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ENGLISH MARES MAY BE SOLD HERE. Some time back AV. B. Allison, "The Special Commissioner" of London Sportsman, suggested In the Siiortsman that in all probability a good market could lie round iu the United States for a consigu nient of thoroughbred broodmares in foal to approved stallions, lmt also said that the appropriate time would be subsequent lo the Newmarket December sales. It would be an important thing to our breeding interests to lie able to add such .a band of Imported broodmares to our resources in hand, and there is a fairly good chance that the projected sale will be brought about. At any rate Air. Allison said In a recent issue of the Siiortsinan: "I promised some time ago to return to tlie subject of a sale of English broodmares and fillies in America as soon as tlie Newmarket sales were over, and now it may occur to many of my readers that the sales at home have proved so unexpectedly good that there is 110 reason to send stock abroad in search of a market. 1 do not wish to combat this view, but it is to be observed that the Newmarket sales extended over only three days instead of the usual five, and that many would be sellers either curtailed the number of lots they sent up as I did myself or did not think it good enough to send any at all. Probably, therefore, we have a number of mares and fillies still 011 hand whose- owners woub; be glad to dispose of them if a reasonable prospec. of good prices were in view. Therefore I am very glad to be able to publish tlie following communication from the president of the Fasig-Tipton Company. New York, which is, to say the least, encouraging, and 1 can only repeat that if a sufficient number of my readers are gam for such a venture as that suggested. I .shall be happy to arrange all the details. It would hardly be jiosslble, however, to work out such a scheme satisfactorily before the middle of February, and mares due to foal late in March or early in April would have to be chosen, or. iu the alternative, maiden mares:" Several prominent breeders have been with Ui during the week to watch results, with a view of ascertaining the demand for horses. The writer has talked with several, and everyone believes that a consignment of imported mares would sell for sensational figures. One breeder alone said lie was in the market for ten, and was thinking of sending to England to buy them, but that if we could assure him that a consignment would lie sent here, he would await their arrival, although he expected he would have to pay far more for them at auction la this country than if he sent a representative abroad. Every day the outlook grows brighter, and we trust that you will be able to arrange that a consignment of at least one hundred can be sent here early next year. "In regard lo the above I wish to be clearly understood that breeders who may wish to consign mares for sale in New York; as proposed, will be under no business obligation whatever to ine, except, of course, that if they wisli they may insure their consignments. No liability, except tietlrock expenses, will be incurred, beyond the five per cent sale commission of the Fasig-Tipton Co.. who charge nothing for catalogues and advertising. Some time ago I published a close estimate of the cost that would be incurred by the time a mare enters th3 sale ring and now I have given all details in my power, so That it remains for breeders to say whether they will try their luck in such a sale? not. lie it borne in mind, with refuse lots, but in every case with stock that would have to be passed by "me as good. "1 have no idea at the time of writing what the present state of feeling among breeders may bo on this subject, but. with forage rising in price, there are probably many who would, like to sell. If this be so, they have only to communicate with me. and they may rely with perfect confidence on the Fasig-Tipton Company, which is of old standing and first class reputation."