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OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER, Col,, June 16, 1914.— Third day. Denver Fair and Racing Assoclal ions Summer Meeting of 19 dura. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. P. A. P.radv. Starter. K. Tribe. Racing Secretary. Robert F. Leighton. 14943 First Bud — 5 4 Mile. Purse .00. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner net si ni; sec and, 0: third, 0. Bqulv. Odds V Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 14859 Mar. McKee 98 1" F Stevens tin 190 1 1858 Volsel 114 22i W Ormes 17 in 3972zOene Russell 114 3= W Shriner cl 11 02 78 Roseworth 112 42J J Mcliriile ■ 14925 Mono Lake 114 0 C Riddle S 7482*Whidden 111 i D Jones ft 9230 Myth 112 7 G Mctluskey l«-5 13811 Valhal 114 Pulled up. RBooker 19-M Time. 24 ;i, 50, 1:17%. Track slow. mutuels [.aid. Martha McKee. 0.20 straight. .40 place. .41 show: Volsel. .2o place, SI.11O show: Qeae Russell. .20 show. Winner — T. . P.radleys b. f. 3. by Fountaiiiblue — Congala trained by J. P. Keenek. Start poor. Won easing up: second and third driv ing. 14944 Second Rail — 1-2 Mile. Purse 00. 2 year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Bel value to winner 40: second, 0; third. o. Bqaiv. odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. LadySt.Patk 112 - J Donovan 4J40 loO Make Good 112 25 J Groth 21 20 Ida Bpivey 112 34 L, Gentry 22 13643 Flossie 113 4- F Jackson KJ 13776 Marie C. 112 5l E Dominick 34-5 14112 Klizeb. Reed 112 «u W Ormes 14-5 MargtKripp 112 71 F Stevens li Ida Pinack 112 S R Hooker 93 Time. 24, 49%. Track slow. mutuels paid, Lady St. Patrick. 1109.89 straight. 0. 00 place, .00 show: Make Good, 83.00 place. 83.01 show: Ida Spivey. .20 show. Winner — Daniels tv Hodges eh. f. by Casapas — Begone drained by G. W. Clark. Start good. Wen easily; second and third driving. Overweights -Flossie, 1 pound. 14945 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purs,. 50. 3-year olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75: second. 0; third, 5. BqaiV. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. t4859Hard Hall Ho V H Menipa 8742 Rose Ring 105 22 B Haynes 11 1 3937 Jim Thorpe 110 3* R Feeney 15 14859 Muy Luena 115 41 J Groth 27 5 13791 Ceos 115 5J G Warren 20 13681 ChmasEve 110 6h W Ormes G-5 11 728 -Miss Folly 106 75 S Smith IS 14859 Tii Dawdell 105 8 J Donovan 10. Time. 25%, 50% 1:09. Track slow. mutuels paid. Hard Ball, .oi» straight. .00 place, 18.80 show: Rose Ring. 1. so place, 16.20 show; Jim Thorpe, . 211 show. Winner— J. N. Mounces b. c. by Golf nail Wan Die Noiand trained by W. M. Cain. Start l.m.iI. Won easily: second and third driving. Overweights — Miss Folly. 1 pound. 14946 Fourth Bad — 1 Mile. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; third. 0: third, 5. Liptiv. Odds Ind. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 14861 II. Walbank 123 13 W Shriner llMOO 12453 Phil Mohr 111 2- L Lanev 11 14892 -Sleepland 108 3- . B Smitli B 1« 14687 *Defy 106 4 W Oratee 9 13842 Phillistina lor, :.J .1 McBride IS 14924-l.abohl 111 *« L Gentry 72 10 118fi I tavarone 112 7 R Squires 25 Time. 25. 50lA, 1:16%, 1:44«5. Track slow. S2 mutuels paid. Henry Walbank. .20 straight. $"..sii place, .20 show: Phil Mohr. .00 place. |3.80 show: Sleepland. . 00 show. Winner lam OShanter stables br. g, 0. hp Farandole — Lady lalopln 1 trained by .1. W." Byrnce. Start good. Won handily: second and third driving- Overweights — Cava rone, 1 pound. 14947 Filth Race 5 1 Mile. Paras 00. :: year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner -si 1.1: second. 149; third. 0. Bqulv. I Mlda ind. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 13843-W;ililo 111* l*| T Smith M 100 13842 D.Montgmy 111 J* H Clark 21 1 3935s Sad. Shapiro IK :I» G Coburn 15 t 13934 s. n. James 114 4ti w Ormes 2:. 14858 Acumen 11C 51. J Donovan 9 Blue 114 C-J D Hauer 9 5 11928 Pajarolta in; 71 E Haynes I 13811 Los. MeOiU 116 S P Hill 17 Time. 24, 492-,. lbs. Track slow. 12 mutuels paid, Waldo. 13.90 utrabzht, .40 place. 12.80 -how: Have Montgomery. 2.80 place. .0t» show: Sadie Shapiro. .4i sla. Winner w. B. Stiles h. b, 7. by Plaanaki s.i la ma trained by V. F. Stiles. stiri good. Won easily: second and third driving. Overweights — Sadie Shapiro, 2 pouuds.