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1 I I : . . J , TIME RECORDS OF AMERICAN TRACKS r 4, Tlie following table shows the relative speed of all American tracks at various distances from a half ,uil "1 to a mile and a quarter and affords a reliable index to what a good horse might be expected to dt over any of them, "good day and track:" 1-2 . 5-S 3-4 7-S 1 1 1-10 1 1-S 1 1-4 Traek. Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Miles. Miles. Miles. Anaconda :47 1:00 .1:13 1:27 1:40 1:4S 1:54 Aqueduct :4G :59 1:12 1:24 1:38 1:45 1:52 2:05 Ascot Park :4S :rD 1:12 1:23 1:38 1:45 1:32 2:00 Belmont Park :4tl :38. 1:11 1:22 1:30 1:44 1:51 2:00 Running -40 1:00 1:13 1:25 1:40 1:47 1:54 2:11 Blue Bonnets :48 :39 1:12 1:24 1:37 1:57 1:52 2:04 Bowie ... 1:01 1:13 1:28 1:42 1:49 .... Biighton Beach :48 :fin 1:11 1:25 1:37 1:44 1:50 2:02 Butte .... :4i :3S 1:12 1:27 1:38 1:45 1:52 2:07 Charleston :47 1:01 1:12 1:27 1:40 1:47 1:54 2:0S Churchill Downs :47 :59 1:11 1:25 1:37 1:44 1:51 2:03 City Park New Orleans.... :47 :39 1:12 1:20 1:38 1:44 1:52 2:04 Coeur dAlene : :47 1:00 1:13 1:25 1:38 1:40 1:53 2:00 Columbia 1:00 1:12 1:27 1:40 1:40 1:52 Connaught Park 1:01. 1:13 1:20 1:41 1:48 1:53 2:0S Cumberland Park :4S 1:00 1:13 1:20 1:40 1:47 1:54 2:08 Dclmar Park :4S 1:01 1:13 1:27 1:40 1:47 1:54 2:08 Dorval 1:14 1:43 1:4! 1:57 2:08 ,-1:01 Douglas Park ... :5S 1:10 1:28 1:37 1:44 1:31 2:02 Eim Ridge Park :47 :5 1:12 1:20 1:30 1:45 1:32 2:00 Empire City :40 1:00 1:11 1:38 1:44 1:51 2:04 Essex Park ... :50 1:01 1:13 1:27 1:40 1:40 1:34 2:11 Fair Grounds New. Orleans. :47 :50 . 1:12 1:25 1:39 1:45 1:51 2:0G Fort Erie . :49 1:00 - 1:11 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:50 2:03 Gravesend :4S :59 1:13 1:28 1:38 1:43 1:51 2:03 Hamilton :48 , :59 1:11 1:24 1:39 1:45 1:50 2:01 Harlem :47 :59 1:12 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:51 2:04 Havre do Grace :48 :59 1:11 1:45 1:52 Hawthorne ,:48 :59 1:12 1:25 1:3S 1:45 1:52 2:03 Highland Park :48. .1:00 1:12 1:20 1:39 1:45 1:33 2:07 Inglcside :4S 1:00 1:13, 1:25 1:39 1:40 1:52 2:05 Jacksonville :4S :59 1:11 1:25 1:38 1:43 1:53 2:04 Jamaica l:i 1:12 .... 1:45 1:52 2:0G Jamestown :47 1:01 1:12 1:25 1:39 1:40 1:53 2:08 Juarez :40 . :5S 1:09 1:23 1:30 1:45 1:51 2:00. Kenilworfh Park :49 1:00 1:12 1:20 1:38 1:45 1:52 2:0G Klnloch Park :4S 1:01 1:12 1:20 1:41 1:47 1:53 2:0S Lagoon - 1:20" 1:3S -1:40 1:33 2 : 0735 LakesrdlTT".. 1:20 1:40 1:40 1:52 2 :$. I.alonia :4S :59 1:11 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:50 2:05 Lpurel ... :59. 1:12 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:49 2:05 Lexington :47 1:00 1:12 1:20 1:37 1:45 1:51 2:04 Mexico City :4S 1:00 1:13 1:25 1:41 1:48 Mineral Springs ... 1:0Q 1:13 1:27 1:39 1:47 1:54 Minora Park :47 :59 1:12 1:25 1:38 1:45 1:51 2:04 Montgomery Park :49 1:01; 1:14 1:27 1:40 1:47 1:54 2:0S Morris Park ...1 :4! ;5I 1:12 1:20 1:38 1:45 1:51 2:05 Narragansett Park -.49 1:00 1:14 1:2S 1:39 1:10 1:53 2:00 Ncwpert :48 ; 1:00 1:12 1:20 1:39 1:45 1:33 2:07 Oakland ... :47 :5S 1:11 1:24 1:38 1:44 1:50 2:03 Oaklawn Park .............. MS 1:00 1:12 1:20 1:39 1:40 1:52 2:0S Overland Park :40 :39 1:12 1:20 1:39 1:40 1:51 2:07 Pinillco :4S 1:00 1:12 1:20 1:39 1:40 1:51 2:00 Piping Rock :51 1:00 1:14 .... 1:42 1:51 1:54 2:0S Rockingham Park 1:00 1:14 1:25 1:3S 1:33 2:00 Santa Anita Park :4I5 :39 1:11 1:23 1:37 1:44 1:50 2:03 Saratoga :47 , 1:00. 1:11 1:24 1:37 1:45 1:51 2:04 Seattle Meadows :4i ;5S 1:11 1:25 1:37 1:44 1:50 2:04 Sheepshead Ray :48 :59 1:12 1:24 1:37 1:45 1:51 2:02 St. Louis Fair Grounds :49 1:00 1:13 1:20 1:39 1:40 1:52 2:05 Svracuse :59 1:10 1:25 1:30 1:42 1:54 2:02 Tampa ... 1:03 1:15 1:30 1:45 1:53 2:00 2:15 Tanroran :47 1:00 1:12 1:25 1:39 1:45 1:52 2:04 Union Park :.19 1:01 1:13 1:27 1:41 1:47 1:55 2:07 Washington Iaik :47 :59 1:11 1:27 1:37 1:41 1:51 2:04 Windsor :4S 1:00 1:12 1:25 1:37 1:44 1:51 2:03 Woodbine Park :1S 1:00 1:11 1:25 1:39 1:45 1:52 2:04 Worth :47 :59 1:11 1:25 1:38 1:11 1:52 2:05 Heavy track.