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SIXTH RACE 1 1 16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 9tM — 1:44% — 5—120. | cTX3FTMiTnTT ; b c 4 HI Bv Stalwart— Kiamesha H. Moesel. , fr, ,V : 11 lfi !-492-goo,l 9-10 111 123 1 1* 1?; Troxler S MaryAnnK.. Napier. Spellbound j .ms-n 1 . i 15 loo • 6 7 7 62 58 Troxl. r 7 Progressive, Guy Fisher. Tartar , : Hmesn :Uhyy fi 5 112 1 5 4 3 2* 1 Troxler 8 Brynary. Battery. Big Dipper , r.-oiM, oo T- St 16-5 1,19 5 5 3 2 2* 1" Troxler 0 Lace. Arran, Spring Mahl ; 1-Wliurel 5- f P07%good 100 93 8 S 8 8 IlFord S Klla Brysou. BriarPatb. Cenesta , TiATurrpTiPTTl rh e I 105 By Dolce Far Niente— Cherry Wild f Oak Ridge Stb. I Rtart lifeMl 2B 199 4 5 fi 5 3* 5 H Bnjnter 6 Progressive, Mr. Specs, Vel.Byes | 14824 Belmont :t, fast 8 107 7 7 6 7 71 5lnII. Demode K Lit. Nearer. LilvOnne. Monmouth ] J£m rv»J»Lu 1 1-16 l:46%fast 25 110 6 6 6 4 5h 47 L DerondelO S. IRyan. C.Tieasnre. Hortense | ■.1."l el im70y l:44*rast 3 102 3 8 7 6 P 4*1 Ambrose 10 Compliment. Rey. Reach Sand ] ". ■■ HdeGce no, lm70v :45fast 30 104 7 7 6 4 4* 4« h J Bohbina 7 Billy Vanderveer. B.Blolse. Frog , ilSia H"deGce Ln7ovl I9%hvy 6 105 2 5 5 4 4 4" J Bobbins J L. Hugh. Stentor, O. U. Buster | ii«HfeIl«Sl«Mt 12 109 1 5 6 4 5* 5»| 3 BobbbM S Tay Pay. Nelle. Dartworth Helen Thomas P. U. Walker. nAKHURST ch e 8 HO By Ogden— ?r? p o,, .nt i r » fast r, :, i„7 5 5 5 5 4* i« l. Deronde 8 Perth Bock, Kllcrea. Master J..,- 14717 Belmont 1 l;40%fast 13-10 104 2 4 4 1 3* 21* J Kederis B Progressive. Lobengrta Swish i4sal p ,,t 1 1-40 fast 16-5 107 14 3 3 9* 2*1 J Butwell i Dtworth, L.Trarers, O.tbeSands 1 ii-K nt i l Itl 148 fast 8 5 M8 13 3 2 2 !U Butwell 5 YellowEyes Coreopsis. LilvOnne ] iImt n ,1,,; ce lm7»vl:44fast 15 114 5 4 6 8 8= •»*|A Mthews !» Sonny B..y. R. St.. ne. Dan. March ]+X 11 de.Gce lm7ovP44%fast 60 107 7 6 5 7 7=» 7«JG Corey ! It. Meteor. Crasmere. I.Gtleman oa-ptattj w ANSON br h. 7 108 By Solitaire II. — Sacharisa fE. F. Cooney. . 5 i- i,. ,o i i-io-fast 2 U5 S 9 10 n 11 n=i .1 Wilson 11 o Km, Beaucoup. Little Jupiter "..;:,„ ; ••.--fast 3-5 199 4 4 3 4 2 3*1 Butwell 9 Altamaha. Working Lad, El Oro | v-l-l- i-i, lie ! iml.iv l-44*eood 31-5 107 2 4 5 3 3* 3J Butwell 11 Bikford. D. Mdonabl. Absconder • ,. , -o i i:4iaifast 2 los 3 4 4 2 1 1 1» Butwell 5 El w.-ih. El Oro, Judge Monek ! , 1 o 1 l;4Ufast 21-20 119 4 3 3 2 2- and* J Wilson 12 San, 1 Hog. M, ,11 ie S.. Crania 4" l ,„ Hon 118l5blhvy 8-5 109 5 3 8 5 42 3*1 McTagrt 9 Supervisor, L. of Lgden. MyGal ■ r. , Irie 1" lfi 3-90I fast 3-2 108 9 8 8 5 3= 2"" Ambrose 11 Flying Feet. Be. Miss Wiggs ::;» Hamilton l 1-4 2:04g fast 7 102 2 7 7 5 3° l1 i Ambrose 11 Jacquelina. Bounder. C.Hollowaj 1 oattw th v 4 108 By Nasturtium — Gold Lady A. L. Aste. I |v|,..nt 1 1 IC 1 lfi-goo,l 9 ■". MS 4 1 1 I " 3*1 W Ward 5 Pat.. n. Lohengrin. Tay Pay ii,,: :.; ,, i i i„ "slow s 103 1111 61 4*1 H Woods 7I.. Travers. Dartworth, Voilellng ,, ;.p-f,st 30 107 5 3 4 r. fi 6*1 W Ward 8 Virile. Pomette P.len. W. Welles m v 2 4 13 "fast 12 115 10 10 10 34 8»» W Ward 10 Besom. W. Welles. Progressive -; l Pi, lc 1 1 1 3-99%f*at 6 101 111 1 1" If* Vt Ward 8 ClitTSlreani. Taylay. Jac,|U lina "i-.p mlieo 1 1 4 ■ -o7 fast fid 93 8 10 10 10 lo M«»lNe»nder 10 Ambrose. Buskin. Barnegat ulkpimllcS 1 3 lfi ::o2Ufast 20 97 111119 7 « SI W Ward 12 Good Day. Napier. My Fellow SONG OF VALLEY b. c 3 91 By Isidor— Queen of Song K. Watterson. ii- j, Belmont 1-4 1:13 mod 29 MS 1 I 3 I 3»»1P ford 3 Srallywag. Altamaha ,. :. ,,:;., tMi M os 3 114 6* I « P lord G Perth Bock. Kllcrea. Master Joe v,,: : l:39«tiaat lr. 119 1 :. fi : V PW *»■•;* » «"•» Vega. G.Prime. LittleNearer ,-;•:, ll-40%fasl 12 106 1 2 3 3 3 3* .1 Butwell I .Naiad, Secession. Master Joe . v 3-4 114 fas I" l« 3 3 415 1J Bntwell 7 Recession. LoulseTravers, TrlfJet 114 in i is -ii I. U l:13«4fasl 139 90 12 2 4 4. :."".J Sm.vth , B Cunarder. ■ rnhlll. Fat , , , . • I3*vfast M l ; 4 fi fi 3*« P rord B B-Cunanler. rteraold. 8earbead ! !. i;, ,.■,. 3 I till fast 16 97 1 ". B .-..*::■■. Iord » Kiecntor. Harebell. Supreme trirATJTiiPAT R b c 3 99 By Dorante — Stolen Moments M. Rogers. m • h ,,, - i st I r. mud 18-5 196 o 4 4 4 V J McCahey 8 IJlyOrme. Pawhuaka. Y.Emhleni ,Pi- ■ ill, 7 fast •• M till :. |»«J UcKrer 0 p. Macdonald. O. Fbber. P. Bleu 4,4, I., lmont ",.;:, 4 ,, . g 6 »; ,; CM Ford 7 Walters. M„i, BL Harebell ■•n " Cllco 5»f : *lfas 121110 1 C fi 4» 4*»Ford 10 S.nvannee. Woo.In.w. NManager J.1SS-in 5* f osfasi 31" 107 c 4 7 7| 7**IJ McTagrt 8 Louise Travers, Mater. Si iSS Laurel 3-4 119 hwy 12 lu8 1 2 I 2" V Ford 7 Ludauuted. Arceue. Aututnu M 14 Hi IP IP 0 0. . ■, 14 14 14 14 MUSKMELON, b. m. 6 108 By Sir Wilfred— Cantaloupe , J. R. Marquette Jr. 14913 Belmont 3 1st 11" fast 39 199 S 8 6 7= 7"M Buxton H Edith W„ M. Choice, Altamaha 14X39 Belmont 3-4 st l:li mud 39 1"- 3 7 7 .i S-MI Smnter s I .ilyDrme. Pan bust a Heartbeat 11913 WhlteMsh 3-4 1:29 faal W 3 1 I d.-rs 9 Holidaj ,8pj a, 1.. a.P I. „lv ern 11842 Trenton Ah 8 .fast 3 121 3 OJroada J L.IightonCanl .Burns. B.Crest 11738 Trenton Ab3-4 1:22 fast 3 HO 3 Oironda I MobHIty. Lord Lelgbton. Henock U. BUSTER b k 6 105 Bv Russell — Madame Hindoo W. D. Althouse. 14628 Belmont 3-41*16 slow "9 113 6 5 5 fi1 :.", M Buxton 8 Bartlett. Lit. Nearer, BeetbovetJ 14367 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 30 191 5 5 4 5 PjJ Iral 5 liny Ilur Amalli, Tea Enougb 14304 Pimlico 3-4 113Hfast 345 109 3 6 6 5° 4" W Ural Scrapper, HlllStream. Roy. Dolly 14290 Pimlico 1 l:42%fast 19 92 1 1 1 4 4 4*1 J Mcjagfrt 4 Aftenrw, CAsbmeade Sp/gmasa 1P41 Pimlico 3-4 114%fast 36 97 4 6 6 9*» 4«i J McTagrt 7 Joe Knight, Battery, Belrav