambrosial, M.Dncbess. D.Perklns 14703 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 19 9.8 5 2 2 4* 4? F Roblnanl2 Alkanet, Iilioia. Les Invalldes 14190 Douglas 5-8 1:02 slow 24-5 107 2 4 4 5° 4*J B WaldronlO Yalhiha. MattieC. Clumhlal.ady 14439 Douglas 5 S 1:01 fast 29 100 2 2 2 2= 22 R Waldron 7 L.JancGrey. MattieC Hermosa I43S2 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 45 109 3 3 2 41 5° R Waldronll lano. ColumbiaLady. yVterproof TIMEPIECE, ch. c. 2 112 By Marathon — Lady Roller J. B. Respess. 14779 Latonia 5-8 LOHfcfast 33-10 112 11 1 S S= 8 * W Obert 11 L. Mexican. Tab bearer. Sprndel 14540 Douglas 6-8 1:01 W ast 42 llo 10 10 8 8 7?J I 11 Sandstone. Bus. Agent. Rhodes 11328 Douglas 5 S 1 :09%faat 23 103 6 6 0 6 03 1 Deronde 0 M:riioc. Irondeur. Jeff Roberta WATERPROOF, ch. g, 2 104 Bv Cunard— Tinker C. E. Hamilton. 14383 Douglas 8 -8 1:01 fast 40 109 .", 0 5 2 ::3 M Griner it Gano, Coiambia Lady, Joe D. 14221 Churchl 5-8 l:00%fast 55 111 7 8 10 7,Ji D Nlcol 10 Aunt Josie. Linda Payne, Joe D. 14195 Churchl 4J f 63%faat 49 109 11 10 11 ll» S Davis 14 Delano. Bill Dudley. Rhodes BUSINESS AGENT, ch. g. 2 109 By Cunard— Philistia E. R. Bradley. HID Douglas 57. f 1 :06--.last 27-10 9S 1 2 3 4n 5»»|A Nevlon 5 Jeff Roberts. MistvMorn. Vcenav 14649 Douglas 5-8 l:oiy5fast 83-10 195 5 2 1 P 24 A Neylon 11 Sandstone, Rhodes. Jeff Roberts 14411 Douglas 41 f 53%fast 6 104 3 4 4l 5"|A Neylon 12 D. Flower, Leslnvalldes. Bamboo 14213 Douglas 5-8 1 :00%fast 29-10 106 9 4 7 C a"1! Turner . M Morn. Bark Flower. J. Roberta 14275 Churchl 5-S l:00%fast 47-20 lOflUt 13 14 14 1438 G Byrne Manioc. JoffRoberfs 14172 Churchl 4J f 53%fast 22-5 105 4 3 4j 4"» J McDond 8 Martinos, E. Cochran. J. Roberts 14019 Lexgton 1-2 48%good 27 109 4 3 22 2* J McDondll Lenthal. Nherhow. S.McMeekln 139S0 Lexgton 1-2 48 fast 273 100 1 2 3J 4» J McDondll Luke. SemMcMeekin. Lindenthal SPRUDEL, br. g. 2 109 By St. Simonian II.— Ellora T. C. Bradley. 14779 Latonia 5-8 LOlifast 115 109 2 2 4 4 37 J Bobbins n L.Mican. Tbearer. B.B.aVTncker 14994 Lexgton 4| f 57%mud 86 106 3 2 7?j 6°|C Turner 12 Kneel-t. Billy Joe. Joe 1. MOSCOWA. b. c, 2 112 By Out of Reach — Rosinante R. Colston. 14328 Douglas 5-S 1 :0a-;-fast 27 100 S 5 5 5 5"|F FBerat 6 Manioc Irondeur. Jeff Rolwrts 14273 Churchl 41 f 54 fast 114 lo3 7 7 o1. 6«1 C Dishmon 7 Superhnmn, Martinos. C.T.Green 14195 Churchl 4i f 53%fast 33 112 7 5 6" 6: ?.C DishmonH Delano. Bill Dudley. Rhodes 13037 Charlen 1 2 51 slow 2% llf, 4 4 3"k 3=i J Hanovcrll May Shaw, Jim Savage, Split it 19591 Charlen 1-2 51%mnd 18-5 IOO 3 C 3" 21 W Obert S Billy Joe. Splitit, Yellow Flower 12409 Charlen 31 f 4 .s.-.good 4-5 112 I 4 4I" f*| M Buxton 8 Alledo. Jim Savage, Mona G. 13114 Charlen 3J f 44 good 15 110 3 11* 2 M Buxton 7 Zangaree, Electrician. R. Goose MARY REARDON. ch. f. 2 109 Bv Peep oDay— Sena Goodrich W. P. Reardon. 14779 Latonia 5-8 Irtlftfast 28 M9 7 8 7 7 7" A Mott 11 L. Mexican, Tab bearer. Sprndel 14603 Douglas 5-8 111 100 4 4 3 V 4*| C Dislunon 8 Vecnav. Gcrtliehna. K.A. Weigh? 14420 Douglas 5-S 1:01 fast 18 MS 3 5 0 0s 0"1G Ghisner 7 L. J. J rev. F. Crocket. MattieC 14382 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 71-10 lot :. 5 6 6k IK F Keogh 11 Gano, ColnmhiaLadv. Wterproof 14320 Douglas 4* f 54%fast 91 110 Pulled up. F Keogrh 12 Shenrt Sue, Ambrosial. MattieC. 14255 churchl 6-9 1.00%fant fid 110 3 7 7 CJ 0« G Glasner 1.3 MgarelD.. Yallaha. StheartSue OBOLUS. b. g, 2 109 By Oddfellow— Kenmore Queen J. N. Camden. 14S9S Latonia 5-S l:00%fast 100 HO 7 7 7 0 9»»|W W TTorlO Chalmers. Cheslerton. ILBhoiild TAM TAM. br. er, 2 109 Bv Transvaal— Driftwood II. J. Spencer. 14779 Latonia 5-8 lrtlltfast fid 1 011 s 9 9 9 9" F Teahan 11 L. Mexican. Talebearer. Sprndel 14510 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast fid 105 9 8 6 5« 57 D Connellvll Sandstone. Bus. Agent. Rhodes 14328 Douglas 5-9 1 :00--,fast 26 100 3 3 3 4* 4s! J Montour 6 Manioc, Irondeur. Jeff Roberts 14275 Churchl 5-S l:00%fast 37 102 1 5 5 6- C;3A Neylon 14 Martha Lee. Manioc, JoffUoborts ST. CHARLCOTE. ch. c 2 107 By St. Savin— Charlcotc W. Gerst. 14755 Latonia 51 I 1 :os "■.-good 1 16 lo2 8 6 6 0 PIP Robinsn 7 Deagro, Martinos. 1". A. Weigh* 14192 Douglas 5-8 1M slow 209 107 s 77 P ov, J McDond 8 Dr. Carmen. Frondenr, M Goosby 14432 Douglas 6-8 l:i»i" fid 112 10 9 10 10 W*l J McDondll Frondenr. Pif Jr.. Rancher SYRIAN, b. c, 2 112 Bv Electioneer— Chicklets G. W. J. BisselD. 14410 Douglas 5-S 59%fast 110 104 5 6 6 6 0" ?.D Connellv 1 Km. Cochran. Superhuman. Izzctbev 142.47 142.47 Douglas Douglas i 41 f f 51 64 fast fast ■ H 112 112 I 9 S s S- S- s"M s.l Connelly Connellvl2 12 Eddie Eddie I, I. llins, lling, Solly, Solly, ffhtltj Shod.h