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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Johnson N. CaaMlea yesterday tuck Ike oath as Halted states Senator Bran Kentucky to succeed the . late Finn tor Bradley. •I shall make just one reference to polities, I sliali not run for governor of Hew York." said ! Theodore Roosevelt in F.ngland yesterday. Governor Eberhan was defeated for the BepaMleMi , noininat ion for governor of Minnesota, and W. K. . Iiis ..ppollcnt. was victorious liy 2,991 Votes. The will ol" former Vice President Stevenson was offered for probate at l.looniiugton. ill., and the three children will abare equally in the intake of 01. MM. Colonel Booneveit will not do any campaigning t lit-coming fall, as a result of the ultimatum of a I specialist, whom be consulted in London. engirding ids throat. Large quantities of rifle-; and ammunition were landed on the Connemara coast in the west of Ireland by the nationalist volunteers. The rifles arc said to he of the latest American pattern. Mount Lassen is now smoking from two craters — the original vent Dear the summit, from which all the scrim:- eruptions since May 31 have broken out. and a new opening on the south slope, which nobody has dared explore. The entire secret service force of the govern-niiil as well as the agents of the bureau of investigation of the department of justice will be used by Secretary MeAdee to locate and punish dodgers of the income tax law. Prosecutions under the Mann act for "white slavery" are steadily increasing throughout the I Hited states. Last October there were 177 eaaea pending in the federal courts. Today there are 289. There are perhaps 391 more preapeetfve cases. .lames W adnata lb. Jr., tanner Speaker of the New York Assembly, is a prominent candidate for the Fluted States Senate to suce-ed Senator Root. A report that President Wilson is bail lag Secretary McAdoo for the Democratic nomination has been re rlred. Yesterdavs baseball results — National League: Philadelphia 12. Chicago 4: St. Louis t», Boatoa 5. Cincinnati 4. Brooklyn 1: littsburgh 4. New York :;. Aineriean League: Boatoa s. Chicago 0: De troit t. Washington 2. Federal League: Chicago :;. Pittsburgh -. Reports from Kl Paso and Laredo indicate that Villa and Carrany.a have completely broken, and that Villa, with the aid of his .".tl.OOII loyal followers, has established martial law throughout northern leieo and thrown into prison the Carranza officials which he has disp laced. Uepresentative William Kent of California re reived a dispatch from Kl Paso. Tea., saying that General Carranza. the constitutionalist leader in Mexico, is at Laredo. Tex., and that every effort is being made by the friends of General Villa to keep the fact a secret. I. Augustus llcinze. copper magnate, is dying at his home in New York, according to a statement made in court by his counsel. William T. Jerome. Mr. Jerome appeared in an attempt to re open the case in which a judgment for 75,000 was obtained against his client. Notwithstanding the presidents desire for an early adjournment of congress combined with the completion of his trust program, the trust measures will not be taken tip for discussion by the senate much earlier than the first week in July, and ad jornment is not looked for before September 1. Senator Isaac Stephenson of Wisconsin, who has the distinction id being the oldest member of the United States Senate, celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday anniversary yesterday. Mr. Stephensons term in the Senate will end next March, and it is undcistooil he will not l c a candidate for re-election. While the senate banking and currency commit-tte is investigating the qualifications of the mom bers ..r the federal rename board appointed by President Wilson the manliallim committee is ; rushing the preparations for the opening id" the twelve regional reserve banks not later than August 1. The effort of the WiNon administration to secure the rat ideation of treaties with Colombia and Nicaragua ran into a snag in the senate foreign relations committee and tb re was evidence that the op[ o- sition would prove sufficiently strong to bring on i a lively fight in the committee aad a harder battle on the senate floor. An unsuccessful attempt was made to assassinate Ckar Nicholas of Russia, the Czarina ami Czare-witeh Alexis while they were returning to St. Petersburg from a visit to Bnchareat, Koumania. A dynamite bomb had been placed upon the railroad tracks over arhlcb the imperial train was traveling, and the Uvea of the imperial family were probably saed by the fact that a ]M stal train which was acting a, pilot, passed over the bomb first, exploding it. Planner United States Senator Frank Hiaceck died suddenly at Syracuse. N. Y. Mr. Hlscocfc was barn at Pompey, N. Y., in 1S34. He was one of Horace Greeleys most ardent supporters for the presidency in Is72 and in that year was elected to congress from the Onondaga district. He served m t s i 1 1 1 - ill the house and as chairman of the committee on appropriations was virtually the boose leader. He araa elected to the Inited states Senate in iss, : n,i served • term.