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SIXTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. 10621—1:14—8—110. YORKVILLE b. c, 4 108 By Yorkshire Lad — Susie Bush Mrs. G. F. Richings U , congbt 3-4 l:14%fast 1 Ho 3 1113 2h R Watts 11 Susaa 67, Parlor Boy, Bolala 14038 BlueBon. 5| f 1 :oti*s-.f ast 5 lot 3 1 1 I4 l8 J Callahan 13 Astrologer. Colquitt. Aneon 14K.9 Wdbine 3 1 19-5 110 4 2 2 411 44 J HanoverlO Sqneeler. Colquitt, Briar Path i 14418 Wdbine 3-4 1:13 fast 32-20 lo5 5 4 4 VI 2»J A Claver 7 Glint. Astrologer, Lather 14332 Wdbine 3-4 l:14/5good 3-2 113 1 11 P 2! H Gray 11 Galaxy, I.uther. Ask Ma ; 983 Datonia 3-4 1:10 hvy 71 M 2 1 4 ]h 22 Gross 7 C.onDelivy. Maria C. F.Roberts 12338 Batonia 3-4 l:2J-.-.hvy 18-8 111 1 11 5" 4"JW W T lor G Vreeland. Rille Brigade. Glint 1 11940 Chun hill 3-4 l:12%fast 21 110 2 6 8 fk f* WW Tlor 9 J.D.Wketield. Flex, Counterpart • 11317 Dorval 3-4 1:17 slow 2-9 113 1 11 1* Is It Watts S Abdon. Janus. The Busybody 11299 Dorval 3 4 l:1fi%slow 3 HO 1 1 2 2l 3J Obert 7 Sir Blaise. Sherwood. Back Bay BLUE THISTLE, b. g, 6 112 By Blues— Wild Thistle H. C. Hallenbeck. U955 Laurel 1 i:4» fast 10 1", 8 6 0 4 2* PI Musgrv 10 Montresor. Barnegat. Col. Cook U739 H.deUce lm70yl :4:,r.iast 6 B 7 3 13 I :,"• J«J Musgrve 5 D.Macdld, Dr.Dncnner, Cadean I1C37 H deGce lm70yl :43-..last 21 111 3 3 4 4 ll li Musgrve 7 Moll,,. S.. Ivabel. . Ashmeaile . 1 1 .5 11 d -lice ini7o i:ii-.;.i:-t 8 107 1 3 I I 31 2- Musgrve 8 W. Lad, Progressive, C. Cook 11291 H.deGrace 3-4 l:13%fast 7-19 109 3 5 0 1 1= Musgrve 11 T.Tmpson. C.Klliott, CompUmt , 11184 II deGra.ce 3-4 l:13%fast 15 101 5 3 4 5= 3" Musgrve 8 Progressive. WUfeite. Beaneonp 8854 Ibunbill 2-4 l:18%faat 17-10 I08 8 7 6 42 21 Musgrve IS Anioret. Wilhite. The Reach BRIAR PATH, b. f, 4 103 By Marta Santa — Sweet Alice H. G. Bedwell. 14764 Dorval 3 4 1:13 fast 2£ 113 4 3 2 l"i- 1- E Taplln s Minda, Bolala, Scrapper L4590 BlueBon. J-4 l:14%fast 3-2 110 4 8 7 52 l1 K Taplin 9 Joe Finn, Beqnlram, Jabot 14409 Wdbine 2 4 l:l3Afast 2C-6 100 8 G 5 3i 3 B Taplin 10, Colquitt, YorkvUle 14332 Wdbine 3 4 l:14%good 22-5 110 7 6 8 72 5s E Taplin 11 Galaxy, Yorkvilh-. Luther 14228 PlmUco 3-4 l:13%fast 5* 107 1 4 2 22 2J E Taplin 11 Striker, Gold Cap, Scrapper 141T.7 Pimllco 3-4 1:15 fast 18-5 100 3 2 4 5* 33 E Taplin 11 Scrapper. York I.. Ml. Hobnob 14075 H.iletice 3-4 l:14ysfast 7-6 112 4 2 4 5« 32J E Taplin 7 L. Tiavers, Par. Boy. MissVelma . MUMDA, b. f, 3 T6 Bv McGee— Sans Pareil II. J. V. Strode. 14764 Dorval 3 4 1:15 last S 1-9 2 0 5 3. 2- 8" Mur|ili.v S Briar .Path. Bolala, Scrapper 14660 BlueBon. 1 l:40V*fast 12 90 5 3 3 3 2- V J Smyth 19 Blwab. Ban.March. .Gentleman 11557 BlueBon. 1 l:40%fast 41 10S 3 5 3 8 51 5° J A Claver 7 Galaxy. F. »o Fortune, B. Around 14259 Churchl 1 1-16 1 :40-.-.f ast 69-10 96 2 7 8 7 3* 3J E Martin 9 Beul ih 8., Helen M.. WhitfWool 1 14180 Churchl 1 1-16 1:40 fast 2 114 4 t 9 V E Martin S Glass, Star Actress, Sam Himch 14100 Qusrchl lmlOy l:40%faat 12 92 2 7 7 5 3» 9k e Martin 8 Helen M., BenlahS.. TroJanBeUe SEMI-QUAVER, ch. h. 6 106 By Ogden— Trillette R. V. Haymaker. 14737 Dorval 3 I clO fast 3 NO I I ; 4 ::: c Grand :i Anavri, Dr. Dongberty, Batwa 14655 Dlu. -Don. 3 I l:i3%tast 3i ihi 5 :•, 5 3- 2- c Grand 14 Vreeland. Anavri, Stoat Heart 14487 Delmier 6i f l:27%slow 1 114 3 2 1 1* C Grand S L.Wells. Miss Menard, Olga Star r 14248 Pimlico 3-4 l:14y5fast 4 107 2 3 1 1° 1 « C Grand ! Miss Moments. Fdma, Montcalm 1 14402 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 slop 2 109 4 0 6 62 5-JB Pickett 10 Klma, Provii.ce. AbbOtsford 14049 H.deGce 61 t 1*1 fast 7 118 8 8 7 45 3J li Pickett 18 B. of Keys, Incision. Montcalm 3 12881 Charlen 3-4 l:18%mud 15 115 5 6 ;, i 2 R Pickett 7 Amuret. Billy Stuart, Armor GORDON, br. c, 3 100 By Martinet — Suave S. Bruce. 14900 Conght 3 4 1:14, fast 7 io2 S 7o 8* V A Claver 11 Soma I... VorkvlTle, Parlor Boy f 14715 ivitiH.nt 3-4 1:12 last 3J loo 3 22 4* :: .1 Kederla 7 Water Welles, Bdltb W.. Mater 14540 Belmont 3 1 l:12, 11 5 99 7 0 5 7 5" J McTagrt 7 Crossbon. Edith W., Max choice e 14423 Belmont 3-4 l:12%fast 1 96 2 3 2 26 P J McTagrt I Perthshire, Scallywag. Aab Can 14003 H.deGce 3 4 1:15 slow 4-5 96 2 2 3 9* 4* J McTagrt 5 .Michael. R.Bradley. Sherwood 13988 H.deGce a* f l:08%slop i-IO 99 5 4 1 Ill" J McTagrt 9 NapaNick, L.Lightntug. Executor r 13957 H-deGce 3 4 1 :171-.hvy 3-o 103 t 1 1 liu i« J McTagrt 7 Bulgarian, Supreme. Harebell 13947 H. Motive S-4 l:144fcfaat 4 M 5 1 1 V- 1 J McTagrti:: Joe Finn. Supreme. Royal Meteor KAYDEROSEROS. b. e. 4 102 Bv Ciiurtananda— Boxane W. Martin. ii-;7 Dorval I I l:14%fa I a lot 5 0 6 6 :,"■ .] Callahan ii Sherwood Marjorie A., BackBay 14738 Dorval 3 1 l:15%fast 50 107 13 9 8 I i ■; i: Warts ll tmoret. D.R.L.Hnger, Vreeland H.55 DlucDon. J-4 i ! it 20 107 13 13 lo 7 7 IB Watts 11 Vreeland. Semi-quaver. Anavri 14511 Dlu. Don- 3-4 l:15good 20 197 12 13 13 13 11" ll Watts 13 Slugl -. Lanra. Dicks Pel I44«s Wdbine :ii.:.:.i.i i 58 112 o 8 8" B« i: Watts 10 Kqueeler. Colquitt. Briarpath 14860 Wdbin. 3 1 1:14 tasl 57 107 :; :: | :;nt |a r ;lns 13 eniam i. Reqniram. Dicks pet FRANK HUDSON, b. g. 4 105 Bv Orlando— Gold Mint J. W. Heiirick. USNl Conghl 4 1.15 -.fa st 10 102 9 9 S v -i-r Murphy 9 SoutbernMaid. FrederickL.. Glint , 14685 Dorval 1 1-8 l:57%good 20 113 6 113 5- B"|L Meriimle 0 C.Stream. PoUylL. J.H. Hgbton n 14593 BlueBon. 11:41 last 30 106 9 10 10 10 10 I0»G Could 10 Klwah, I. Dang. March lt;ll Pimlico 1 1-16 1:4X fast 12 100 4 G G 6 G W- A Sehu gr 6 Paton. Belle of BrynMawr. KIOTO o 14287 Pimlico IioOOy l:4.5ifast 37-10 14U 3 4 4 4 4 3J .1 McTagrt 4 Runway. Yellow Dyes. Good Day y 14244 Pimlico 3 4 ld4%faat 47 100 7 7 10 9 V J PracU 12 Lohengrin. L.I/tnlng. T.Ovcrnor RUSTLING BRASS, ch. c, 3 101 By Russell— Sounding Brass A. Turney. 14712 Dorval 3-4 1:10 rasl 18-6 195 12 11 10 s". :,■ J Smyth 13 Laura, narbard, Scrapper 1157 BlueBon. 1 l:4tt%fast 4 mo 2 1 1 1 4» li-.J Smyth 7 Galaxy, F. *o Fortnne, B. Around ., 14303 Wdblne 3 4 1 :!::-., fa; t 9 5 104 7 5 4 4" 4: .1 Smyth 7 Stellata, Colors. Laura 14304 Pimlico lm70y 1:40 fast 89 93 9 8 8 8 S* 9» J Smvth ! Rolling Stone. Cogs. Dan. March Mill Pimlico ImOfly 1 :46%fast fid 9S 11 8 5 7 10" 10" W Ward 11 It. .-tone. Pce Ahmed, Afterglow 1396] H.d.cee 3-4 1:15 good 20 ::, 9 11 ll lo2 ioJu.l Smyth 12 Gallon, Conpertown, Roll. Stone 11, ..8 Douglas 2 4 1 :12»-last 39 103 6 5 6 5 671*C Turner I Itringhurst. Anytime. San Vega a 1181 Douglas 6 f 49-10 111 7 7 8 91 7SJ C Turner 11 Bac. Old Ben. Ambition II T Lexington 6| f llov-hvy 2 ln8 4 I 1 1* 1* 0 Turner 6 Bac. Qipay Love. Destino I4C93 Windsor 6 f l:10%mad 7 ln6 2 2 2 2 2J 0 Tnrnef S Hixlge. Czar Michael. Kllday GERRABD, b. c, 4 102 By Superman — Mayfair S. Louis*. 13949 H deGce lm70yl:44 fast IB los 4 2 2 3 B »»»C Knight 9 Grasaaere. Sepalnda, Ella Grane ,0 lames n lm70y l:47*4faat 30 107 2 11 2 4» 4* C Knight . Napier. Polly II.. Armor 13889 ramesn 1 l:40Hslop 25 loC 3 12 6 7 7*1W Ob.-rt 7 Kimnundy. Jahot, Towton Field lv. i Charlen 1 l:43%slow 41 MB 13 3 6 7 7laVI Nathan 7 Jaliot. Judge Monck, Joe Stein 13X34 Charlen lmSOy l:47%mud 6 109 7 9 9 9 9 9" W Obert 9 Font. Judge Monck. Ralph Lloyd , l.s Charlen lm20y 1:47 good 12 los 5 12 1 ij 2b W Obert 7 Kinmundy, Spellbound. Ford Mai r"7r.O charlen 11:46 slow 15 Ml 4 3 2 2 2 l» M Nathan 11 BaK Boy. B. n.und. Master Jim " r0»G Charlen lm20y 1 :47%slow 20 109 2 12 2 H |ak W Obert 9 Servleence. Iliant. Irish Kid 13053 Charlen lmJOy l;49ycniud 15 L4 4 4 4 3 Bf I» W OOatrt 7 Cbus.F.Craiinrer. Kiel, M.Augelo lo