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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA, KY., THURSDAY. JUNE 18, 1914 Tenth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 24 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Charles F. Price. Presiding Judge, W. II. Shelley. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Rac-ng Secretary, R. W. Maginn. Racing starts at 2:.J0 p. m. Chicago time Z..M p. m.. *Indicatis apprentice :,llowance. 14 Ql Q FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong. 62211 — 1:06% 3 08. 1914.sh60 added. 2 year olds. rjk*J JL O Selling. Net value to winner .«..0.»: second. 33: third. !S72. index Horses A Wt PPSt A ■; 74 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 14/-26 IHITKA w 1« 9 1 1". 1". !- P* E~] Martin D Breckenridge 450-1Ml 1 1866 3 OPT UX K w 104 3 2 2". 1" S- 1 * D Connelly .1 B Madden 11 ". 14*36 LADY MEXICAN w 1101 4 4 71 IH 2*1 f J Henry L .S Flail 7 14805 JEFF ROBERTS W 108 5 3 B 1- 4; 4- H Waldron M C Moore 37-10 IIRK AND MOKTRwu 102 8 6 4?. 5- G" a" A Neylon E R Bradley 21 " 14733*PADY POWERS w !fi 2 9 6h fih ii". 6- FRobinsnW P Iteardon 7,". •STONING TON wr ■ 17 V V 72 73 A Mott C H Hamilton M 14832 I/./.ETBEY W 107 6 ." j» 7l S3 S4 F Keogh A L Ferguson 17 OSEETAH w 100 7 8 9 9 9 9 O Mitchell H P Headley 4S6 Ti 23%, 47%, 1:00%. 1:06%. Track last. mutuels paid. Chitra. 1.00 straight, .00 place. .:i0 show; Outlook. hB!.70 place, .S0 show; Lady Mexican. S !.» show. Kepiivaleut booking odds— Chitra. 4.".0 to 10O straight, 130 to UK place, 1lo to 100 show; Outlook. 86 t«i 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Lady Mexican. 10O to 100 show. Winner — 15. f. by Cesarion — Linora. trained by B. Benny. Went to i.ost at 2:.!0. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CHITRA was away fast and. showing the most speed for the entire way. won in a canter. OUTLOOK rceed in closest pursuit from the start and held on gainelv iu the stretch drive. LADY MFXICAN closed a gap early and made a fast finish. JP.PF BOBEKT8 had no mishaps. BRICK AMI MORTAR ran green and much below expectations. The others were outpaced. Scratched— 14804 Malabar, 102; 14:;2.SMaiiioc, 104. Overweights -Lady Mexican. 0 fwiunds. O BB0OMD BACSt— M BBJa, 14B27— 1:11% — 1—1 us. 1 2BW added. :; year-olds. 1.ZLQ1 TC Xj JL j Selling. Net value to winner .s."ili ; second. 6136; third. ?71. liielex Horses AWtPPSt Vt ~ V4 Sir Fill Jockeys Owners Knuiv. Odds Strt 14676 DEPOSIT Wl 114 7 1 211. 1 | 1 | 1 ?. F Keogh Wilier* Ward 100-MO 14833 UAOIh wn 117 14 5 .".?. 4- 2n AV W TlorC. J Long H 14293 PILLOWS wn 102 8 8 3h 3 3i 3?. G W CarllT M Murphy 28 1472S*COUUB wn 97 6 2 lii 2h 2" 4- F RobinsnW Oerst 37-10 II7»! CARO NOME w lOfi 2 I ti?. S1 « ."ih F Teahan P J Miles H 14606 MEXII/DW wn 102 3 9 SJ Hi a1 ti- C DishnionW L Lswfal 13 TENKR w 107 9 8 9 7- 73 I1 M Griner E C Arnold 9 14783 MAJOR BEET wn 107 13 7h 9 8» 8= E Gaugel Mrs J Schreiber 24 14901 DESTINO wis 107 3 7 4?- 4» 9 O Mitchell Mrs T M Irvin 114 Time. 23%. 48. 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Deposit, 24.00 straight, .s place. .00 show: Raoul. 24.20 alace, $::.2 0 show; Billows. 96.70 show. Equivalent booking odds— Deposit. 100 to 110 straight. 40 to 100 place. 22 to 10O show: Raoul. 110 to 100 place. CO to 110 show : Billows, lsr. to 100 show. Winner — Ch. c. by Woolsthorpe — Mrs. Malapicp trained by J. S. Ward. Went to post at :::04. At post V. minutes. Start gooel and slow. Won hanPly: second and third driving, dkposit raced In close pursuit of COLLI-: for the Brst qnarter, then, taking the lead, easily held the ethers safe ami won easing up. RAOPL began slowlv. but eanic fast throngfa the Stretch and wore B1L-l.iiW.s down In the lat strides. BILLOWS showed s] eeil and held on gamely all the way. COLLF set the early pace- and tired in the last sixteenth. DESTINO quit badly. Scratched — H.s 11 Surpassing. 114: 14002 Miss Barn Harbor, 100: Locomotion, 104. Overweights — Care. Nome. 4 pounels. QOn THIRD RACK— 5-8 Mile. HW Ml 1110 1914.sh00 added. 2-year-ohls. Fillies. 1/t rt «7 fl J Allowances. Net value to winner $.~iOQ: second. yl.lO: tiiird. . 70. Index Horses AWtPPSt t 2 *j Stt Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt. I IBM •"■MARGARET D. W IN 4 3 2?. I1 1- l» W W T lorW W Darden E6-1M 1183J TAN MAID wn 10T, .", 4 3l 3- " 9 W Obert H H Hewitt 11 14and22 SWE ET HEART SUE w 110 2 2 o» 43 P 3" M Griner W S Threlkeld 13 1483i REBECCA MOSES w lOfi 1 9 4?. 51 5?. 44 F Teahan Mrs E Maloney 90 ALICE UlDLEY W ME 3 7 S- 6J G 52 C DishmonG H Whitney 123 GRECIAN w 10a 7 ti in JI 411k 61 D Connelly J E Madden ■ 14*36 P. FIRST w 110 ti ." P 71 7» 71 A Ncylon E R Bradley 34-5 14701 MISS BELLAMY W 10.", S S 71 8- S3 S« E Martin T C McDowell 11 142S6 EIDERDOWN WB 105 9 1 9 9 9 9 A Mott A D Steele 92 Time. 23%. 48, 1:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Margaret D.. $:;.10 straight. .70 [dace. ..40 show: Pan Maid. .00 place. .00 show: Sweetheart Sue. 4-30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Margaret P.. .".." to 100 straight, :C. to 10o place. 20 to 100 show; Pan Maid. 180 to 100 straight, ion to 1H show : Sweetheart Sue. 115 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. f, by Ivan the Terribh — Bewitched trained by II. Loudon. Went to oosi at 2:40. At post 2 minutes. Start g.n«l and slow. Won easily; seec.iid and third driving. MARGARET D. oatelassed the others and. passing GRECIAN in the tirst quarter, moved into a long lead to win as her rider pleased. PAN MAID ran well and held on gamely to the end. SWEETHEART SIK came from a long way back in the stretch and was going fast at the end. ALICE DUDLEY alse. finished ta-t ami close up. GRECIAN ran a fast thne-eighths before tiring. Scratched— 14727 Menlo Park. Pi.".. Overweights — Bebcoca Moses. 1 pound. 1A QQ "I FOURTH BACE— 1 Mile. 14.S: .:V— 1 :37%— 4— 114. Purse 00. 2-year olds and up rg %J £J X. ward. Handicap. Net value to winner $.VjO; second. *KH: third. $.-,o. Index Horses AW tllSt Vi % 34 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners lapiiv. Odds Strt 14678 GOWELL w 4 113 2 I 4" 4 » : 2- 11 F Teahan J T Weaver 500-100 14721 *CLUBS w 5 107 3 2 5 f. 5 V. 2" R WaldronM I Moore 41 _• 1 4807 :l KORFHAGE W I 100 4 1 31 31 4i 3 3» V W Tlor.I Spencer 57-20 12466 IX1Y LAD w 5 107 1 5 Is 1?. V. 5 41 E Martin H H Hewitt 9 14807-BTS AND SADLE w 3 100 5 4 21?. 2h 2 41 5 AXeylon E R Bradlev 37-10 Time. 23%, 48. 1:13%. 1:39%. Track fast. mutuels paid. GoweU, 3.00 straight. place. $:i.7 show: Clubs. 23.90 place. .::o show : Korfhage. 22.50 show. Equivalent booking odds— Gowell, B50 to 100 straight, 29S to 102 place, S3 to 100 show: Clubs. 7," lo KKi place, IS to 100 show; Korfhage. 25 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. f. by Ort Wells — Responsive trained by J. T. Weaver. Went to post at 1:12. At l»ost .; minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. GOWELL moved up rapidly after going the lirst threi-epearters and. saving much ground when coming int.. the stretch, wore CUBS down in the last sixteenth and won chawing clear. 1 LIBS ran weO. but was taken wide for the entire way and poorly ridden at the end. KORFHAGE inlshcd fast anil outvalued COY LAD in the fatal strides. COY LAD showed the nie st early speed, but tired after setting a fast pac p. the stretch. BOOTS AND SADDLE retired after going three-quarters in closest pursuit. 1/1 QOO Ill" !! RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 22185— 1:42— 2— 2Bft.| Purse 2222. I year -olds TC «"f ag JO and upward. Selling. Net value- to winner -~ 0: second. *1H : third. 252. In. lev Horses AWtPPSt t u % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kgiiiv. Odd-- Strt 14834 *ALADOR w3 96 9 S 71 7 7- 2-. Ii F RobinsnW Gerst TJiVlOO 14784 KINGLING w 4 111 0 2 B 3 4l 3-. 2i R WaldronM G Thompson S3-M 1 4834 3 BODY HILL w 3 96 2 6 63 4 Lh li 3"* .1 Conway J Greene M 11868 HORTENSE WB 2 M2 11 .". V. .",- «J P. 4» W W TlorG J Long II , 14784 WANDER w 8 111 7 1 21 2i 3J 5l 5- M Griner C E Hamilton 10 14837 -OVATION* w 3 % 8 4 5J 6= 51 61 61 E Martin H H Emmons 71-10 144I3*BEAMNT BELEEwn I S.l.1, I I 1= 1* 1- 7l 7h O MitchellH P Headley UJ 1472»-PEPF TO w 3 102 4 11 93 81 8» 91 8* D ConncllvA Baker Sl-lo 11758 ANNA REED wn 4 104 10 7 11 11 11 S3 91 C DlshtnonW J Ravbould no 14234 MRS. PELL w 3 96 1 9 8", 9« 9= 10 10J A Mott J McClermonil tl6R 14467 PAEMA w 7 111 I 10 10 10 10 11 11 J Henry J W Tate f vMutuel field. Time. 23%, 48%. 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:44%. Track fast. mutuels |jild, Alador. 0.40 straight. .10 place, $."..50 show: Kingling. place. 28.70 show; Boly Hill. $."..70 show. Eqnlvslent booking odds— Alador. 720 to 100 straight. 2-".." to 100 place. 17." to 100 show; Kingling 2H lo 100 place. 2.i.". to 100 show ; Boly Hill. 1ST to lOo show. Winner — Ch. e. by Marts Santa -Aida Dunn trained by H. Baseneher. Went t" tx.-t at 4:4".. At post .5 minutes. Start gooil and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ALADOR began slowly, but. gaining steaelilv and savins; much gronnd when turning into the stretch. finished fast and outstayed KINGLIN,G in the final drive. KINGLING ran well, hut was forced to come wide Into the StretCb and probably was best. BOLY HILL ran a u-m..| race, but tired slightly near the end HORTENSE showed speed, hut also tired in the stretch. WANDER ran a snod three-quarters. BEAUMONT BELLE showed high speeel in pace-making to the stretch, where she quit. Overweights— Hortense, 4 pounds; Ovation. r ; Beaumont Belle, 31; Peheto, 1. 1/1QOQ SIXTH HACK— 1 1-2 Miles. 22222 2:22%— g— KM. Parse 2202; :: -year-olds and up-TC J £t O ward. Selling. Net value to winner $.".Q: second. : third. $■. . Index I AWtPPSt i, _■ % Str ■ in Jockeys Owteu-s Kguiv. Odd- Strt 14869*BE wn r. KIT, | | II ]i.i» |i 1- . Mott PJ Mibs 4.S100 14861 DILATORY w .", 110 4 G I* » J- V -- F Keogh H H Emmons 61-10 14869 OVTEAN WB 6 106 1 7 7 H- 4". 2] H W ou-rt I, C Bhohe 4 1486»3EKLLOWMAN w 4 110 :, 4 Jh :!- » 4- I- K Teahan C, Henze 43-10 148S7 PLIANT w 5 104 2 1 4 4- f :.- ."■ W W TlorE J Pons I486! NANNIE McDEE xv .". 102 7 « f i] 6 rii «» C Dishmon Keith 41 Spence 63-10 14869 WOODCRAFT WB 9 110 3 2 6J 7 7 7 7 D ConnellvE J Cnllen 16 Time. 25%. 49%, 1:15. 1:41. 2:0635 2:33%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Be. .! straight. . 00 place. .70 show; Dilatorv. 25.90 place. 00 show: Outlau. 23.40 show. K.iuivaleiit booking odds— Be, 24.". to lOtl straight. UK to ion place. .".: to KM -how: Dilatory. MB to KM. place, loo to 100 show: outlau. 70 to loo show. Winner Br. g, bv Aeie.naul Millie A. trained liv P. J. Miles Went to post at 5:21. At |«.-t 1 minute Start S I and slow." Wol ea-ilv: second and third driving. BE wein into tin- lead at ones and easily i ■ - i • i swaj for the entire va. DILATOKT ran ■ gooel ra.e and ontstayed OUTLAN la the drive. OITLAN trailed distantly to the last half, when he closed a big gap. PELLOWMAN showed S| I. but tired badly in the stretch. PLIANT epiit in the lasl half. WOODCRAFT was badly outrun thrnaghaat. Overweights— Nauuic McDce, i pouuds.