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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. S. lling. ecu.-,.-, -1:42— 3—M , T. M CREFN, b. g, 8 103 Bv fi. W. Johnson— Evergreen CD. N Prewitt : - i ir.ti • • ■" 1 111 1 1 j Mo t •. s ,, 1; .,:, Snr| , , ,,■, , M1N Douglas Lm79j 1:42* fasl 6 108 8 2 2 2 S S» C Dishmon lu s. tctress, SimUhi v Wonder h 11. lull 11 lfil:45%fast 13 107 2 11 1 m ...;,. old 7 Oak burst. Joe Deibold Cr Box I 11951 Churchill 1 1-K 1:48 fast 28-6 195 1112 2* :■ = , B Martin S JoeDelboid. Oakburst s Hirseb 118*4 louglas 1 1-16 l:44%fast 1 MS 111 1 1* lh | Martiu 11 Bonne Chance Spindle Cbartier [ 11789 Douglas lm70y :44%fast 4 108 4 11 1 1] : Griner B Jen. Geddes, 8. nirsch T Grader 11709 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 16 103 3 11 1" 2un J McCabe 0 lresutuption, Wevauoke F Tom i 1 1 . 1 I [ , : 1 • I ■ ■ i 1 1 ■ 1 CURLICUE, ch. g. 5 113 By Handsel— Eva Rice J. Dcgman. 14811 Latonia 1 I U l:Kifaat t; los 2 2 2 2 3" 3*1 Neylon 7 Guide Post. Helen M.. Woodcraft 14703 Latonia 3 4 1:13 fa t 6 106 7 7 6 5" 5" D Connelly s OHagan, Gaide Cost, Yenghee 14824 Douglas 11:11 slow 9 b2 1 2 S 7 7" v-JW TlorlO Lovelainl. B.Chan.e. M rristown 14383 Douglas 11-16 1:46 fast 19 l7 4 11 2 P I "J W W TlorlO MaryVnnK.. LH.Adair. B.HIrscb 14223 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46%fast 2i 108 4 13 2 3 4"»W W Tlor :» Jas. Dockery. li. Hoy. T.Tommie 14199 hurchl lm70y 1 : 44*4 fast 5 105 4 2 1 1 3 4=3 B Marco !» Weytnoke. Jrosvenor. Irospeef 13802 Juarez 1 l-S 1:53 last 4 102 111 I 43 5"J 1 Hill 7 B. -Eyed Susan, B.Getty, O.Kripp 13724 Juarez 1 1 :36%fast 5 102 111 1 2n" 3s P Hill T Cbrlstophine. B. C.etty, O.Kripp 13646 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 6 106 1 1 1 2 2J 42 P Hill 7 Orlin Kripp, Just Bed. BertGettj 13546 Juarez 1 1-8 1:53 fast 6-5 Will 1 l5 l4 E Haynes 6 Tahoe, Uncle Ben, Ocean Queen ST. AVAN0, ch. f, 4 97 By St. Avonicus— Orsova W. E. Nunn. 14837 Latonia lm70y 1 ll tat 11 105 1 3 4 5 :,".:.■; .1 Robbina 9 Geo. Btoll. ovation. RifleBrigade ln;2.". Douglas 34 l:14,islow 15 M9 4 5 4 4" 4IC R Waldron :. JeasieLooise. MartaC., Manners 12175 Churchill 11 Ml:50%mud 36 188 6 7 9 I 9 9**11 Martin IX Dockery, Coppertown. Orceti 11289 Lextoa lmTOy l:48%gOOd 4 96 2 2 2 2 li l3 E Martin 0 Katrine. Oreen. Amity 10698 Min.Sps 1 1-16 1:49 fast 3 110 2 11 1 1 2*1 Box ton 7 CloudChief. A.Alice. T.Havwar.l 10095 Hamilton 3-4 20 91 I 8 8 82 6 3 W Ward 10 Hearthstone, Bittra, M. Johnson OREEN, ch. m, 5 108 By Ornus — Jenny Monroe C. W. Reidinger. 14991 Latonia 3-4 l:13*4fast 29 113 1 9 8 7 7i: B Martin lo Bustace, Ckaran— «, Theodorita 14705 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 2S 1"2 2 6 6 6 64 W W Tlor i C. on Delivery. It. Tea. aVBryaOB 140S2 Lexgton 3-4 l:16%mud 17 5 10S 2 3 3 3J 3nJ W Andress 7 Lie. Kiva. V. A. Stone 12451 latonia 1 1-8 l:57%mud fld 107 3 5 5 6 5- .".= J Hanover 7 O.I. .Sands, Curlicue. Dr.W.Brgi 12322 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 8* 110 5 4 6 4 3a Kederis 11 Sir.Marion. GalleySlave. I .Emilia 12224 Latonia 1 1-16 lSMfchvy 29 -10 105 3 3 3 3 3" 3» J Hanover t! Coppertown, P.Mohr, Parlingt .n 12175 Churchill 1 1-16 1:50*-. mud 10 112 5 2 3 3 31 32i J Hanover 9 J. Dockery. Coppertown. 0. Slave LUCKY GEORGE, b. g, 5 108 By Maceo — Presentation W. J. Marlman. 14758 Latonia 1 1-M 1:48 fast 49 10s 2 2 1 1 5! 6*1 It Waldron 7 Sam llirseh, Be. Transportatkm 11938 Hill, rest 6 f 1:24 fast 1- Ml 4*1 Meripole 8 Cynosure. Letourno, Stick Pin 11870 Hillcrcst 8 f 1:25 fast 10 107 5*1 F Moore 9 Cliff Top, Dahomey Ley. Tackle 11815 Hi llcrest 6i f 1 :26 fast 10 114 4 1 Meripole 7 I.ursar. Miss Menard. Deliriona 11757 H crest Abfi-8 12 114 8s Meripole 10 Pendant. Delightful. M. Deed M732 H illcrest 6J f 1 :25%good 7 112 S"» Meripole S Adriuche. Merise. St.irAshlan.l M788 Hillcrcst 7-8 l:31%good 7 110 PI R Watts C. Tin Busybody. Korom. Bay l.rook LEOPOLD, b. g, 6 108 Bv Woolsthorpe — Leopoldina W. G. Yanke. 1474* Latonia 11-16 1:16 fast 87-10 loo 7 5 6 6 63 8»» W Obert 8 Carpathla, i. Treasure, s.Hirs.h 111:::; Douglas 1 1-16 1:46*41 ast 41-20 110 3 8 8 7 s1 7,::,W Olx-rt 10 8. O Ryan, G.Treasure, Hort.nse 112S5 Churchl 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12-5 188 6 3 3 4 3 3 C Turner 7 Spindle, Dilatory, Carpathla 14162 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45%fast 17 110 4 3 4 5 4J 48J C Turner 1.3 Reno. Weyanoke, Spindle 14061 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:46«%fast 4j 110 8 7 9 9 9 9- J McCabe 11 BeolahS., GuidePost, Samllirs, h 13427 Charlen 3-4 1 :16%good 9-5 115 13 5 5 6 5:i C Borel 13 Corncracker, M.Eleanor, Stent. .r 13326 Charlen 5J f l:09%good 25 112 10 8 8 7i 6-JJ MclntyrelO Ply. Yankee, BlaekChlef. Nimbus 4973 Lexington 3-4 1:131 fast 10 108J 7 7 7 7 6»J Borel 7 Milton B., JoeDelboid, M.Davis 4864 Lexgton lm70y 1:458 fast 1 108 7 5 4 3 U V Borel 7 Heleue, T. H. McBride, Sager FONT. br. g. 8 113 By Hastings — Bellegarde tF. J. Pons. 14780 Latonia 3-1 1 3S M8 9 S 7 7. f.7 D C01 Ilyll Gabrio, Ply-Yankee, BeaaChilton 14647 Douglas 3-4 l:12%£aat 42 103 S 8 8 S 7:"M Connelly 8 T.Nman, C.onDivery, Q/nMuner 14621 Douglas 3-1 l:14%slow 10J Mf 6 5 5 41 24 D Connelly a Y. Yankee, Merrick, T. Basybody 14111 Lexgton 3-4 l:15*£hvy 13 107 5 5 6 6- 551S Davis 7 Bob Heasley, J. Dockery, Minda 14095 Lexgton 3-4 i:i5%mud 55 103 7 7 6 61 *f W Obert 8 c. Hughes, Back Bay. Hawthorn 13894 Jamesn 3-4 l:16%hvv 6 110 10 10 7 6s 6*1 W Obert 11 YorkLad. Par. Hoy. TheBasybody 13853 Charlen 1 1:47 hvv 4-5 109 2 2 1 1 li I* F Murphy 7 Servicence. Master.Iim, Kubajeaa 13834 Charlen lm20y l:47*4mud 8-5 106 5 3 1 1 1 1 J McTagrt : .Ige Maack, It. I.h.yd. O. fallen PROSPECT br. g, 4 104 By Yorkshire Lad of Cesarion — Shandrona R. E. Cole. 14648 Douglas 1116 1:16 fast 29 185 ! 5 8 6 G 6 •■ K Ma t in i, Ilirlong. Tnsportation. Dilatory 14897 Douglas 11 K l:4C%rast 30 in s s s s 7= 7s. K Martin 8 Wander, Hortense, J.B.Robinsoa 14464 Douglas 1 1 1-4 2:06%fast 8 105 5 5 6 6 6 «- E Martin 8 Dilatory, BamHirscb, M Ann K 14351 Douglas 1 1-16 1:1 ; fid 102 11 19 M 9 9 7 C DislmionlL* Herminla. Wander. C.Marehmont 14283 Churchl 11-16 1:46 last S 104 6 5 5 I 8» EJ K Martin 8 Jas. Dockery. Furlong. Wander 1L29 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4B%fast 11 106 1113 8 5 1 23 B Martin 13 Reno. Gaide Post, Tom Kins 14199 Church*! lmTOy l:4l%tast 14 106 S 8 8 6 43 3-J E Martin ! Weyanoke, Grosrenor, Curlicue 14162 Churchl 1 1-16 1 :45»ifast 37 106 13 13 11 8 7 B*| ■ Alartin 13 Heno. Wevnnoke. Spindle 14116 Lexgton 1 1-8 l:57%hvy 6 109 3 4 4 2 : !* E Martin 7 Kingling. Den Lucas. M. Phelp.i LADY LONDON, br. f. 4 97 By Hermis— Lida B. W. L. Lewis. 14901 Latonia 3 1 l:13*«fast 28 111 9 6 7 8 8 - Keogh lo Eustace, Charm. -use. Theodorita 14783 Latonia 3 1 1 :l:;-/ S6 107J 2 2 5 5* 7l: K Waldron 8 UadeHart, Kov.Tca. Roy. Da In It 14754 Latonia 3-4 l:13%good 29 107 1 4 5 7 7=JE Keogh 7 Jes.Louiw. Tarolara. Theodorita 14647 Douglas 3-4 l:12*fcfast 22 108 1 3 I 7l S" F Keogh h T.Nman. C.onDiverv. Qnastcr 14539 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 29 109 4 4 3 34 3« W Keogh n C.onDeliverv, Toqorita, AIBIod, 142SO Churchl 3-4 l:12*5fast 77 103 10 4 3 9 SOJL D.rondell Kivi. Uncle Hart. C.onDeliverv 14220 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 43 103 5 5 5 4= 4T A Neylon 7 Yenghee. Lace. Casey Jones BEN LASCA, b. h. 6 111 By Ben Strome — Lasca 0. Johnson. 14865 Latonia 3 1 l:13%fast 305 113 7 s s s v • r Teahaa 8 Farlong, Galley Stare, Patience 12127 Churchill 1 1 8 1 :r,3/-fast 98 115 7 6 S 8 8 S-.I Dminick 9 Cbartier, Anion, Polls 12931 Chun -hill 1 1-16 1:50 mud 39 111 4 7 7 7 7 7,,. :ould 7 Effendi. L.H.Aibiir. .1. Docker* 12019 Churchill lm70yl :44%fast rid 115 7 4 7 7 9- »*IGooae 12 Rash. Ocean Queen. Eabada 11886 Douglas 1 1-8 l-53i4fast 39 113 7 7 7 8 S 6 "iB Steele s Spindle. Orpertb. Wander U367 Tulsa lm29y 1*58 mud 3-2 117 23 Jensen 6 Dipper, Howlev. Sehuri U3B8 Tulsa 65 f 1-231 good 4 109 5,;3 l-oprg .". IronQueen, Rns.MeGiU. Ply.Penrl 11081 Tulsa lim-Oy 1:47 fast 2 HI U McCollan S P.Flesber. PhilMolir, Clondtbief M723 Min.Spgs 1 l-S 1:54 fast 5 119 111 3 Li 3«i Van Dusen s W. Dove. Electric. T. llayw.ird CHARLEY McFERRAN. b. g, 4 104 By Lissak— Anna Hastings J. M. Goode. 14991 Latonia 3 I l:13%fast W 113 8 1" K I" ■ -.I Howard Hi Kastace, Charm. -use. u lorita 1131 Latoaia lm70y l:44%fast 31 l"7 2 11 2 5* 9-",.l Howard :i Alador. Bxpectattan. Bolv Hill 14350 Douglas 3-4 1:11 last 4 5 H7 2 7 6 8H 9=° J Howard ! Win. Witch. Claxonette. B.B-ll.- 11745 Douglas 3-4 l:14 islow 100 103 7 8 8 8 SHEuxton X1J Steppa. Jack Kellogg. Oaleata JACK KAVANAUGH. br, g. 4 104 By Marathon— Queen a Day S. B. McMillan. 14706 Latonia 11-18 1:48 fast 131 194 5 S S s 7- !•• T Carter K Carpathla, G. Treasure. B.illrsch 14624 Douglas 11:11 slow 184 W3| 6 S lo 10 M hV*lT Carter IO Loreland, B.Cnanee, Morristown 12359 Uitonia 3 I 1:16«-.hvy fld M512 11 11 MUD" Dishmon 12.1. II. B.trr. G. .Slnve. P. Dumas 12263 Latoaia 1 1-M l:53%arad l rj 194 3 3 4 3 8* 6**iDiahcaaa 7 Curlicue. Brave. Sir