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IMPORTANT SALES OF COMING RACERS. Reminding of a fentnre of the high id,- of New-York racing is the resumption of auction sales of thoroughbred yearlings at Sheepshead Pay. In those dajra the sale- were on a scale that made them barely second in interest and importance to the splendid Sbeepsheead Bay racing itself. The sales of this year will be on no such scale, but at any rate the] will afford owners a much needed opportunity to replenish their stables with racers ot the f.tture. The Powers-Hunter Company will be iu charge of the sales. Mr. August Belmont leads off tomorrow with a consignment of thirteen Nursery-bred yearlings. An Important feature is that live of them are by Pock Sand, which now stands iu Prance as the premier sire of the world at the enormous fee of ,500. One is a colt from Donna dOr. and the other four are fillies from Octoroon. Merry Token. Velocity and Pocket piece-. These young Rock Sands would surely sell for high [.rices abroad and quite probably they will do s.. here. The other Relinont yearlings owe their paternity to Hastings. Singleton. Pair Play and Factor. A more extensive sale is sdieduled to begin at two p. iu. next Monday when nineteen yearlings from J. R. Haggins Kline nele.rf Stud, and thirty nine from Kllerslio. Kdenwcld aud other breeding establishments will be ottered to the highest bidders. The Haggin yearlings are by Watercress. Waterl.ov. Cobltineh. Galveston, Hessian. Toddlngtoa and Stat Ruby and include brother- and sisters to winners at home and abroad. Bevea of th. Haggis cobsign-meiit are colts. Eighteen yearlings from A. It. Hancocks EUerslie Stud, seven colts and eleven ■Hies, are to be sold. Eight aro by Celt, and the others are- tin progeny of Heno. Gloriier, Plaudit BBd The Picket. Thirteen come- from Partner ft Henelries F.dcnwold Stud in Teie ssee. Twelve, six colls and six rillies. are by the successful Hanover sire The Commoner, and the other i- a e-olt by The Conioniis son. Doe-tor Boots. J. II. White oilers a celt and a filly by the Cyilene stallion vehicles. Stone ft Backer sends three fillies by Canard, Hurst Park and Prontenac respectively, and in partnership with August Belmont, two Allies by Hastings. Samuel Ross has consigned a cop by Cell — Lady Isabel. In view of the re-establishment of racing la New York, it will be a strange- thing indeed if a number of these richly bred youngsters do not bring prices commensurate with the swelling prosperity of the turf.